Is this literally just in the paper doll or in the gameplay window too? I'm getting mixed messages from this thread. Surely someone knows for sure by now?
The idea of this Outfitter is without question great. Personally, I think it would be even better if the little player character that you move around the world also had a hint of the fact that you're wearing such a magnificent suit of armor - e.g. the color of the cloaks. By the way, the brown Cloak is a cockle shell, if you haven't figured out yet why the color here is brown. If it stays like this, it won't make us any better here than on the Freeshards, where the players are only attracted because they're walking around with a cool charpaperdoll.
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A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling
compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a
whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen
gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze
Ecke einfacher)
Any chance we could get transmogable shields I want a luck fire looking shield
Funny you should mention a fire shield! The shield is an item you can obtain in the eclipsed dawn event along with a cloak to go with your snazzy outfit!
Any chance we could get transmogable shields I want a luck fire looking shield
Funny you should mention a fire shield! The shield is an item you can obtain in the eclipsed dawn event along with a cloak to go with your snazzy outfit!
Any chance we could get transmogable shields I want a luck fire looking shield
Funny you should mention a fire shield! The shield is an item you can obtain in the eclipsed dawn event along with a cloak to go with your snazzy outfit!
Yes but I want my luck shield to look like one
There is a transmogrification potion for shields. I guess if you meant something outside of that, I may be misunderstanding. ^_^; I apologize for that.
Community Manager said: There is a transmogrification potion for shields. I guess if you meant something outside of that, I may be misunderstanding. ^_^; I apologize for that.
The shields from the event have stats so they aren't a valid transmog target. Only blank (stat-less) objects can be transmog targets.
Any chance we could get transmogable shields I want a luck fire looking shield
Funny you should mention a fire shield! The shield is an item you can obtain in the eclipsed dawn event along with a cloak to go with your snazzy outfit!
Yes but I want my luck shield to look like one
There is a transmogrification potion for shields. I guess if you meant something outside of that, I may be misunderstanding. ^_^; I apologize for that.
Doesn't the destination item have to be blank ? I mean I'd love to stack my luck shield stats with the fire shield stats
They should have made these shields just have a hit spell based on the element, and allowed us to use them as a teansmog target and it keep the hit spell.
They are an alternative shield.
Maybe they can make cosmetic blanks in the next event.
I like the idea of the paladin armor, but will personally not buy tickets to convert anything unless it appears on my character (outside of the paperdoll/pack). I understand that would take time to create. I do like the idea of this and would be cool to see continued sets offered as time goes on (which I imagine is the point of this).
If you zoom in on Pawain's screen shots, it looks as though the primary / secondary layers of the armor are being pixelated. (i.e. It seems to be an error in displaying the artwork correctly.)
The pixels don't look like any pattern resembling the Paladin armor to my eye.
It doesn't appear to be happening with standard plate armor, as per both Mariah's and my screenshots.
This might be non-plate, and possibly dyed, armor not displaying correctly when transmogrified.
Or, maybe this is intended, so that CC players receive some sort of visualization that Paladin armor is being worn.
@Community Manager - I'm sure you've already read through the threads, but not allowing the proper LMC to be swapped over is going to be a huge reason why warriors won't switch over.
Hoping that is reconsidered for this suit or perhaps future suits.
Any chance we could get transmogable shields I want a luck fire looking shield
Funny you should mention a fire shield! The shield is an item you can obtain in the eclipsed dawn event along with a cloak to go with your snazzy outfit!
Yes but I want my luck shield to look like one
There is a transmogrification potion for shields. I guess if you meant something outside of that, I may be misunderstanding. ^_^; I apologize for that.
Doesn't the destination item have to be blank ? I mean I'd love to stack my luck shield stats with the fire shield stats
You are correct they do have to be blank. My apologies.
@ "Community Manager" - I'm sure you've already read through the threads, but not allowing the proper LMC to be swapped over is going to be a huge reason why warriors won't switch over.
Hoping that is reconsidered for this suit or perhaps future suits.
This topic as covered in another thread. The team did hear the concerns.
This a great direction for the team to go as far as generating income. Make it a necro bone suit next time so it will keep the lmc benefits. And for sure top hat and veil!! Throw in sails for ships and pet reset tokens (random take your chance stats)they'd make a killing
Paper doll and containers only.
Publish 119 TC1 Publish #2 - Ultima Online Forums
We have known since it was on TC.
Translated with (free version)
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
There is a transmogrification potion for shields.
The shields from the event have stats so they aren't a valid transmog target. Only blank (stat-less) objects can be transmog targets.
They are an alternative shield.
Maybe they can make cosmetic blanks in the next event.
there was a hot fix today.
It says you can add refinements to the paladin armor now. But, the issue is still that armor that is refined can not me made into paladin armor.
Ask if they can fix that issue, or I can not turn my warriors armor into paladin armor because my armor is already refined. The dots are red.
But, visuals and colors are not what I'm good at.
Makes it easier to repair with all smith deeds. And gets the mempo off my face.
Sort of. From what I've seen in-game, it looks just like normal plate.
The pixels don't look like any pattern resembling the Paladin armor to my eye.
It doesn't appear to be happening with standard plate armor, as per both Mariah's and my screenshots.
This might be non-plate, and possibly dyed, armor not displaying correctly when transmogrified.
Or, maybe this is intended, so that CC players receive some sort of visualization that Paladin armor is being worn.
Hoping that is reconsidered for this suit or perhaps future suits.
You are correct they do have to be blank. My apologies.
This topic as covered in another thread.
I can bring this to the team Monday