[Eclipsed Dawn] What artifacts from past events would you like to see again?
There is less than a month left until Publish 119 launches and developers are preparing everything, including new artifacts for this event.

But, if Devs could bring back artifacts from the past, which one would you like to see again?
Here I leave which event artifact from the past I would like to see again.
(Little girl's voice) Hi Devs, I would like to see
Grimoire of Nature
again at the event, thank you

And you, what event artifact from the past would you like to see again?
Note: this publication is not official, nor does it guarantee that the developers will include these objects, but just in case they read it and want to take it into account, they can think about adding these objects.
For the Boss Drop, I hope none repeat. I have at least 20 of each of those still.
For the participation drop, my wish is here https://forum.uo.com/discussion/15626/participation-rewards-for-eclipsed-dawn-ideas#latest
Well, in case of a dexer, for example, when the durability gets too low, it becomes annoying to always need to repair the item after just a short playing session... getting a new item with 255/255 durability can help to play again longer sessions without needing to have to worry about having to repair the item again and again after a short playing...
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