Question about Shadow Hounds
I have been taming Shadow Hounds but am not sure which are keepers and which not...
Can anyone more expert please help with some guidance ?
Normally, the higher the intensity the better yet, since Shadow Hounds are pack animals, I would imagine that one would not train them up to the max possible slot 3 but leave them at slot 1 so as to be able to use 5 of them and, therefore, whatever intensity they may come with does not matter... but is that so?
I mean, I have heard fellow players saying that they were looking for 90% intensity Shadow Hounds... what for, if I may ask, if in the end they do not get trained to their max possible 3 slots if one wants to have a pack of more then just 2 of them ?
Also, they can get tamed as slot 1 or 2... are those tamed at slot 2 to be discarded entirely ?
Is there anything to look at in order to tell apart a good Shadow Hound that is a keeper from one that is a bad one to be released ?
Also, since my Tamer lacks Stable slots space, what is the bare minimum requirement for Animal Taming/Animal Lore to hold a Shadow Hound so that I could use another character's Stable to hold some Shadow Hounds ?
Thank you for the kind help.
Stamina: 145-150
Mana: 185-210
STR: 225-270
DEX: 145-165
INT: 185-210
Physical: 55-65
Fire: 35-45
Cold: 45-65
Poison: 25-35
Energy: 25-35
Now, we can do the math real fast:
Shadow hound is canine right?
Make sure to read that note.
Now for your questionsss.. u clever enough to know this is situational.. what are u going to hunt? with whom? Is it worth the headach?
Pack instinct tamer = zerker tamer... if you looking to sacrifice DMG for Tankiness on a zerker u doing something wrong OR very niche.. 100% there is a boss out there with a tons of HP dealing little dmg (like the manifestation of evil)
But yeah, general rules it's "the" zerker template for tamer. The idea was to help low level tamer to do something meaningful while they were training their tamer with ~70-80 taming. (was very long to train them)
They arn't build to be self sustaining on the long run.
PS: I could be wrong, lots of things changed and lots of Heresy for a sandbox game.
The real question is.. does it really worth sacrificing 5 stable slots for something very niche (if u ain't PvPing)
Only you can answer that question.
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It was real good for PvP vs unprepared target.. if u have time to waste try to tame 5 frenzied ostard and on an alt account try to fight those weak creatures when they ALL ATTACK.. from memory instead of receiving 8 dmg they would hit u for 16 dmg (5 of them, the frienzed ostard had good dex but NOT the 150 those hounds got) without parrying nor AoE spell like the necro frost AoE.. u better run.. I can't imagine how strong those 5 hounds must be for PvP vs someone unprepared.
I'm pretty sure you could still find a niche PvE content for your pack of 5 shadow hound like @PlayerSkillFTW mention (a pack of 5 hound seems to be top 1 dmg for tamers, at moment)
But yeah.. after trying the 5 frienzed ostard going from 8 to 16 dmg.. think about what a pack of 5 hounds could do.. if you're skilled and imaginative.. u could 100% find a niche use for them IF u have the room.
PvE wise the general rule for pack instinct; was to help noobs.. like u invite a friend he training taming and wants to go kills bigger target with you.. he could bring a pack even with low taming skill instead of bringing a drake.
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In order to transfer it the recipient tamer must have a control chance above 0%.
So a tamer will need a combination of taming and lore to achieve that. If you have a very low control chance the odds are transferring successfully decrease and it will most likely take multiple attempts to successfully transfer.
As for what to look for:
You do not want:
2 slot
Under 150 stam, only the early ones could have less than 150, so it you are looking for to buy one check for that. If you are looking to tame one from chests, you don't need to worry about it anymore.
Intensity kind of matters, because you do want higher stat pets, however the most important thing for pack animals is hit points and resists (physical and fire being priority)
5 pack is the best bang for the buck. However, how useful those are depends on your template, ability as a tamer and your playstyle. You do not want to substitute other canine for one as they have lower dex or are higher slot. You want a pack of five Shadow Hounds.
Pack instinct appears to be some sort of a buff and you will need to refresh it by having your pack attack again (all kill) or the damage bonus falls off after about a minute.
