Calling all farmers

How's it going for yall?  I think I saw one person grew Mandrake Root, wondering if that person watered at a specific time?

Anyone else get it to grow?


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    I gave up because I can't water at server up.  Need my beauty sleep.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    I gave up because I can't water at server up.  Need my beauty sleep.
    We know, we know . . .
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 100
    Sad to hear, I can't water at server up either.  Thought @Kyronix and @Community Manager said this was fixed so I started farming again.  

    All they had to do was have a DEV work a plot, I mean water once every 24 hours shouldn't take them that long, or, send the reagents to a working loop.


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    You shouldn’t have to water exactly at server up.  You have the entirety of the server up time in an earth day to water your plants.
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 100
    Kyronix said:
    You shouldn’t have to water exactly at server up.  You have the entirety of the server up time in an earth day to water your plants.

    @Kyronix ; That is the problem.  Been doing the farming since Beta.  Garlic and Mandrake Root will not grow.  If you look you can read all about the issues in the Report Bug thread.

    For some reason, those two regs are only growing when one player is able to water at a specific time.  

    Trust me, many others have the same problem.  This time I even chose a plot at Brit farms, made no difference.  Still go to Skara farms and players there are still having the same problem.  I've talked with several of them.

    One poster did an excellent spreadsheet of his/her watering schedule in the bug thread.  It was very detailed.  To get those two reagents to grow, one must water at some point around server up.  It's not possible for some of us players to be online at that time.  If not able to water each and everyday at that specific time, the plant goes back to first stage.

    Also, if I may add, we do know how to plant, water, and harvest.  All the other reagents, cotton, and flax are working as intended.

    There is something in the coding for MR and Garlic that is bugged.

    @Kyronix ; Thank you for responding.  I am not being sarcastic, you responding to this shows you are not ignoring the issue, I don't think we are making ourselves clear?  
  • Since last update I though mandrake root problem was fixed and I planed 9 seeds to my plot. I have been watering it once everyday. Its been more than 2 weeks I guess, maybe even 3?
    And today I recall to my plot and it says I cannot water it because its not my plot.. *sigh*
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 100
    Higure said:
    Since last update I though mandrake root problem was fixed and I planed 9 seeds to my plot. I have been watering it once everyday. Its been more than 2 weeks I guess, maybe even 3?
    And today I recall to my plot and it says I cannot water it because its not my plot.. *sigh*

    Exact same issue here.  I have not been able to harvest MR, and now it states cannot water another person's plot.  Not even able to purchase a new plot to start again.  State I already have one, but then it states it's not my plot to water.

    @Kyronix ; @Community Manager  This has not been fixed, please address.
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