Just a few easy polls to let the devs know what's going on, on SP.



  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    It is fine the way it is IMHO (and most players share my view). I know why certain players want a change. And I dont like their motives.
    "Most" players don't share your views, sorry.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • DoctorAlzheimerDoctorAlzheimer Posts: 85
    edited April 2019
    Check the polls, Garth. I think I am perfectly in line with majorities in most topics important for me.

    But if more votes come in and I will be in a minority, I will have no problem to admit that.
  • BoBoBoBo Posts: 21
    edited April 2019

    Dr A is wrong in his assumptions as to what pks want.  Go figure its an assumption.  Now he states that housing and deco items are unfair cause they don't spawn anymore.  That has no effect on playstyle tho.  He sites examples of things that don't make one character stronger than another.   He did say tots tho, which the Bo has stated those things should all be turned on. 

    If all we cared about was looting more why would we want more blessed items?????  

    Plain and simple he doesn't want his spellbook to become unblessed cause he had to buy it.  and he feels everyone else that wants one should have to pay the same price.  that =s selfish.... 

  • BoBoBoBo Posts: 21
    edited April 2019
    How do VVV arties effect a non VVV player?  Can someone please explain to Bo why VVV arties are such a bad thing??  So before you answer with the generic answer - the VVV player will have advantage..  you too could have advantage if you joined vvv (risk vs reward) and really you think the arties make the pvper?  you think they wouldn't kill you without them?
  • DoctorAlzheimerDoctorAlzheimer Posts: 85
    edited April 2019
    Dr A is wrong in his assumptions as to what pks want.  Go figure its an assumption.  Now he states that housing and deco items are unfair cause they don't spawn anymore.  That has no effect on playstyle tho.  

    >From a PVPers perspective. From a merchands, collector, deco artist or capitalist perspective, it does, beacuse certain resources are not available to everybody. 

    He sites examples of things that don't make one character stronger than another.  

    >I dont care about strengths, I agree. But if other things than strength is a benchmark for your judgements, you will see that there are many other unbalanced areas.

     He did say tots tho, which the Bo has stated those things should all be turned on. 

    >Good, "the" Bo is right here. I agree with "the" Bo. We should add that to the polls.

    If all we cared about was looting more why would we want more blessed items?????  

    >Do you all want them? Or just few of you? If so, I am wrong. Good! I can live with that!

    Plain and simple he doesn't want his spellbook to become unblessed cause he had to buy it.  and he feels everyone else that wants one should have to pay the same price.  that =s selfish.... 

    >No, thats wrong. I even gave away some of them as presents. I did not write I want everybody to pay the same price. "Go figure its an assumption"  I am just arguing that many items are not available anymore and that they should make them available for everybody or keep them the way they are. All other decisions would rather drive people away instead of inviting them. It is plain and simple: Just imagine you invest alot of time and efforts in achieving a goal and then somebody swings by and says: I dont have this! It is unfair! It should be deleted. And if it gets deleted: Do you think that would motivate people to achieve things? Like farm for a gold or do an event or collect resources? No. Hence, I argue: Instead of unblessing stuff (which only few people want, check polls), UO gods should make them available permanently. Is that a selfish point? 

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    edited April 2019
    Well if they do listen I hope they say no to #5 (Should second houses on SP have to be periodically refreshed?)  As I rather NOT worry about our Siege house.  I am not in a guild with a lot of people and events are not going with my daily schedule so I do not have a lot of time to log in and check a house on Siege, if they do not then there going to be a lot of free land in the near future across Siege as I am sure I am not alone here.  Back when we were allowed to place on every shard we had a small tower and always had to refresh them, when told that if we were to select one shard one shard only to upgrade then only one house, back then we had small houses so to get a Large Tower or Keep met losing all the other housing on all shards.

    So to have an house on Siege and Sonoma is for me a win win.  Of course I know I never have that Keep or Castle on Siege but I am happy with the 18x18 in Malas.

    My vote
    1. YES
    2. NO
    3. YES
    4. NO
    5. NO
    6. NO
    7. NO
    8. YES
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • fonsvitaefonsvitae Posts: 51
    Eliminating the Blessed property from modded items and receiving in return a modest number of Personal Siege Blessings seems a good trade for both the individual and the community at large.

