Strength is not increasing

I started to build spellweaving with 93 str and now i have 100 sw and still have 93 str even if it is set to increase... I got no other skills to build and it seems to stuck at that point. How should I further increase sstr without skill build? Or why is it not gaining with sw?


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,389Moderator
    What other skills are in your template?  Different skills will help build different stats - there's a table on this page ; A relevant skill will help to build that stat if it is set to rise, even if the skill is currently at its cap.
    Also what are your other stats? Do you have room left in your stat cap?

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited February 2019
    Yeah stats are real easy to gain, if you’re at your skill cap of 720 you can very easily gain stats without needing to gain skill. I normally just set magery, eval, resisting spells, focus, and meditation all up (that should cover all stats) and if you’re at your skill cap then none of them will actually go up, and spam weaken on myself, then whatever stat you have set up will rise real quick. (Be sure to set another stat down if you’ve reached your stat cap) 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Well,  i turned intelligence down and it started to gain. It was 150, at max, so I didnt thought about it blocking as it cant gain anymore, but it was the cause. I think that;s because strength is gaining secondarily when gaining spellweaving.
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