"New palyer Starter Kit token" transmutaded in BB on ATL!!! - Bug or "feature"???

IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
edited March 2018 in Bugs
K, these are the facts:

1) a couple of weeks ago I bought from a Vendor of (what NOW I know to be...) one of the oligarchy of inter-shards "trade cupola" a deed for a "New palyer Starter Kit token". I was just returned to the game so I had some confused idea about "account/char locked" items, and the Seller's Vendor item description DID NOT MENTION THE CHAR LOCKING (that is not mentioned either on any UO info site that I was able to find). OK, Shame on me,  "Caveat Emptor", etc.: I simply wanted to have the AoI for my little collections of armors, but, hey, one suffer and learn, isn't? :D (*a parte": SELLER beware: now I know who you are, and I have a LOOOOONG memory... >:) ;) )
2) I ranted a little ( A LOT, really), asked for GM help (that I recieved PROMPTLY and KINDLY, in the full extent of the limits of their intervention possibility *tip his hat  to GMs*), reached th 4th phase of grieving and tucked the token deed in my BB for the moment;
3) yesterday I copied the char with the said deed in his BB to TC1;
4) on TC1 I saw that the deed got transformed in a "Token of Skill Alacrity" (see image). I didn't mind, because I know that certain items cannot go on TC1;
5) today I opened the original char BB on ATL where the original "New palyer Starter Kit token" was stored, and discovered that...
6) it has been transformed too in a "Token of Skill Alacrity"!!! :#


a) did I miss something? Why this happened?? It'a bug or a "feature"???

And, most important,

b) may I have my darn "New palyer Starter Kit token" on ATL back?

Pretty please??? :D



  • LexLex Posts: 38
    I believe this may be similar to the old conversion of old house deeds into house placement tools.
    This was disabled later, but many found this deeds turned into useless placement tools and the gold refunded.

    I think this is a similar thing, although it messes with rare items sadly. 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    Lex said:
    I believe this may be similar to the old conversion of old house deeds into house placement tools.
    This was disabled later, but many found this deeds turned into useless placement tools and the gold refunded.

    I think this is a similar thing, although it messes with rare items sadly. 
    Hi Lex & thx 4 the reply! :)

    Methink u right, unfortunately. :(

    Maybe something that has to do with the Publish 99 that it is experimented on TC1? I don't think the NPSTK deed was/is an "illegal" item to possess (simply an "useless" one - AoI-wise - for any other Char beside the original one), and doubt there are many of them around to replicate the experience. (And LUCKY ME, that bought for ***COFF*** 35Mils ***COFF*** maybe the only one on the market of the most USELESS piece of virtual parchment ever programmed, and one THAT WONT EVEN STAY THE SAME SHAPE WHEN I GO FOR A STROLL ON TC1!!! It is like to have toilet paper that... BRRRR! Don't even make me think about it... :D )

    But, seriously, beside my bad sense of business, IMO, if the things are this way (conversion by "feature", not bug) it even more disturbing & dangerous.

    To risk to have "retroconned" a Char ***BANK BOX*** content (so the most "sacred" items stockage of all) ON THE ORIGINAL SHARD when one make a copy of the char to go TC1? Not good at all! Many people "clone" their most powerful Chars on TC1 exactly to be able to experimenting without any consequences for the original Char and its possessions & Pets!!!;

    I will really appreciate, after the WE an official response on the issue... :o :#

