Possible Critical Bug: Partial / Total Item Loss from Player Corpses


We here at TWL believe there may be a critical bug related to the partial or total loss of items from player corpses on the New Legacy shard.

Last night, some guild members raided the Manticore Lair. Our guild member Jokersouldragon, on his character Barathas playing using the Enhanced Client, went down in combat, leaving behind a first player corpse. I would add which version of UO they play on i.e EC,

A few minutes later, he was player resurrected and then went down in combat a second time, leaving a second player corpse.

He was resurrected a third time and was able to reach both the first and second player corpses, but all of their non-blessed items had vanished.

Furthermore, at the Manticore Lair, our players observed a rapid decay of player corpses. Instead of lasting the expected 2 hours, they decayed and vanished within 20 to 30 minutes, if not less.

Apparently, this was not the first time this had happened to Jokersouldragon. He has lost all of his items a number of times since starting to play New Legacy.

Something similar happened to a former member of the guild, RedScar/Spike. He went down fighting the Crimson Dragon a few times in a row, and when he reached his corpse - all his items seemed to have disappeared too.

Our current member PoisonIvy has reported a similar issue while playing the New Legacy too.

Steps to Reproduce:


Expected Behavior:

According to the game rules of the New Legacy shard, we would expect player corpses, along with all items, to persist in-game for at least two real-world hours. Jokersouldragon should have been able to loot both corpses and collect their items within that window of time.

Actual Behavior:

Player corpses (at least in the Manticore Lair) do not persist for 2 hours, and items seem to disappear partially or even totally at times when the player has multiple corpses around the area.


  • OS: TBD

  • Client: Enhanced Client for Jokersouldragon



Additional Misc Notes:

Via Joojeh:

Die once, get rezzed, collect stuff 

In this case when I've collected my stuff, I get everything back and my player doll is automatically clothed with all of its items it had before. So in this case no need to access player doll items from my backpack. 

Die, get rezzed, die, collect stuff from both corpses 

In this case, the player doll items collected from my second corpse do not automatically get reapplied to my paper doll. Maybe order of corpse collection matters here? Just a theory. Needless to say, in the situations where my paper doll is not automatically dressed, the items are available in my backpack, and in fact I've set up a macro which will redress myself quickly for these scenarios.

So thinking on this just a bit more... it's the moment you get rezzed the first time where things become a bit goofy. 

That is when you are rezzed, you are in a death robe, but the stuff that was on your player doll is in your backpack (I think). In my first scenario, the action of collecting stuff off your corpse causes your clothes to pop pack on to your player doll. 

However, if you die a second time before reaching your first corpse, then naturally the player doll items will be on your second corpse. I could argue that this is strange behavior.. they may as well make it so that you get automatically clothed upon getting rezzed instead of upon collecting your corpse.

Via Zeke:

The issue I had last night was that there was a 3rd corpse that I didn't see that had the items that I had been wearing when I died the 2nd time and hadn't gotten dressed (they teleported me into rocks on the mountain). The body disappeared before I was able to get to it. Timer from outside…

Via Valars

Had a corpse at crimson poof after a 30-minute AFK death, logged a ticket, and sat as the timer went. Undertakers staff used no corpses found. GM’s closed the ticket in the AM, stating unable to assist. Arctos Lure lost.

Via Garett

I often have this issue when you die and don't reequip your gear by macros, and you die a second time. 

After you loot your corpse (after the second death,) there are three possible outcomes. 

1. Items equipped from second corps but the gear is not showing on the paper doll, but all stats there, you just need to relog, and all items will show again 

2. Same, but all items are hidden in the backpack until relog 

3. Old bug rare issue when items are hidden in a sub-container in your backpack (you can check it by comparing your character weight), relog on another client can help, but if not, only a GM can help

DM Wyvern's Lair YouTube Channel



  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    After investigating it looks like somewhere through the beta process we adjusted the timing of corpses as they were persisting for too long a period long after they were looted.  We'll be working through a resolution to this shortly.  Thanks for the report!
  • Kyronix said:
    After investigating it looks like somewhere through the beta process we adjusted the timing of corpses as they were persisting for too long a period long after they were looted.  We'll be working through a resolution to this shortly.  Thanks for the report!

    My thanks to you and the rest of the team for quickly tracking down this issue and working on a resolution for it, Kryonix! ^_^
    DM Wyvern's Lair YouTube Channel

  • GyngersnapGyngersnap Posts: 20
    I have suffered from this, too. I didn't realize until later that I had lost all the items that should have been equipped on my paper doll except my robe. Since I had my robe, I thought I had everything. This was very disappointing. 
  • DM_WyvernDM_Wyvern Posts: 141
    If this issue has been fixed, would it be possible to get an updated timer for player corpses? Do they persist for 10 minutes? 1 hour? Please do let us know if you can, thank you!
    DM Wyvern's Lair YouTube Channel

  • DM_WyvernDM_Wyvern Posts: 141
    Any chance you could bump this to the devs @Community Manager ? ^_^
    DM Wyvern's Lair YouTube Channel

  • DM_WyvernDM_Wyvern Posts: 141
    Any word on what the player corpse timer is for the NL now @Community Manager?
    DM Wyvern's Lair YouTube Channel

  • ParallaxParallax Posts: 7Dev
    Changes to player corpse decay timers will be part of New Legacy Publish 2. The publish notes will have more specific details when they are released.
  • DM_WyvernDM_Wyvern Posts: 141
    Parallax said:
    Changes to player corpse decay timers will be part of New Legacy Publish 2. The publish notes will have more specific details when they are released.

    Thank you for the update @Parallax!
    DM Wyvern's Lair YouTube Channel

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