The Lighthouse doesn't recover Brittanian ships.

Some long months ago I had a Brittanian ship decay on me, which was fine, sometimes I work away and can't get near a gaming computer.  Except I had a Lighthouse bought specifically for the purpose of saving my ships when I was AFK for long periods.  The Lighthouse didn't work.  I don't know why.   The bug report I sent in hasn't had a response, apart from, "we don't replace lost items."

For what it's worth my Lighthouse was placed in the top floor of a castle in the North-West Corner.

So.  Just be careful about Lighthouses.
These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.


  • I've seen numerous stories of lighthouses not saving all kinds of ships.  One of the only reasons I stopped even wanting one.

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    This is true happened to me total sucks and all you get is the same old “ we do not replace lost items” hard not to get upset when you pay real money for that ship and you use a vet reward you earned by paying real money for over the years and it doesn’t work the way they tell it works, so now you have to spend more money replacing the ship. 
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    When they said "we don't replace lost items", what I heard was, "we don't want your money".  Which again is fine, I'll go fly spaceships in another golden oldie when my subs run out here, sometime in December.  I hate being that petty, but it's how I feel when the game company is trusting their systems over my word.  I don't need that.  But no hard feelings, have always loved UO, and always will.  I just get a little confused over who to deal with; EA, Broadsword, Origin and so on.  Took me years to twig onto how to log into these forums.  I had no idea they were the same as UO accounts.  I thought I'd created an account years ago and had lost the details.  <span>:neutral:</span> Anyhow back to collecting feathers.  Seeya newbies.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • I usually don't go out of my way to defend BS/EA but I do try to be fair. And this is about helping people in reality. Many of us have multiple accounts that over time all blend together. All my accounts live in my one castle for the most part. It's important to remember the lighthouse only works for the account who owns the house where the lighthouse is. It doesn't work for accounts that are friended or co-owned to the house. I know many have lost their ships being confused over this issue. That doesn't explain all the trouble with lighthouses but it does explain some of them.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    The account that placed the castle is the one that owns the Brittanian ship.  I mainly used one guy from that account to refresh the ship which was docked up in Trammel Vesper.  One thing I did notice was that sometimes I would notice a message saying the lighthouse was linked to my ships, I wonder if sometimes that link doesn't work.  All I want is my ship back, in my Lighthouse would be fine.  Thank you.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Doesn't the Lighthouse send ships to your house moving crate? I have many ships out at once, and only ever forgot to refresh one. It was attached to my Lighthouse and I found it in the moving crate (it was a Tokuno ship, not a Britannian though).
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    yes sometimes you will find your ship in the moving crate, but not always.... I have only heard of a few that have actually managed to keep their ship
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    edited September 2018
    The Lighthouse didn't keep my Brittanian ship.  The ship had been stationary next to the same house spot for months, and had all the cannon and optional slots filled, with some fish etc in the hold.  Now what should have happened when I couldn't log in was that the stuff vanishes but the ship gets sent to the house moving crate where my Lighthouse is.  There is 0 in the moving crate, so I would notice if something went in.  I don't know what the problem is, perhaps my Lighthouse is too far from the house sign, or perhaps tiles I put down in the castle interfered with the Lighthouse, who knows.  But I do know that the products I purchased did not perform as described.  All I'd like is the ship back, thank you very much.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • Teapot said:
    I've seen numerous stories of lighthouses not saving all kinds of ships.  One of the only reasons I stopped even wanting one.

    @ Kyronix
      I'd be willing to bet it has more to do with Server lines, than the lighthouse not working properly.
     I haven't tested this myself, but based on information (so far) on various forums regarding this issue, it does seem that if your house is on one sub-server and your ship is on another while it decays, items wouldn't get restored to the lighthouse if they have to cross the server line.

    It just seems to be the only possible cause.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I've heard quite a few people say they lost a Brittanian ship and they have a Lighthouse, is it just these ships and no others?
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    Rowboats are mentioned as not being saved in the guide, maybe the code for rowboat and other ships got mixed up. 

    Lighthouse (Veteran Reward)

    A 5th year veteran reward, this deed allows you to place a lighthouse introduced with Publish 85 in your home. Your account must be 60 months or older to place it.


    • Recovers any ship except rowboats that are linked to the lighthouse
    • All weapons will be saved
    • House add-ons that currently allow you to dry dock your ship will be saved
    • All other items will be destroyed
    • The ship model can be found in the house moving crate
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    I lost a Britannian ship (refreshed it on a Friday & on Monday it was gone), did not go into the moving crate. (lighthouse was on a raised paver roof, maybe why the sign didn't recognize it)

     a guild mate also had a Brit ship that it happened to, but hers was the usual time of decay.

