Crafting character prevented from reaching grandmaster swordsmanship

I started a tailor. As expected, I started with two skills: tailoring and swordsmanship.

I raised tailoring and swordsmanship to 100 and 94, respectively, by completing job board quests. I was allowed to complete the tailoring narrative before I reached 100 in swordsmanship.

Now I am unable to raise my swordsmanship skill level. No amount of fighting has increased my skill.

I cannot say for sure, but I suspect this may have been a bug introduced when the first patch was released. The release notes say:
  • Narrative complete players will no longer be able to apply skill points from basic skill point trainer NPCs
Though, I believe the real bug is that I should not have been able to complete the narrative without first reaching 100 in swordsmanship.


  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 100
    @Kyronix ; @Community Manager

    I have the same issue as the above poster.  Tailoring is at 100, how should I be able to raise Swords?  Unable to use the job board because it says I have reached my limit to apply skill points, Tailoring is at 100, Swords is at 60.

    Thank you
  • I have the same problem on a character, and a friend has the same problem on his.  Both characters did the mage path and only worked on core skills.  Once we completed the main path, we weren't able to use the skill trainer to train Inscription, and we weren't able to unlock any of the core skills for advanced training.  This leaves our inscription stuck at 60 with no way to move it up or down, and all of our other skills locked as well.
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