  • Instead asking to take off bless property why we don't ask, all together , to add those books on cleaning points system? I'm not good with code, so maybe it's very hard to do, but maybe we can ask to add Spellbook blessed basic ( for example 10 SDI, 2 Lrc and 1 Lmc) for 50000 points... Then they can add a token that cost 50000 points each and each time you use it on the Spellbook it increase property (for example each token increase 10 SDI, 2 LRC and 1 LMC)... At the 4th upgrade when you will have 50 SDI, 10 LRC and 5 LMC you can't upgrade anymore.... Instead for slayer they will cost 150000 points and will be random ( and here noone can complain because also people that got them at event, had to farm a lot before getting the slayer they were looking for)... Instead if the discussion is about melee don't have any blessed weapons that is another thing :p
    If you did that you would then have to also implement a blessed item with mods for dexxers (talisman comes to mind) to balance it... much easier to simply stick strictly to the no blessed items with mods rule on Siege. You get your Siege bless and that's it (tamers even get a blessed pet on top).
  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited April 2019


    I don't think anyone has asked for too short a refresh cycle.  Thirty, sixty, ninety days?  Personally, I like sixty but I would accept whatever consensus could be arrived at IF it were implemented even 120 days.

    It sounds like you actually play on Siege some which is great.  What about the 100s of plots taking up space on Siege that are never used?  There's empty plots everywhere.  Some are large plots with just a small shack on them cuz that's all the gold the person had at that time and has never returned.

    I prefer Mesanna give in and let us just have two houses period on any shard with no refreshing.  Not sure that's even her call.  Maybe it's EA that says no.
  • nonsense. thats market. i had to buy mine, too. according to your logic, all unique stuff has to be removed. ToT is off, no way to get a tome other than buying. Abyss houses arent given out anymore. Shadowlords invasion is off. Rubble? You need to buy it. Tons off stuff unavailable. Rather than deleting/unblessing stuff I vote "yes" for giving it all out again. You guys are selfish because you pretend to care for newcomers while in fact all you care for is looting more stuff from other players. That is all PKs are interested it. 

    The moderator asked to stay on topic. I answered to the accusation of selfishness. I will shut up now, because I made my point. Enough said for my part.The voting is quite clear on these points.

    @ moderator: is there a way to ignore other members? i am doing this on all other forums, too.

    I am in fact against having any powerful items drop for a limited time only because it creates imbalance.

    Of course you would believe that all we care about is looting. In fact though, we are very interested in keeping our shard balanced as to not discourage new players. We want a thriving Siege Perilous and we strongly believe that balancing the field will help with that.

    Ignore people with different opinions all you want, that doesn't change the fact that you're wrong.

  • MagichandsMagichands Posts: 141
    If you did that you would then have to also implement a blessed item with mods for dexxers (talisman comes to mind) to balance it... much easier to simply stick strictly to the no blessed items with mods rule on Siege. You get your Siege bless and that's it (tamers even get a blessed pet on top).

    Well that for sure but in that case new player will be again disadvantaged because they can't get those books anymore and who has them can use siege bless and have advantage :P 
    But as i said i will accept every change will be done on Siege because i just like play here with all our comunity :D
  • DoctorAlzheimerDoctorAlzheimer Posts: 85
    edited April 2019
    Many ways to make people happy .We should just make sure that most people agree with changes. Like 2/3 or 3/4.
  • BoBoBoBo Posts: 21

    Problem with the spell books with mods is they don't follow the rules of siege.  everything else with mods on it can not be blessed if you already have your one blessed item.  the rules are below. 

    Players on the Siege Perilous shard can bless one item of any kind at a time

    Clothing bless deeds can not be applied to items which have magical properties

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792

    I like my Siege home.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • Az_Az_ Posts: 7
    edited April 2019
    I will rank these in order of importance to me.

    1)  I vote no on increasing the number of siege blesses.  I think the main problem with prodo pvp is insurance, which allows players to make 820 skill point templates that create many problems.  I think others will agree that the ability to create those templates causes problems with balancing pvp.   If you increase the number of siege blesses it may make those type of templates available on siege and create more imbalance than there is now.  

    8)  I vote no on adding character slots because I like the fact that you get to know people.  You know who is pvm'r or pvp'r or thief when you see the name.  

