Hurricane Florence - Housing Servers Going Down

Just wondering!!!
Since last year they shut down the Housing Servers to prevent people to loose their houses during this period, I was wondering if they plan to do the same again, so we can all prepare ourselves :)

and for those on the path, Good Luck and Be Safe!!!


  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Only if they avoid the huge mess they created last time and only shut off decay and not the ability to customize or place...
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Please don' was a huge mess last time....and it didn't help anyone know it's coming so do something about it NOW....leave housing opinion anyway!

  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 234
    edited September 2018
    If without a massive headache to the entire player base, then do it. 

    If, gods forbid, the NC area is decimated, the rest of the player base can suffer in silence if it means friends could return to the community without suffering even more losses. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • ArchnightArchnight Posts: 48
    edited September 2018
    It was good PR but ended up being a bad decision overall, caused more IDOCS from bugged/vendored houses than people affected by the hurricane. These super storms will be more common going forward, to stop housing once or twice a year isn't a solution for the remaining playerbase.

  • Yes every year the storms get worse... and I hope people get smarter and packed up all of value to them and beet feet to safety.  Houses can be rebuilt.. 

    listening to  the weather channel Florence is changing her mind again....

    This could mean anything..   including the loss of the power for UO.

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