From The Desk Of EM Faine Morgan - December / January Edition

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 364Event Moderator

From the desk of EM Faine Morgan – December/January Edition

As 2018 comes to a close, I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to see what new adventures await us in 2019! I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you of some of my plans and get you a little more familiar with me as an EM and what I hope you can expect from me, as well as what I hope from all of you. I’ll try to keep future postings shorter but I need to make EM Obsidian earn his keep since I cannot post for myself yet on *laughs evilly*

I’ve been using the past couple of weeks to get familiar with various places around the shard and review some past posts, etc. There are some things we will work out together going forward such as plans for the RBG, a festival ground gathering space, plans for the RBG hall, etc. I have ideas but, where possible, I want all of you involved. I’ve done some rework on the Reward Hall in Malas. I’d welcome some feedback when you get a chance to look. I’ve also moved the archery area up closer to the house itself. I’d like to use the grounds around the house as a gathering/festival area. That’s where I want to work with you but more to come on that later.

My plan for events, right now, are that we will have EM led events the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. I’m hoping this gives everyone a chance to get home and get the family settled but not be too late. The goal is to have each event last around an hour. From time to time, there may be side quests or self-directed tasks between events. Not every EM led event will be fighting something. There is much exploring to do and mysteries to be solved! But I do want to be consistent for days and times so people can plan when possible. If I ever have to move an event date, I will give you as much notice as possible.

I’ve created this Facebook page for us under EM Faine Morgan. I hope you’ll take a look and follow/friend it. My plan, once I get all the access straightened out, is to update the calendar and Facebook page with event information as well as updating the town criers. I also hope to get the Catskills UOEM page updated and functioning again. This goal might take me a bit longer. I seem to remember blowing up Origin’s web page a few times in the past. *grins* Thank goodness for backups.

About 20 to 30 minutes prior to each event, I will drop a gate in Luna to the meeting location. I will try my best to keep everyone together during the event but I’ll count on you to help as well. I’m more than happy to try to provide catch up gates up to the point of the boss fight as long as it doesn’t interrupt the story. While I will always give everyone every opportunity to participate in every single step of the event, I will not provide gates once the final fight starts.

We will always use the EM Event chat channel. I am going to kindly request, however, that if you are wanting to sell any drop, please wait until the event has completely ended to spam that channel out of consideration for everyone who wants to follow the story end, or perhaps needs help getting rez’d, etc. It’s very hard to hear questions and requests when the channel is being spammed with “Selling” messages.

I’d also like to hold our Governor meetings the first Monday of each month, again, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. If this poses a hardship to any of our governors, I’m willing to explore alternatives. Again, I’d like to keep the meetings to about an hour if possible, but no longer than two.

We will have Meet and Greet sessions from time to time where we just talk/plan. It’s up to you if you want to participate but I hope you will. It’s a chance for you to give me feedback and ideas and hear about why certain things are done. I would make just one request regarding feedback. I always truly take to heart all feedback. However, if you have feedback, especially critical, please keep it polite and suggest alternatives.

So, with all of that said, the schedule I have planned for January is as follows:

Monday, January 7th – 8:00 p.m. Eastern – First governors’ meeting @ Castle Blackthorn, no gates provided as this is the standard meeting place in Britain.

Thursday, January 10th – 8:00 p.m. Eastern – EM Led event. Gate provided from Luna Mint.

Thursday, January 24th – 8:00 p.m. Eastern – EM Led Event. Gate provided from Luna Mint.


  • Thank you. Looking forward to everything upcoming :)
  • AngelAngel Posts: 11
    Looking very much to seeing some changes made. I have a few ideas of my own. Welcome!! And hail to Catskill.
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