Parallax's Grand New Legacy Easter Egg Hunt - Season 1
in New Legacy
Hey Team NL!
In our recent discussion with developers Kyronix and Parallax, they revealed that Parallax has planted several undiscovered Easter Eggs throughout the shard.
Putting up this thread and encouraging everyone here to post screenshots of any Easter Eggs that you may have uncovered throughout your own adventures on New Legacy!
Could you keep an eye on this @Parallax and let us know when any of us have come across one of your Easter Eggs? ^_^
Let's try and find them all before The Shattering, Team NL!

I think we need hints from Parralax bcz i explored this world pretty damn hard and know things that nobody know mby even devs xDDD It could be something common but nobody tallking about it like assasin quest is inspired by Game of Trones and this faceless cult, i'm bad with names sry.
Or it could be something with this divergent island that nobody can defeat "NORMALY".
Or it could be something with outposts or quderact just bcz ppls not doing them properly and we will never realise.
So we need hints is this part of questsa and/or narratives stories, or it something with world exploration and texture/decortations, or it something with npcs/monsters and their habitat, or it is something inside game content that we not realise like boss names/flawor text, or it is something with content that nobody complete yet like quderact or outpost or lvl X guild reward.
Bcz it could be so small easter egg like a phrase in npc dialog so we will never figure out.
If anyone can get in the Vault...
Hint is described in the text.
Torst (Dark Age of Camelot)
Thunderhoof (Transformers)
Frostpaw (Warriors Book Series)
Blazetail (Warriors Book Series)
Sorry, all but one of those can be found on normal shards, and that one is part of the mage narrative. No easter eggs found