what happens when a New Legacy bard transfers off server?

So New Legacy runs till October 2025, at which point the characters are bottled up to be transfered to other severs and New Legacy starts fresh again. Most character templates should get along fine. Warrior, Archer, Mage, Crafter I have played so far. Haven't tried Assasin, but my purpose for posting is I am a bit worried about the New Legacy Bard template.

The Musicianship skill does not exist on New Legacy servers. So a character with the New Legacy bard template moves to a mainstream server and can't function until they add and train up Musicianship skill to their character? Not the hardest skill to train, but definately a concern of mine since I have limited time to play and I do not automate skillgain.

If anyone has seen/heard anything I'd appreciate the knowledge!
Thalon, Merchant Sailor of Pacific for fine Tools, Clothing, and Potions!
Blacksmithing, Carpentry and Inscription services offered through afilliated subcontractors.
Exotic beasts available with proper authorization from the Crown.


  • I have not heard anything about this, but it seems that you could spend a few moments here and there every month training music on another character on that shard, and then transfer the skills to your NL character via Soulstone if you needed to.
  • I have not heard anything about this, but it seems that you could spend a few moments here and there every month training music on another character on that shard, and then transfer the skills to your NL character via Soulstone if you needed to.
    Personally, i'd prefer them to change Prodo shards to utilize this new mechanic. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • ThalonThalon Posts: 77
    While it would be nice to free up 100 skill points on all Bard templates by removing Musicianship as an in-game skill, I don't see any indication New Legacy will lead to way to changes in the barding mechanics on existing Shards.
    Thalon, Merchant Sailor of Pacific for fine Tools, Clothing, and Potions!
    Blacksmithing, Carpentry and Inscription services offered through afilliated subcontractors.
    Exotic beasts available with proper authorization from the Crown.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,695
    Maybe they will ask which things we like on NL and wish them to transfer.  
    1. The Lore page saying the amount of time till bond.
    2. Choosing the container crafted items go into.

    And more, those seem easy.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,695
    Right now at 480 playing a pure bard tough freeing up 120 skill points would be awesome. That said I'm not a fan of how bard masteries work in NL and wouldn't be in favor of bringing it to production 
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