In Game

Just out of curiosity, what is the current date in game? Even just the year would be good to know for RP purposes (yes... I know... nerd alert).

Anyway, if anyone has an idea of what it is, please let me know.


  • KorikKorik Posts: 37
    edited February 10
    It's year 426 if my calculations are right, give or take.

    10001 days since UO was released (Yes, UO had its 10,000'th day anniversary yesterday)
    Each IRL day is 12 days in Britannia
    A Britannian month is 73 days
    The game's calendar began in the year 289

    Puts it around year 426.

    Of course, if you want to be more accurate you'd have to consider the hours of downtime the game has had over the years, which would roll the clock back considerably.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    edited February 10 has a calculator which shows the current Britannia date,
    July 71, 425, Stratics used to have one, but it is on the old site and thus appears to be broken.

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