Transmogrify - allow mage armor to be stripped
Please allow "Mage Armor" to be stripped from transmogrified items.
Likewise, allow refinements to be applied to transmogridied items.
Afterall, you give up medability once "Mage armor" is stripped. Not exactly gaming the federal reserve bank by allowing this...
Transmog currently has too many caveats. Please revisit that...
On the other hand, there are some surprising cases where it can be helpful, like transmogrify the Vesper Museum Chaos shield onto a pirate shield, so that gargoyles and humans alike can use the item.
Allow already Refined items to be transmogrified.
Would be nice if you could transmog the source to any type item and it keep the source LMC properties. But, it doesn't work like that. Someone found a way to exploit things.