    I don't feel as strongly about the following items.  It wouldn't bother me too much if it went the other way.

    6)  I vote no on removing currently blessed items, for purely selfish reasons.  I like the fact that I can carry all the slayer  books I need and not have to pick out the appropriate books for what I am hunting.  If they were removed I would still carry the appropriate books I need (like I used to do before ), it would just be a hassle picking out the books you need for what you are hunting.  Removing the bless would not help the ones who don't have  them, it would just inconvenience the ones who do.  I agree with Max that the real problem is limited time to acquire the items.

    7)  I vote yes on passive reveal of some kind ( maybe linked to detect hidden skill?).  As it stands now I think stealth is overpowered.

    2)  I vote no on adding VVV arties because it would make the original versions less desirable and therefore would have less reason to farm them.  The main reason to pvm is to attain the rare arties and this would just give me 1 less reason to go hunting.  I also don't like the 'give arties' feel of the VVV system.

    5)  I vote yes on refreshing 2nd houses.  I don't like all the empty plots.  I would rather see them used by people who actually play.

    The rest I don't really care either way
  • Even with RoT timers the way they currently are, skill gain is still less of a time sink than production servers, unless you're using illegal 3rd party programs
  • FreelsyFreelsy Posts: 70
    Screw the polls. Ultimately, the result will remain the same. It's the same cadre of players that vote down every proposal. I've been asking for the UO developers to alter the Siege ruleset for quite some time, and it has fallen on deaf ears. Whether it's 1000 luck bonus for Felucca ruleset, increased resource spawn, personal bless increase, or VvV artifacts. There can be no more "we'll leave it to the citizens of Siege to decide." The Devs need to take charge, evaluate the status of the game with consideration to our Shard, and make appropriate changes. Will it piss people off? Sure. Will everyone have to make changes? sure.

    I'm tired of nothing happening because a certain guild can't come out of their shadows to help move Siege forward. You can beat around the bush all day, but it's one guild with a large number that sways the results of every poll. They're proudly anti social. A majority of their player base actively tries to avoid interacting with other Siege citizens. They don't buy/sell from the community. They stopped Sunday VvV because a thief looted one of their players. Finally, most of their players don't participate in EM events because they might get killed and looted.They live in their own little bubble.

  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited April 2019
    Even with RoT timers the way they currently are, skill gain is still less of a time sink than production servers, unless you're using illegal 3rd party programs

    It's less of a time sink in-game.  It's not for rl.

    Say someone has a day off and wants to GM a skill.  There's a ton of skills you could GM in six to ten hours rl time.  Not on Siege.  I recently GMd two crafters.  With the time I had to devote to logging in in rl it took me five days.  I didn't have the gold to buy Alacrity scrolls or scrolls of Transcendence.  Two weeks later I still haven't finished them up to Legendary tailor & smith.  Haven't got the right BODs yet.  Don't have gold to bribe up or buy the scrolls.  I don't just want them given to me.  Players have already been more then generous since I started playing Siege.  I want to earn my 120 scrolls on my own.

    The reduced resource use is great.  I love that. 

    Speeding up skill gain a little bit can only benefit the shard.  The only reason I can think of for players to not want it reduced is the "well I had to do it that way, so everyone else should to" argument.  Not exactly looking out for the future of SP in my opinion.

    I don't want RoT removed.  Just tweaked a little bit.  Two and half hours for one point of skill gain for the last twenty points to legendary is brutally painful.  On prodo you can gain four to six points in two or three hours.

    Why does skill gain have to be so long?  It's already hard because you can't buy resources.  It's already hard because everywhere you go you can be killed by players who are on finished scrolled out characters.  It's already hard because you're wearing shit gear and an Ogre can 1/2 life you in one hit.  Forget about dragons or worse. 

    The biggest reason I've seen production players say they won't play Siege is the long time it takes to train up a character.  If current, experienced Siege players really want more players to come to Siege you would think improving the character training aspect would be the first thing to tweak?
  • Freelsy said:
    The Devs need to take charge, evaluate the status of the game with consideration to our Shard, and make appropriate changes. Will it piss people off? Sure. Will everyone have to make changes? sure.

