Fishing Tournament for the month of December

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
edited December 2018 in Atlantic
Greetings all - Here are the details for this months fishing contest.

With the Artisan festival going on and sightings of Krampus we will be taking it easy this month and going after something everyone should have an easy time getting.  The Yellowtail Barracuda which can be found in Deep waters in Trammel.  Who will be the final winner in 2018?  Will we see someone new?  Who knows what this month will bring us.  Good luck to ALL!!!!!!


  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
    Greetings everyone and Happy New Year to you all.  Thank you so much for the time and effort you put in with fishing and competing against each other on who can catch the biggest fish.  With December at an end I would like to announce the winner.  Coming in at 179 stones was SwedishChef.  Congratulations to you and thank you to all the other participants who took some time from the busy holiday season to go fishing.
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