Packs aren't for everyone but used right they can be very beneficial and they can be used in end game content. Also remember you can use the taming mastery as one to split the damage between the pack as opposed to one animal taking all the damage, this can synergize well with bard songs.
You train their skills to GM.
If i'm doing my own pack I want at least:
Hits: 150-200 191
Stamina: 145-150 150
Mana: 185-210
STR: 225-270 255
DEX: 145-165 165 (you can overcap pass 150 dex for his movement speed, GREAT for PvP)
INT: 185-210
Physical: 55-65
Fire: 35-45
Cold: 45-65
Poison: 25-35
Energy 25-35 (overall resist minus 7-12 from perfection and if possible most of those point coming from cold resist)
But i'm a picky dude.. it can take monthss to get what u want.. u'd need to get 5 specimen like that, if u ask me.
Just to make sure do not mix trainable intensity and intensity on CAH.. my goal for a PvP pack would be almost perfect instensity wich mean (in my case) ignore mana/int and cold resist if all other stats can be almost perfect it's a keeper..
Now if u want PvE only.. u can ignore the 165 dex (if your pack almost teleport on your target it changes nothing for PvE) so 150 dex for swing speed is what u want.. for PvP u'd NEED those poison and energy to be 35 cuz of consecrate weapon.. u can ignore it for PvE (depending of the content u doing with your pack)
But yeah.. your mindset ain't it.. u seems to think since u don't invest any powerscroll and such in them u can neglect their intensity.. when it should be the opposite, since u can't compensate for their flaws.
Edit: refer to violet comment if you're not planning to use them for PvP and only high end PvE.
Like here for a rune beetle going under training the plan was to have almost perfect DEX and POISON (170 and 126) cuz they cannot train those part.. do not neglect what u cannot train.. it should be the opposite.
PS: I also needed it to be the closest to 75% poison resist as possible.
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A third one, came out with a whopping 67,85% intensity yet, its stats are 175 Hits, 150 Stamina, 204 Mana, 269 Strength, 153 Dex, 204 Int and Resistances Physical 57%, Fire 41%, Cold 52%, Poison 35% and Energy 25%. Hits might be similar to the 1st Hound yet, Physical is lower and Fire close. But the Intensity as one can see, is quite higher for the 3rd one as compared to the 1st one... much better intensity, but not a much better Shadow Hound if one looks at the stats that matter...
How long before you think they will make another object in the game that does little damage to pets and does not switch targets? Well you will be prepared for it in 2030 I suppose. In the 27 years of UO, we have had two of those things...
they too weak to worth your time, imo.. except if u have a very niche use/content for them.
To answer this thing for PvE you should look at; high end boss u plan to use them on, with low physical resist that u can manage with your pack.. assuming u only want to focus on physical and fire resist is not optimal. imo.. this is good for the Paiwan of this world, not the top optimize pack..
and anything under 190hp .. make it 185 if you are not zealous, should be scrap.. it's a real headach to deal with a pack.
But yeah, I get what you mean but for ex: poison/energy/cold resist ain't a waste.. it all depend on what you are planning to use them on.. only int/mana for the shadow hounds is really neglectable.
My general rules as someone who don't use the tool you are for the intensity % for an untrainable melee pet like a shadow hound or a cu sidh was minus 7-12 overall resist from perfection.. 5-10 HP from perfection with a maximum of dex... if not.. they're no keeper.
You do you tho.. but something sure 171 HP is mediocre.
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The more important question, is why are you wasting so much time messing and writing about these instead of getting drops from the event that will soon end?
Do you want to share something with us?
This is a safe space..
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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The equivalent knowledge for crafters has effectively been lost in time.
PS: personally i'm lazy and legit.. so I would open the way on my paladin spamming holy light.
As for pet control.. this is WAY, wayyyy more easier to have them follow you than it was.
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I was given 5 shadow hounds, they were bonded and will sit in the stables until something that does not change target and damages pets very little comes out to use them on.
The world doesn't revolve around you.. if u were given and accepted the first 5 weaker specimen u were presented.. do not pull everyone down to your level.
You shame him for not knowing stuff and shaming him for learning the stuff you don't... pick a lane.
PS: I lied, this is not a safe space.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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