  • DoctorAlzheimerDoctorAlzheimer Posts: 85
    edited April 2019
    I voted "yes" for changing ROT, I think it takes a bit too long. I voted "yes" for adding more blessed items, but I understand Az' argument. I voted "yes" for changing the stats timer. I voted "yes" for a 2nd character slot, but I understand the arguments against it.
  • StefanoStefano Posts: 2
    No to passive reveal/detect. And refreshing for houses only with a long timer like e.g. 120 days.

    Housing decay should return for all shards. I like the long delay idea. 6 months feels fair to me, although I am sure others will feel differently. I wonder if a shorter delay would be better for Siege.

    Toshi the Bard sings, "Yo Eh Oh He Hum!" 

    Toshi the Bard sings, "Yo Eh Oh He Hum!"
  • DoctorAlzheimerDoctorAlzheimer Posts: 85
    edited April 2019
    You will loose many subs then, I fear
  • my .02:

    1.    Should the number of blessed items be increased?

    I voted YES, 

    However, I was thinking more along the lines of a "siege item bless for any item" and a "siege item bless to any craftable item (with or without mods)"

    2.    Add VvV artifacts?

    Yes add them. 

    To quite honest I think its stupid to have a PvP system in place and not have a key component. Esp on a "fel rule set" shard.  Also increase the drop rate for all major and minor arties

    3.    Remove the daily limit on stat gain?

    Yes. There is no point to the cap.

    As a side note, they should create "Stat Stones". 

    4.    Should the RoT timers be reduced?

    No.  In my opinion there is no need for this.  It has its pro's and con's but tbh I do not feel like this is addressed.  If you are serious about playing siege you either have or will put in the work

    5.    Should second houses on SP have to be periodically refreshed?

    I voted no. 

    That being said this is a slippery slope as far as I am concerned.  I feel like it should be 1 house per account....period.  They should do away one house on siege and one with prodo.  If you dont play siege there is no point for you to own a house here.  Once again, if your serious about playing siege, your housing should reflect that.  NOONE who plays siege on a regular basis wants people to house hold spots just because you can.  either play here or dont but DO NOT take up housing on a shard you dont intend to play.  if that was the case why cant I place a house on ATL and Great lakes for example?  Its the same thing in principal.

    6.    Should ALL items (with mods), currently "Blessed" on SP, have the blessing removed?

    IMO......YES all items (with mods), currently "blessed" should be removed.

    7.    Should passive reveal work on SP?

    Yes passive reveal should work. 

    I am not sure why this is off in the first place.  Once again, it is system that should be in place.  there is no reason it should not be. 

    8.    Add a second character slot?

    HELL NO!

