Davie's Locker

KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
edited May 2019 in General Discussions
Would it be possible, sometime other than SOON℠, to be able to sort through these maps? A sort feature (toggle on column header would be better than nothing) would make these soooo much easier to use.

Just filled up my second Locker with maps - and is such a pain to sort through to find the ones I want to work on.



  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916

    Yes Please.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    I have often wondered why they could not do this with every interface. They can sort the jewels and the BoDs and recipes (all to a degree), but not maps? Or items in a container? I do believe that it may be different people are given different projects but instead of using one... they just start a whole new project, which to me is a waste of manpower. Sure they can make the interface a little different, the art a lot different but the data behind it should be similar if not exactly the same since each item has x amounts of lines for data.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    It really is a matter of a toggle programmed into the interface.
    The query for the items are already done, and sort is not that much of a leap beyond that.

  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    I vote yes for this  
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    IMHO They already have the interface built to do this.  Look at the Crafting interface, yes you have to call up different ones while crafting but could you see the new BOD interface.  You want to look at blacksmith bods and the blacksmith crafting + the current bod interface pops up combined and you select type of equipment you want, material, norm/exp, size and only those are shown, every type of BOD could be done this way.  With the Davies Locker I would break the world into 4 sections, 2 north and 2 south for SOSs, that is how I do all mine now by reading them all and dropping the ones I want in a quater of the world.  I am not really sure how you would want the T-Hunter maps sorted so I will leave a T-Hunter to pick that one.
  • JenniferMarieJenniferMarie Posts: 286
    edited May 2019
    Bilbo said:
    I am not really sure how you would want the T-Hunter maps sorted so I will leave a T-Hunter to pick that one.
    — Ok, I’ll volunteer.

    When I first saw that the June publish this year was going to be a TMapping revamp, I manually sorted through all of my treasure maps: all 875 of them. (500 in the Locker and 375 filling three stacked chests next to the Locker.)

    I trashed Levels 1-4 without hesitation.

    Then, I manually sorted the remaining 250+ maps in the following manner:

    1. Facet (Trammel, Felucca, Tokuno, Malas, Ilshnar, and Ter Mur.)

    2. By Map Level (Level 5’s, Level 6’s, & Level 7’s.)

    Finally, I dropped the maps into the Locker alphabetically: Felucca, Ilshnar, Malas, Ter Mur, Tokuno, Trammel.

    With the information provided by last month’s publish notes and what is happening on TC1, an added level of sorting can be added for the professions listed on the maps: Artisan, Assassin, Barbarian, Mage, Ranger, Warrior.

    And obviously adding Eodon to the Facet list for sorting.

    So my ideal Davies Locker sort feature would include: Map Level, Map Profession, and Facet.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Form the team that brought you the jewlry box lol.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Bilbo said:
    I am not really sure how you would want the T-Hunter maps sorted so I will leave a T-Hunter to pick that one.
    — Ok, I’ll volunteer.

    When I first saw that the June publish this year was going to be a TMapping revamp, I manually sorted through all of my treasure maps: all 875 of them. (500 in the Locker and 375 filling three stacked chests next to the Locker.)

    I trashed Levels 1-4 without hesitation.

    Then, I manually sorted the remaining 250+ maps in the following manner:

    1. Facet (Trammel, Felucca, Tokuno, Malas, Ilshnar, and Ter Mur.)

    2. By Map Level (Level 5’s, Level 6’s, & Level 7’s.)

    Finally, I dropped the maps into the Locker alphabetically: Felucca, Ilshnar, Malas, Ter Mur, Tokuno, Trammel.

    With the information provided by last month’s publish notes and what is happening on TC1, an added level of sorting can be added for the professions listed on the maps: Artisan, Assassin, Barbarian, Mage, Ranger, Warrior.

    And obviously adding Eodon to the Facet list for sorting.

    So my ideal Davies Locker sort feature would include: Map Level, Map Profession, and Facet.
    So you wouldn't want say any kind of general location type of sort like what I did with the SOSs that way you could do every map that is in the NW sector of Tram only.  I limited mine to NW, NE, SW and SE to make it more efficent.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Any sort is better than no sort.
  • JenniferMarieJenniferMarie Posts: 286
    edited May 2019
    Bilbo said:

    So you wouldn't want say any kind of general location type of sort like what I did with the SOSs that way you could do every map that is in the NW sector of Tram only.  I limited mine to NW, NE, SW and SE to make it more efficent.
    — I’m not even sure how that would work ...

