New Arcane Outfitter in the Ultima Store!
Check out the all new Cosmetic Paperdoll Paladin Armor Sets you can get from the brand new Arcane Outfitter in Ultima Online!

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When you convert non mage armor Studded Leather, Bone or Hide, does the item keep the LMC +3 bonus?
(I have heard it converts all pieces to Metal +1 LMC bonus like it does on Test Center.)
Will it be able to convert Refined or Transmogged Armor? On TC it can not.
If I convert my Medable mage suit, will all the pieces still be medable?
@Community Manager
Since this could ruin your armor pieces, we should be able to test the finished product on TC.
Your announcement says Cosmetic Twice, so players should know their event armor could turn cosmetic if it does not follow the LMC property of the material.
All the pieces are now metal when you repair. They can be repaired.
My warriors are out because they use refined stuff.
For those who may have questions/want to see how it works before buying it.
"Information on how the Outfitter works as well as some information and a walk through is on the Stream from 2/26/25 here on YouTube: