EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator
edited December 2018 in Oceania
Attention Ordos Initiates and Members!



Inquisitor Pierce

(Note: 6 of the creatures roam in the desert near the crossroads. Any player who takes a SCREENSHOT of their character at the CORPSE of one of these beasts will advance by a point in Ordos rank. CHARACTER NAMES MUST BE VISIBLE IN THE SCREEN CAPTURE FOR EACH CHARACTER. So hover your cursor over the character before taking the screencap. The character must have requested admission through the posts here https://forum.uo.com/discussion/2810/recruitment-roster-for-the-ordos-oceanicus-signature-required#latest or through email to me.
--EM Tycho)


  • EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator
    When I dropped in to post this announcement in-game, I found four brave souls encouraging players to come help them with the task of cleaning up these beasts. Not only were they bravely fighting off one of the creatures, but they had assembled impressive teamwork in doing so.

    If they are victorious and post here as requested, they will receive the Bounty point.

    Additionally, successful or not, I have awarded three of them a commendation of an extra point for Bravery and Teamwork: Fink, Tynk, and Gold Dragon.

    The fourth player, Pied Piper, will also receive the extra point if they choose to join the Ordos per the instructions previously recorded on these forums (link above).

    Well done all!

    -- EM Tycho

  • EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator
    Also, at least two of the six beasts remaining could be carrying a Crimson Cincture on them. The only way to know for sure is to fell the mighty creatures!
  • SummitSummit Posts: 11
    I didn't have FInks HP bar up, but she was there, too!
  • SipowiczSipowicz Posts: 4
    edited December 2018

    One confirmed kill.. Was tough! I only just signed up so hopefully not too late. 

  • Kill#2 with Rubyloks

  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    edited December 2018
    A Night Terror put to bed! 

    The fearless foursome of Gold Dragon, Tynk, Pied Piper, and Fink fought tirelessly to bring an end to at least one remaining threat to the Realm!

    Rallying to the Compassion Shrine as our base we discovered a small oasis, a beacon of hope to the desert explorer to bolster our resolve. It was there I was struck by the idea to launch a small boat to act as a floating fort. Gold Dragon provided a sturdy vessel with a fierce dragon prow to harrow the enemy! 

    Now with a modicum of protection provided by a moat, Gold Dragon, Marshall of Trinsic, sent his formidable crimson drake, Nicse Raumo, into the fray, aided by Tynk's pointy unicorn of doooom, Harp! The brunt of the attack repelled by the heroic beastie friends, Pied Piper brought awesome sorcery and mischievous music to bear on the noxious ne'er-do-well!

    As the others closed ranks aboard the small ship, I was able to circle the fray and provide arch cures to the group as one. I too tried to bring torment to our attacker with rising colossus but, as the pitiful damage was dealt, it was repaid in kind upon my person with vicious poison! I decided my paltry contribution to combat was best eschewed in favour of keeping the group in good health with arch cures, greater heals, and cleansing winds. I elected to remain off the boat and on the alert for any nosey neighbours who might need herding away, avoiding complications to our precision teamwork.

    Further to this, I completely exhausted my knighthoods in both Humility and Spirituality, the majority of which was spent in the earlier prime attack in protection of our fellows and beasties. I highly recommend pursuit of these virtues, not the least because they can help turn the tide of these epic battles!

    At the time of writing, there are still two Horrific Visions of the Future splodging around the desert well east and far south of the Compassion Shrine. I will post an update should this situation change!

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    !!!!!!!! TRAVELER'S ADVISORY !!!!!!!!

    In an effort to aid a focused defense against the recent attacks, I have herded all the scorpions in the desert around Compassion Shrine into the small cave at the northwest, out of harm's way. I can confirm the two Horrific Visions are still at large in the area.

    On a professional note, shepherds beware the Horrific Visions will panic not only you but your herd as well! They will resume following you as soon as they gather their composure.

    Gold Dragon has graciously left his boat by the shrine unlocked should anyone care to use it as a base. If this proves insufficient defense against the larger menace, I may be able provide further fortification. Stay watchful, and beware of that dratted Krampus too!

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    !!!!!!!! TRAVELER'S ADVISORY UPDATE !!!!!!!!

    One of the Horrific Visions previously occupying the desert has wandered east and is menacing several castles near the guard outpost.

    A further Horrific Vision has been sighted along with another Night Terror in the woods near the road north of the desert. As this is a common route to Yew, Trade Order runners are advised to exercise caution.

    Forensic examination of both the ectoplasm and bizarrely shaped stone has revealed nothing unusual, at least nothing within our current understanding. Further appraisal determined that the stone cannot be magically unraveled. The stone's surface appears convoluted like a walnut kernel or brain, and is described as a vibrant seagreen colour. 