    PS: The "House Deeds", I remember them! Back in 1999, when I was a kid, slowly and proudly building his first Char (no pinkies then, ah! :) ) with only one objective in mind: to become a GM BEGGAR (no joking! ;) ). How many times I drooled over the Architect NPC vendor menu, wishing to be able to afford at laest one Small Tower... LOL!!! Those were the years in UO, ah! We were all a BIIIIG happy (and more than) a little disfunctional Felucca Family. ***MUMBLE MUMBLE, RANT RANT - He takes his pressure medications***... B)
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    Update: NONE!
    They replied quickly and with extreme courtesy as usual, but no luck form Support. They say to write to Bugs. I'll do. In the mean time NO reply from anyone neither here on the forum.
    Frankly, I start to think to have ZERO chances to have the problem I signaled (RETROCONNING of an item without ANY apparent motivation) even acknowledged, let's figure resolved.
    I'll be blunt, hoping to not violate the Forum TOS: I start to feel as if I have been swindled a second times, even if not intentionally as in the case of the "smart" seller.
    And that, after reactivating my accounts after over 10 years and opening two other full paid new ones to play in a variety of Shards & situations is NOT a good feeling.  :/
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    This is a name & function change that is part of Publish 99.  The core functionality of the Token is unchanged on Publish 98 shards, however, once Publish 99 is WW the token will have differing functionality you can test on TC1 in a future TC1 release.  
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    Many thank for your reply, @Kyronix.
    So, from the concrete PoV, this mean that if I activate NOW the new ToSA deed on TC1 I will not receive the package that was included in the NPSKT, but a new "package" of items/skills gain/whatever that is planned for the 99 release, or nothing at all for now?
    And (most important, at least for me: apologies if it seems greedy) if I activate the new ToSA that I got from the retrocon on ATL *NOW* (i.e.: before the official implementation on ATL and WW of the 99), what will happen?
    I.e., I will get:
    1) the "happy hour" of skill gains & the Armor of Initiation that were the effect of the original NPSKT deed;
    2) the effects intended for the new ToSA under 99 even if I'm using it on a Shard still under 98;
    3) a big Minova wand firework effect?
    I'm asking before acting, even on TC1, because after the frightening kind the retrocon I experienced, frankly I'm afraid to give myself to ANY form of experimentation right now.
    PS: I'm sure that nowdays there aren't many NPSKT deeds around anymore to be influeced by the change from 98 to 99, but isn't a little unusual that the copying procedure of the char to TC1 had had a retro-effect too on the original char on ATL still under 98? If I understood well, by TC1 chars-copying rules, the "original" Char and its possessions shouldn't have been influenced AT ALL by this kind of "inter-shard" & "inter-Publish" rules seepage... (I'm thinking right now about Asimov's "The Gods Themselves" inter-universes "pump"-fueled Universal Constants seepage...).
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    edited March 2018
    Ivenor said:
    Many thank for your reply, @ Kyronix.
    So, from the concrete PoV, this mean that if I activate NOW the new ToSA deed on TC1 I will not receive the package that was included in the NPSKT, but a new "package" of items/skills gain/whatever that is planned for the 99 release, or nothing at all for now?
    And (most important, at least for me: apologies if it seems greedy) if I activate the new ToSA that I got from the retrocon on ATL *NOW* (i.e.: before the official implementation on ATL and WW of the 99), what will happen?
    I.e., I will get:
    1) the "happy hour" of skill gains & the Armor of Initiation that were the effect of the original NPSKT deed;
    2) the effects intended for the new ToSA under 99 even if I'm using it on a Shard still under 98;
    3) a big Minova wand firework effect?
    I'm asking before acting, even on TC1, because after the frightening kind the retrocon I experienced, frankly I'm afraid to give myself to ANY form of experimentation right now.
    PS: I'm sure that nowdays there aren't many NPSKT deeds around anymore to be influeced by the change from 98 to 99, but isn't a little unusual that the copying procedure of the char to TC1 had had a retro-effect too on the original char on ATL still under 98? If I understood well, by TC1 chars-copying rules, the "original" Char and its possessions shouldn't have been influenced AT ALL by this kind of "inter-shard" & "inter-Publish" rules seepage... (I'm thinking right now about Asimov's "The Gods Themselves" inter-universes "pump"-fueled Universal Constants seepage...).
    Ignore the name for a moment.  The reason it shows up the same on both Atlantic (Pub 98) and TC1 (Pub 99) is because names are baked into the client and everyone is running the latest client.  What happens on TC1 has no impact on your characters on Atlantic.

    You can wait until the next TC1 release when we put out the next batch of patch notes to get more info.  After that you'll still have time to determine whether you want to hang on to it, or use it before Pub 99 goes WW.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    Thanks again for the replies. Now I believe to start to have a more clear vison of the issue. And I figure the series of apoplectic stroke some collector could have had if this same issue happened to some "unique" multi bilion GP item... LOL
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    Kyronix said:
    Ignore the name for a moment.  The reason it shows up the same on both Atlantic (Pub 98) and TC1 (Pub 99) is because names are baked into the client and everyone is running the latest client.  What happens on TC1 has no impact on your characters on Atlantic.

    You can wait until the next TC1 release when we put out the next batch of patch notes to get more info.  After that you'll still have time to determine whether you want to hang on to it, or use it before Pub 99 goes WW.
    @Kyronix @Mesanna


    OK, I saw the declared effects of the new ToSA on TC1, many thanks for your advice, @Kyronix.

    But, with all the due respect, I'm not iterested in it.

    So I kindly ask that the Rare (and valuable!) NPSKT Deed that was in my possesion on ATL before the copying of my Char on TC1, and that got transmutated ON ATL in a (useless for me) ToSA, is reinstated in the ATL BankBox of the Char of mine that at the monent have it (Tiara). I'll gladly give you any additional Account/Char related info needed.

    FWIK, I did NOT violate any rules in buying an possessing the NPSKT deed, and I find highly unfair to have it retroconned without notice.

    Whole items "categories" retroconning is NEVER a happy experience (the Huoses Deeds retrocconed in HPTs should have teached this to us all) and grandfathering is, IMO, the only way to assure and guarantee to players a sense of minimal continuity.

    I mean: if I go dungeoning in my underwear and an axe, I cannot rant if I get my axe handed back to me in 1 sec (and head...) split.

    But if I tuck an item in A BANKBOX, I think it is VERY reasonable to expect that it will be exactly the same item next time I open that BB.

    This is, IMO, ***THE*** POINT of storing items in BBs, isn't?. Otherwise what are the limits? What will be next if "convenient"? Soulstones?

    Hoping in your understanding, besh wishes to you all.


  • Kyronix said:
    This is a name & function change that is part of Publish 99.  The core functionality of the Token is unchanged on Publish 98 shards, however, once Publish 99 is WW the token will have differing functionality you can test on TC1 in a future TC1 release.  
    The names are still bugged on these @Kyronix, GMs are also refering to these as "rare collectibles" when they're clearly broke since the alacrity tokens came out...

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