New Legacy Interview with Broadsword Devs

DM_WyvernDM_Wyvern Posts: 141
edited March 2 in New Legacy
New Legacy Interview with Broadsword Devs



Tuesday, March 4th


DM Wyvern’s Lair Discord Server
Voice Channel: Morn’s Basement


The Broadsword Online Games team has graciously accepted our invitation to join us in-game at The Wyvern’s Lair guild tower, just south of Trinsic, for a wide-ranging discussion about their work on the New Legacy seasonal shard.

Everyone is welcome to participate! Join us in the Morn’s Basement voice channel on Discord, and if you prefer, engage through the accompanying chat subchannel.

In advance of this interview, we also want to gather questions from the community that we can bring up in the interview. Check out our working list of questions below and feel free to make more suggestions by commenting on this document!

New Legacy Interview with Broadsword Devs [Public Version]

We hope to see you there!

DM Wyvern's Lair YouTube Channel



  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 301
    Should ask why they spent 5 years developing New Legacy but then do a launch with no hype/build up of it and still months later have zero communication about what New Legacy is supposed to accomplish.

    Also why PvP was neglected from the initial design.
  • LokeaLokea Posts: 26
    The questions towards the end don't seem too confined to NL, so I'd ask about what they are looking at for new and returning players.  As somebody who was a longtime player and who has recently returned after being away for several years (looks like over a dozen based on my bank boxes) and who brought my kids into the game, I could see it being intimidating in a lot of ways that it wasn't in the past.

    Mainly it would be the economy.  Not a big deal to me - I planned my last break well and had hundreds of tokens, vet rewards, rares, etc. stashed away, that were cheap 10-15 years ago (ethy mounts used to be cheap!). 

    But I've run into new players both in-game and on other platforms who are intimidated. The fact that people are taking these new players under their wings and giving them millions in gold and equipment is great, but at the same time they are going to be asking why it is the way it is.

    I need to think a bit more about how to phrase such a question though.  I feel like there is probably a wall where new players are going to feel like their progression as a player stops. I'm not talking about skill gains, UO's way of handling skills is so much better than most other MMOs and it's easy to progress fast if you read various guids. It's just that there is a point where I don't know if they keep on subscribing (or if they are EJ, make the leap to paid).
  • DM_WyvernDM_Wyvern Posts: 141
    Lokea said:
    The questions towards the end don't seem too confined to NL, so I'd ask about what they are looking at for new and returning players. 
    That is an excellent question, Lokea. While New Legacy is not exclusively positioned for new and returning players—as a new and returning player myself—I would always recommend the New Legacy shard over the production shards for new players.

    I dipped into Atlantic almost five years ago, and I was alternately bored, lost, and confused at various times throughout my few months exploring Ultima Online.

    However, on the New Legacy shard, I feel like I've been able to learn about various systems and features of the game in bite-sized chunks and pieces. That's why I felt comfortable recommending New Legacy to friends from my YouTube channel community, too.

    DM Wyvern's Lair YouTube Channel

  • GarretGarret Posts: 239
    edited March 4
    Completely forgot to ask about quaderact, are there any plans for rewards, improvements or more bosses for this type of content?

    @Kyronix @Parallax
  • LokeaLokea Posts: 26
    Is there going to be a version of this posted publicly, and was anything new revealed?
  • GarretGarret Posts: 239
    Lokea said:
    Is there going to be a version of this posted publicly, and was anything new revealed?

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