Stacking Crates and Chests
So have been away a couple of years from the game. I remember stacking (large) crates was fairly easy, but it seems every time i try it my large chest gets put into my other large chest when I try to stack it on top of the other. Is there a trick to pull it off?
There's only a small margin for error when stacking the large crates and the chests.
It's right in front of the crate. Just keep trying.
Drop on the red X area to place on top of bottom white one. You can also stack 3 tiny pouches and put one chest in each and axe the pouch and the crates will stack. You can put all 3 in one pouch axe it and then raise each one after locking them down. You can place things in corners like where the far rights ones are with the pouch method like I did here. The pouches need to be unlocked to axe them.
When I was at the helm of UO.Stratics, we had been pulling old how-to-guides from the archives of older Stratics websites that were offline as well as the Aayback Machine into a modern interface... project was closed, but some of it is still there. If pics are missing, something changed on the server since I was doing it. A lot of that there is old-skool stuffs.
And can go here:
That is the oldest "live" area of UOSS... not sure how long will stay though.