    I have also lost two Orc ships (my lighthouse was on the original roof of my castle, very close to the house sign).

    And another guildmate forgets about her ship all the time, so I help her by refreshing her ship. Except this past week I forgot & now it might be gone. And I really hate to ask her if she dry docked it. Lost count of how many she has lost. 

    Its for that reason that I have been pulling my ship out of the water. I'd rather have it in my backpack and know where its at
  • Captain_LuckyCaptain_Lucky Posts: 556
    edited September 2018
    I have tested the little ship you buy for a few thousand and placed it near by and let it rot. Just to see if the lighthouse works. So I know the lighthouse works where it is, etc. Now if I ever lose a large ship I'll know it's related to that and not the lighthouse placement or normal function. Maybe I should take one of my little test ships and let it rot in some bizarre far off place.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Only time I lost ships that I shouldnt was when I used the fisher for a shard jump. I didnt figure that time that it had to do with the jourey. I lost an orc ship and a tokuno ship loaded with quest crates. Lighthouse didnt help. Next time i travelled to another shard it happened again. The ship keys dont recognice the ships. This time I knew  where my ships were, so I could stand on another boat next to them and try to recall to them but no.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916

    Speaking of ship decay.  Will a ship decay if a character is on the ship when they log out?  Lets say my ship is parked in the middle of the ocean and my fisher is on board and I get tired of fishing and log out.  A month later I decide to continue fishing.  Will my ship and fisher be there or will my fisher be a corpse floating at sea when I log back in to the character?

  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    You will be washed ashore at the nearest point of land, at least that's what happened to me when I did it years ago. So you will be fine, but your ship will decay as normal if you are logged off on it.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • I have noticed that only the character that actually placed the lighthouse gets the message about your boat/lighthouse being linked - even though the description says it protects ships on the acccount. I have not tested it, but I only leave ships out on the toons that place lighthouses, and i check for the link message...
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    I mainly used one character for refreshing the boat, it was handily parked next to a house I had a teleport to.  I remember seeing the link message, if memory serves there were two versions of message.  But I have no idea if the character I used was the one who placed the lighthouse, I would think not because mainly my merchant character did all rewards, placements and decorating.  Easier that way to have the "I wish to release" etc. macros on one character.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    Hello, I still haven't had any word back about the failure of the Lighthouse which caused me to lose a ship I paid money for.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • Give them a bit of time Florence did a number on the east coast where the HQ of BS is.  Not saying they got hit. Its just the facts the dev do live around the area....
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    This may be a silly question but we should always start with the basics. Did you link the ship to the lighthouse?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    Yes.  I remember the Link system messages.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Remember, there's this message when you place the lighthouse and dbl click it.

    And this one when you actually place a ship in the water.

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  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Just to test, I axed my Lighthouse, replaced it but didn't double click it again, then launched a ship and received the same "You have linked your boat lighthouse". I think the issue may hidden in the mechanics.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    Thanks for the testing.  Trust me.  There is definitely an issue.  The Lighthouse does not work.  I'd like my ship back.  And EA should probably think about fixing the Lighthouse.  
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    Remember, there's this message when you place the lighthouse and dbl click it.

    And this one when you actually place a ship in the water.

    I did this exactly with a Britannian ship. And every time I logged in I received the message about my ship being linked to my lighthouse.... I usually checked my lighthouse daily but I forgot about it. I know I checked it on a Friday and then on Monday it was gone. And it was not in my moving crate. (same thing happened with a couple of orc ships). I think the last time this happened was last year during the city invasions. Since then, I don't leave my ship in the water. 
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    Thank you.  The Lighthouse is an untrustworthy item, only good for decorative purposes.  There has still been no word about getting my ship back, or any other sort of recompense for my loss because of a dodgy product.  
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • LunkLunk Posts: 5
    mine just  vansihsed after i have  refrehed it 36 hours eielry pair rela money fo r it and  very ittle of that to spare ( we have ot close acount as is)  to say least  wil not be happy if thi si snot resolved...........
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,309
    Here's a tip people forget about. You can get a Brit ship for free. It's part of the rewards for the Brit library donations. 
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    I've had two Orc ships vanish but both appeared in moving crate w/canon in place but all items in hold disappeared.
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