Our Communication Crystal

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
edited February 5 in General Discussions
Greetings all -

Firstly, thanks everyone for the well wishes and congratulations.  It means a lot! <3

I wanted to take a moment to outline how you can expect to communicate with the team through all the various media channels we have.

Primarily we will make announcements via UO.com - there you can find the latest links to publish notes, hotfixes, and any other important information related to UO.

We also have our Mailchimp which is what we use to push our the Ultima Online newsletter.  Are you signed up?  You've probably noticed Mailchimp has been used to share tidbits about our current game events, community spotlights, and to showcase new content.  You can expect this type of format in Mailchimp moving forward with UO.com remaining the primary means we will announce news.

We also have our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), YouTube, and Twitch channels.  You can follow all of those platforms to stay engaged with all things Ultima Online!

You can also email us at any time : uo@broadsword.com - I monitor that inbox routinely. 

Finally we have the forum here.  We want to be open and accessible to player comments, questions, and concerns as we can be.  To facilitate communications and streamline getting your questions answered you should feel free to tag our CM Fenneko @Community Manager and she will be able to route to the appropriate team member.  Please be patient with us - as some questions take a bit of digging to find an answer.

We look forward to sharing the Ultima Online experience with you all!


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