Any thing special about the Moldering Ursine as a PvM combat pet?

Is there anything special about the Moldering Ursine that makes it a good PvM combat pet?
Is it comparable to a Hiryu tank?
Or should I use those 200 points on something else?


  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    I think the main allure is it's a mountable life leech pet. Also, the stats when you claim it are always the same at its base, so no worrying about RNG. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    The fact that it starts at 2 slot and has a very high intensity to begin with gives it the ability to have a very nice 1 magic build and can get a 2 magic build.

    It just has LL so no wasted special.

    It has a nice damage type spread.  It's like a Cu with some physical damage.

    Only the Triton or a 2 slot Reptalon competes with its available intensity.

    Can see more info here:
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Yes. The Moldering Ursine definitely has it's uses, and can be particularly effective as 120 Chiv+AI, especially for a Disco/Tamer. Their self healing capability scales with their damage output due to Life Leech, so they can out heal Tritons/Cus when dishing out high damage.
    They're also able to take full advantage of "Combat Training: Berserk" due to Life Leech being the only thing unaffected by Berserk's healing debuff (for pets at least). I've seen 430+ damage EoO+AIs from berserk Moldering Ursines and Ossein Rams.
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