  • ShalimarShalimar Posts: 2
    Voted yes to all apart from number 8.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited April 2019
    I understand the reasoning on both sides of these issues, so it is difficult for me to choose a simple yes or no. For the most part, none of these changes would effect my personal game play. But just in case Devs do read this and consider some of the issues facing the Siege community, I am posting my viewpoints.
    1. Should the number of blessed items be increased? Just for clarity, this is not asking for the addition of more items that are blessed. It is asking for more items that can be Siege Blessed at the same time. I think this would be very complicated and time consuming for the devs to do, and would prolly end up buggy or making something else buggy. I would rather see Siege have insurance at 3x the cost of prodo. No, you would not be able to loot your kills as much, but the PKs already complain nothing is worth looting anyway and at least then people would be out doing the content to get the gear. Just as an example - the Khaldun event was a total bust on Siege cuz none of the rewards were good enough to build a suit around, but limited-time ''rares'' won't be risked by not blessing them. So very few people bothered to take the time to earn them.
    2. Add VvV artifacts? Tough call. The way it is now, everyone must put in the same effort to get the same gear, which seems fair to me. However, I voted yes because Siege needs PvPers even if the majority are PvMers and cannot see that. There is no existing market to be destroyed. Most of the artifacts are not exactly uber, anyway.
      • Mace and Shield Reading Glasses
      • The Inquisitor's Resolution
      • Ornament of the Magician
      • Order Shield
      • Clainin's Spellbook
      • Folded Steel Reading Glasses
      • Crystalline Ring
      • Spirit of the Totem
      • Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses
      • A Primer on Arms & Damage Removal
      • Tome of Lost Knowledge
      • Hunter's Headdress
      • Heart of the Lion
      • Crimson Cincture
      • Ring of the Vile
      • Fey Leggings
    3. Remove the daily limit on stat gain? No.
    4. Should the RoT timers be reduced? No. I would enjoy having things be easier, but in the long run I do not think that is in Siege's best interests. If a new player is stopped by this small hurdle, then they will not be happy on Siege anyway. It is a kind of weeding system, imo.
    5. Should second houses on SP have to be periodically refreshed? No. The second house issue was a long and bitter war to get implemented. It did boost population for a while, which was fun, and there are several Siege part timers that still benefit from this. Any change to this would leave me in a constant state of worry over losing my pixel treasures to a bug. The large number of empty or unused plots now is discouraging, but there is still not exactly a land shortage, nor any shortage on travel shortcuts. I would rather focus on trying to get those people interested in Siege again. I would also be fine if they changed it so that no additional houses can be double parked, and the grandfathered ones would slowly phase out.
    6. Should ALL items (with mods), currently "Blessed" on SP, have the blessing removed? No. I really want to say yes, because I think it is an imbalanced system, but it is difficult for the Devs to take back something they have given. People worked too hard or paid a lot to get those items just to have them nerfed. Instead, I want to see the same items made periodically available, and devs need to pay attention so that new ones do not get added in the future. The Khaldun spellbook was a close call that should never have made it past testing.
    7. Should passive reveal work on SP? I really do not understand the situation on this. It does work, just not in PvP. I was not able to vote on the other topics without voting on this one (future polls need a neutral option), so I voted no to leave it as it is. Stealth is a tad OP, but it does take about 180 skill to do ONE thing. I am not a fan of RNG, and as it is now neither side can randomly reveal the other without investing more skill points to do so, and I am fine with that. However, I have no issue with improving the effectiveness of tracking and detect hidden skill, both passive and active.
    8. Add a second character slot? No. I realize that with soul stones and EJ the original purpose of one char (to encourage player interaction) was essentially nerfed. However, even with SS and EJ many players (especially new ones who have not obtained/trained those options) still need a guild and friends. I don't want to see that need reduced even more than it already is.
    Sorry for the super long post, but it was a long poll and I don't think there are simple answers. I am not interested in arguing with anyone, this is just so any Dev reading this might get another perspective to add to their considerations on any of these topics. They have said, more than once, that they are willing to make special changes just for Siege, but they need a majority vote. And they don't just mean a 1% majority - they want a landslide. In fact, what they want, really, is a near unanimous vote just to achieve their time to look into a possible change. I have no issue with that. In my opinion tho, I think the team needs to read these viewpoints and make a stand based on their knowledge of UO's code (what can and cannot be done) and their experience with how MMOs work. What we peons THINK we want may not be best for us - or even possible. I would like a Dev to step in one of these days, and try to explain possible outcomes to any of these changes. I understand why they don't, tho, specially for Siege's very... erm... passionate community. Anything they say can and will be held against them in our court of law.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     For the second house thing........ Maybe something where you declare Siege as your primary shard and have to refresh houses on prodo shards?   The whole second house on Siege thing really did nothing intended other make a bunch of dirt plots and ghost houses.  LOL how many Prodo players can actually tell you where their house on Siege is?
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542

    Well, i say "no" to all changes that cater PKs. And I say "yes" to all playstyles which are good for everybody. Enough explanation? Better now?

    Pay close attention to the motives certain people have. Ya know ... ;-)

      While I like you Doc, I have disagree. Siege is dangerous and everything should be at risk when you play on Siege.  PKs are a major part of Siege and their input is valid.  They consider killing you or I a win. I consider getting the loot and what I headed out with back to the house a win.  Sometimes we win, sometimes they win.  Evil Motives are just as important if not more so than good motives on Siege.  I would go 3 Siege blessed items and unbless everything thing else (Other than cosmetic junk)  IF it has properties it should not be blessed unless it is the Siege Bless or three.  I would go one step further in that Siege blessed items should have to be re siege blessed every 24 hours after server up.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    I think a second character slot would be nice.  I think Siege is an interesting place and having 2 characters would allow you to experience it a little more.  I have a warrior character but I often think about how I'd like to also just gather materials and craft too...would be nice to experience both.
  • soulstones are your friends. They currently sell for about 1.5-2 mil per token. Ask in general chat for people who sell them.
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