New Arcane Outfitter in the Ultima Store!

Community ManagerCommunity Manager Posts: 484Dev
edited February 28 in General Discussions
Check out the all new Cosmetic Paperdoll Paladin Armor Sets you can get from the brand new Arcane Outfitter in Ultima Online!

Information on how the Outfitter works as well as some information and a walk through is on the Stream from 2/26/25 here starting at 11:36 on YouTube:

Or check the wiki here! 
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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited February 26
    I have heard many rumors about these.

    When you convert non mage armor Studded Leather, Bone or Hide, does the item keep the LMC +3 bonus?
    (I have heard it converts all pieces to Metal +1 LMC bonus like  it does on Test Center.)

    Will it be able to convert Refined or Transmogged Armor?  On TC it can not.

    If I convert my Medable mage suit, will all the pieces still be medable?

    @Community Manager

    Since this could ruin your armor pieces, we should be able to test the finished product on TC.

    Your announcement says Cosmetic Twice, so players should know their event armor could turn cosmetic if it does not follow the LMC property of the material.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    why doesnt it just put a new skin / image on the target item only why complicate it?
  • ParallaxParallax Posts: 8Dev
    Pawain said:
    I have heard many rumors about these.

    When you convert non mage armor Studded Leather, Bone or Hide, does the item keep the LMC +3 bonus?
    (I have heard it converts all pieces to Metal +1 LMC bonus like  it does on Test Center.)

    Will it be able to convert Refined or Transmogged Armor?  On TC it can not.

    If I convert my Medable mage suit, will all the pieces still be medable?

    @ "Community Manager"

    Since this could ruin your armor pieces, we should be able to test the finished product on TC.

    Your announcement says Cosmetic Twice, so players should know their event armor could turn cosmetic if it does not follow the LMC property of the material.

    The inherent LMC and Stamina Loss Protection bonuses of armor are based on the type of armor. The Paladin armor is classified as Metal/Plate, so it will provide those bonuses when equipped (1% LMC, and High Stam Loss Protection).

    It is currently not possible to copy the armor "type" of a converted piece. Meaning, we cannot apply studded/bone passive armor bonuses to plate armor. It's just not how the system works.

    If your source armor is medable, the resulting Paladin armor piece will have the Mage Armor property applied automatically. This property can later be removed if you so choose by visiting a Mage Guildmaster to remove it.

    There are certain restrictions in place that are true among all Transmogrify systems (Potions/Arcane Outfitter), which prevent refined or transmogged armor pieces from being a valid transmog source.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Thank you.   My mage can do it!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    Any chance they'll make these visible outside of the paperdoll and packs?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited February 27
    Venom said:
    Any chance they'll make these visible outside of the paperdoll and packs?
    Mine seems to look different?

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    So in theory my sdi suit would just assume the new look but otherwise stay the same
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    so mages can use the new look ? but melee fights cant ?
    I dont understand why they cant just make it a new skin / costume for what ever armor you want to look that way 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited February 27
    Grimbeard said:
    So in theory my sdi suit would just assume the new look but otherwise stay the same
    Yup.  Gotta love it, Paladin Mage!  Don't pick a guy that wears a tabard or robe... I gotta convert a parrot.  Hooks shield is in the way in CC.

    All the pieces are now metal when you repair.  They can be repaired.

    My warriors are out because they use refined stuff.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    I have 250 tickets and it's saying I don't have enough? 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited February 27
    Grimbeard said:
    I have 250 tickets and it's saying I don't have enough? 
    First click the center rhombus then the one on the right.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    You got ur Pirate look! 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Pawain said:
    You got ur Pirate look! 
    I wish water cloak was blue and or green 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    The tickets are character rather than account bound
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    So if you want to change say your gargoyle you have to buy some for them I tried it in my pack but it didn't recognize it there
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Ya the items have to be equipped.  But, you can convert other human armor from a human toon and give it to them.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Pawain said:
    Ya the items have to be equipped.  But, you can convert other human armor from a human toon and give it to them.
    I feel the tickets should be available for all character on my account 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Grimbeard said:
    Pawain said:
    Ya the items have to be equipped.  But, you can convert other human armor from a human toon and give it to them.
    I feel the tickets should be available for all character on my account 
    I agree.  Especially since you can buy multiple charges. I almost bought the larger charge package.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Pawain said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Pawain said:
    Ya the items have to be equipped.  But, you can convert other human armor from a human toon and give it to them.
    I feel the tickets should be available for all character on my account 
    I agree.  Especially since you can buy multiple charges. I almost bought the larger charge package.
    @Kyronix @Community Manager any chance of this happening? 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    went Celtic lime

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    looks good i like that hue
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    @Grimbeard - unfortunately not at this time - making things account vs. character bound expands the technical requirements by quite a bit.

    Pirate suite is looking baller af btw. 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Kyronix said:
    @ Grimbeard - unfortunately not at this time - making things account vs. character bound expands the technical requirements by quite a bit.

    Pirate suite is looking baller af btw. 
    Thank you!
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited February 27
    We did an article and brief video

    For those who may have questions/want to see how it works before buying it.
  • Community ManagerCommunity Manager Posts: 484Dev
    edited February 27
    Edited the primary post, as Arcane Outfitter was featured in the beginning of the live stream from 2/26/25. :) Specifically it can be found at 11:36 into the video.
    "Information on how the Outfitter works as well as some information and a walk through is on the Stream from 2/26/25 here on YouTube: "
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  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    here is earth suit for my pally macer and a fire set of luck plate i have been building

  • Grimbeard said:
    here is earth suit for my pally macer and a fire set of luck plate i have been building

    Looking good!
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  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Any chance we could get transmogable shields I want a luck fire looking shield 
  • Is this literally just in the paper doll or in the gameplay window too? I'm getting mixed messages from this thread. Surely someone knows for sure by now?
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