    In Tokuno, it might be simpler because Tokuno is divided up into three named continents - but Trammel, Malas, Felucca, and Ter Mur aren’t.

    Ilshnar might be able to be divided by the names of the gates ...

    It seems the easiest way to sort the maps, though, is by level; profession; and facet.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    JollyJade said:
    Form the team that brought you the jewlry box lol.
    Made me LOL and choke on supper .    
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited May 2019
    Bilbo said:

    So you wouldn't want say any kind of general location type of sort like what I did with the SOSs that way you could do every map that is in the NW sector of Tram only.  I limited mine to NW, NE, SW and SE to make it more efficent.
    — I’m not even sure how that would work ...

    In Tokuno, it might be simpler because Tokuno is divided up into three named continents - but Trammel, Malas, Felucca, and Ter Mur aren’t.

    Ilshnar might be able to be divided by the names of the gates ...

    It seems the easiest way to sort the maps, though, is by level; profession; and facet.
    Just divide each facet into 4 parts + and then you would have a NE, NW, SE and a SW quad so you get all the maps for a Facet say in the NE and go do those that way you are not running all over the place doing maps.
  • JenniferMarieJenniferMarie Posts: 286
    Bilbo said:
    Just divide each facet into 4 parts + and then you would have a NE, NW, SE and a SW quad so you get all the maps for a Facet say in the NE and go do those that way you are not running all over the place doing maps.
    -- Usually, I am either on the same page as you are on things or at least understand where you're coming from ... however, on this I'm not.

    If that is a sort option in a Davies Locker menu, then what is the point of having a "Treasure Hunter"?

    When a friend and I decide it's time to do more TMaps, I'll pull 20-30 maps from my locker and decode them all at once. Then I group them together myself based on where they're located.

    I have found that in a group of 20 maps decoded in a 5 minute time period, they are usually all in the same general spots anyway. In 20 maps, I'll have three separate map areas to go to, but there are five or six maps in each basic area.

    Any maps not in those basic areas, I'll put back in my locker for another day.

    My personal opinion is that any sorting added to the Davies Locker beyond Map Level, Map Facet, and (once the publish goes live) Map Profession will take away a lot of the point of a "Treasure Hunter". It might take a few extra minutes to decode maps and lump together manually - but that's part of the fun. Automating everything takes away a lot of the point.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Bilbo said:
    Just divide each facet into 4 parts + and then you would have a NE, NW, SE and a SW quad so you get all the maps for a Facet say in the NE and go do those that way you are not running all over the place doing maps.
    -- Usually, I am either on the same page as you are on things or at least understand where you're coming from ... however, on this I'm not.

    If that is a sort option in a Davies Locker menu, then what is the point of having a "Treasure Hunter"?

    When a friend and I decide it's time to do more TMaps, I'll pull 20-30 maps from my locker and decode them all at once. Then I group them together myself based on where they're located.

    I have found that in a group of 20 maps decoded in a 5 minute time period, they are usually all in the same general spots anyway. In 20 maps, I'll have three separate map areas to go to, but there are five or six maps in each basic area.

    Any maps not in those basic areas, I'll put back in my locker for another day.

    My personal opinion is that any sorting added to the Davies Locker beyond Map Level, Map Facet, and (once the publish goes live) Map Profession will take away a lot of the point of a "Treasure Hunter". It might take a few extra minutes to decode maps and lump together manually - but that's part of the fun. Automating everything takes away a lot of the point.
    Alls it would do is get you into 1/4th of a world map only.  IMHO it would be a time saver only so you could take 20 T-Maps on the same side of the world lets say Tram without going from one max NE map to the next map in the SE corner of the world.  Some may find it useful and others may just want to open every map and try to guess where in the world they may be.  No one says you have to use the sort function but it would be there if you did desire to use it.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Maybe have it sorted by coordinates if you have decoded it? That way you could pluck out a group at a time. That is already on the interface. And then Fish vs Cart
  • TrismegistosTrismegistos Posts: 197
    Changing dl code needs resources they don't have. I assume it could be possible after the map patch and new numbering of the maps.

    Why do a work twice? Insert a filtering on lvl makes sense but with 5 and not the current 7.

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Why do a work twice? Insert a filtering on lvl makes sense but with 5 and not the current 7.
    I agree. I just hope they put a sort (not filter, that is different) into the UI. A sort is a simple patch of the client. I think putting filters (similar to how BoD books work) would be a bit more code work.
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