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    edited December 2018
    "One of the Horrific Visions previously occupying the desert has wandered east and is menacing several castles near the guard outpost."

    I tried to menace it back but it just teleported me straight out of hiding in my castle to it, and i thought this was a dull neighborhood... time to mount some cannons i think !

    Lore revealed the following information about the beast

    Formidable Beast indeed.

    Who you going to call ??

  • EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator
    edited December 2018
    Excellent work! 1 point awarded to Fink, Tynk, Sipowicz, and Gold Dragon. Pied Piper sent in a request to join to my email, 2 points awarded (1 for bounty and  1 was already obtained from the Commendation). Very good!
  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    A small band of recruits discovered a nightmare beast just south of the original guard tower.
    The single beast was no match for the 4 of us, ale was consumed as the fight progressed.

    A word of caution tho, do not feed your pet right in front of these beasts, it will take of your hand as Gold Dragon can attest :D

    The guards can sleep easier tonight.

    I believe the newcomer Chandler is close compatriot of Xavier, so am unsure of his intentions to sign up.
  • EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator
    Tynk, just to confirm, the three players in those bars are:

    Gold Dragon,
    and Chandler

    correct? The others are pets, right? I added 1 point to Xavier, and I reserved a point for Chandler if they join.


    -- EM Tycho
  • Just to keep track of the number - Fink, Gold Dragon and I cleared another yesterday 

    I couldn't get a screenshot and actually intended to just use this, but seems Tynk's post covers me haha.
  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    EM Tycho said:
    Tynk, just to confirm, the three players in those bars are:

    Gold Dragon,
    and Chandler

    correct? The others are pets, right? I added 1 point to Xavier, and I reserved a point for Chandler if they join.


    -- EM Tycho
    Correct your eminence.
    Frosty said:
    Just to keep track of the number - Fink, Gold Dragon and I cleared another yesterday
    Awesome effort !!!

  • SummitSummit Posts: 11
    Tynk said:
    A small band of recruits discovered a nightmare beast just south of the original guard tower.
    The single beast was no match for the 4 of us, ale was consumed as the fight progressed.

    A word of caution tho, do not feed your pet right in front of these beasts, it will take of your hand as Gold Dragon can attest :D

    The guards can sleep easier tonight.

    I believe the newcomer Chandler is close compatriot of Xavier, so am unsure of his intentions to sign up.
    I am adamant the horsie was jealous of hte nummy treat so he bit me to try get one. He bit too hard though.
  • (Whole bunch of us just popped the two fat ones on the grass near Don's castle.)
    Pray tell, mine brethren - hath we felled the last of the varmints?

  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    Frosty said:
    (Whole bunch of us just popped the two fat ones on the grass near Don's castle.)
    Pray tell, mine brethren - hath we felled the last of the varmints?

    As best as I can tell, the threat is repelled or defeated. I have scouted the greater region and at the very least the trade routes seem clear of the manifest nightmares for those running orders in the lead up to Yule. 

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    Frosty said:
    (Whole bunch of us just popped the two fat ones on the grass near Don's castle.)
    Pray tell, mine brethren - hath we felled the last of the varmints?

    I happened to be enjoying a leisurely ride through the country when i heard the sounds of an affray, investigating it i find the beast was trying to eat a castle..

    Unprepared , i quickly joined the battle and sent my beast into the fight.

    At one point a nuclear bomb was detonated and the beast shrugged it off..

    (i don't think lemon pledge will get that out of the carpet and your probably not getting the bond back anyway..)

    The beast eventually fell and it didn't take long to work out where all the missing guards are, as the beast has enough loot to equip a small battalion..

    Then another was lured over onto the lawn, attacked on all sides and laid to rest

    I believe the desert is now clear except for the strange rock.

    And there was no news on any crimson garments being found.
  • EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator

    Excellent work! I have passed on to Inquisitor Pierce how thoroughly you all worked to cleanse the Realm of this new menace. The bizarre stone has been placed with the Mages of Moonglow for safekeeping and study. It is hoped that they will at least be able to contain the flow of the green ooze. I also have tasked Captain Crawsick with the cleanup of the guard posts. It seemed a lowly job for a ship's captain, but Inquisitor Pierce insisted it be him. I believe those two may not feel any kindness for one another!

    Remember all, there will be a general muster in just a few days to handle more extra-ordinary tasks for the Crown.

    2 PM Sydney Time, Saturday, December 15, 2018

    10 PM US Eastern Time, Friday, December 14, 2018

    9 PM US Central Time, Friday, December 14, 2018

    Mend your armor and sharpen your swords!

    -- EM Tycho

    (and really, great job on the posts and pictures in this thread!)
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