Any recruiting guild ?
Hi !
I am new on this forum. In game, i now look for a preferably pvm guild. I am from France and a french guild would be better... I have played UO in 2014 for 10 months and now i'm back on Europa. I'm not play as 'endless journey' and i have build on house near MakotoJima.
I am looking for a guild in order to noot feel so alone when i play !
Thanks a lot if some guild still recruit on Europa.
One more thing, i'm not very fan of pvp play...
see you soon, i hope 

Atm running alone in random dungeons/keeps same time as training inscription and doing bod runs
I bought all expansions that I've missed since 2003
I got Discord for voicecom Dexxah#7719 atm idling in the UO Europa (RP) channel
Live in Sweden, so i play CET after work
Any tips will be greatly appreciated