Congiarium... hum, probably it was fixed too well

PitrPitr Posts: 191
400 bods later... no news.


  • 1st time it was completed in 10 minutes.  This time we're on day 4 and still don't know what Stage it's at.  Wasn't there some kind of message that told us how far along it was?  I think i remember seeing it during the Beta Weekends. @Kyronix has something changed in Publish 1 that doesn't give us update notifications?  I know we have put 100's of bods (if not 1000's)  on it since it became active on Saturday and here it is Tuesday and we don't have a clue what's happening with it.
  • ZekeTerra said:
    1st time it was completed in 10 minutes.  This time we're on day 4 and still don't know what Stage it's at.  Wasn't there some kind of message that told us how far along it was?  I think i remember seeing it during the Beta Weekends. @ Kyronix has something changed in Publish 1 that doesn't give us update notifications?  I know we have put 100's of bods (if not 1000's)  on it since it became active on Saturday and here it is Tuesday and we don't have a clue what's happening with it.
    It used to say "it 1/4, 1/2" etc. during Beta. and even after launch iirc. not sure why it was removed. It would definitely be helpful to know . . .
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • I have tried multiple times to contribute, and still have no clear idea of the procedure. Could someone that has experienced the process please explain here how it works?

  • ZtekZtek Posts: 3
    edited December 2024
    LoneSwan said:
    I have tried multiple times to contribute, and still have no clear idea of the procedure. Could someone that has experienced the process please explain here how it works?

    In order to contribute, you will need to fill a bulk order deed or large bulk order deed with the requested items and then drop it on the Congriarium when it is in an open state. The points that are contributed to the total are the BANK points listed on the Bulk Order Deed you hand in. You will get more points for larger bods, but you will have to see what is best for you and how you want to contribute.
    You will get a message saying it was accepted if its open and the bod is complete, otherwise it will spit it back at you.
    The top three contributors to that phase get a special title, Artificer, and get to choose one of three new upgrades that can be enhanced on weapons. I believe this is how this part works.

    This current phase, we are not sure at all on where the Congriarium is at regarding capacity, we know the threshold was increased with the last patch but that is all is known.
  • @Kyronix could we please get the message of completion status reinstated to this? Pretty Please?
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • @ Kyronix could we please get the message of completion status reinstated to this? Pretty Please?

    I just delivered the bulk just now and it seems to be getting the message.
    A quarter?

  • I guess it was there the whole time, it was just increased so Profoundly, that it took 10,000 (exaggerration, but it feels like it) Bod's to get it to 1/4 so it would show. *goes back to grinding Bods*
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • MudgeMudge Posts: 16
    edited December 2024
    I doubt that would be an exaggeration, I put a bit over 1500 bods in before I gave up and quit a couple days ago( about 100 were larges and half color), and from what I remember of the people doing it as well as me, I likely would not have made the top 10
  • DragorDragor Posts: 15
    The new increased amount of BOD's required to level up, is way too much. I know you don't want items to progress to quickly, but the way you have implemented has backfired. Crafters are giving up and in some cases not playing any more. I for one will not craft anymore, I put about 450 colored Carp bods in and am not doing it again, (10's, 15's and 20's) I also did about 450 the first round. I am officially on Strike. Collectively we have put thousands of BOD's in it this round and its only 1/4 full? I don't mind doing my part, but my crafting was taking up 50% of my game play, which is not the reason I play and way to much of my time IMHO. So now people are not playing as much. And it doesn't help that there are events on the main shards keeping some from play NL. Also, there is almost Zero benefit to the Crafter for all the hard work aside from a possible title and selecting the buffs like area effects. I cant speak for other, but I don't care at all about the title or selecting.  So why should I craft to help level it up for everyone else's benefit who doesn't craft? I know it may sound selfish, but it is the reality of the situation. Now if you implemented it to where only the Crafters accounts who contributed to the Congiarium would have the ability to get or even craft the next level items like Power or Fortification as loot, then it may be worth our effort. We could even sell them on our vendors for others to be able to have. You could also make it to where Bosses would drop those items for all to get, but not regular monsters. Either way, it makes me very sad that such a great idea was implemented in this manner. And yes I know it has only been a couple of months since the shard went live, but to expect people to put that much time into crafting is a mistake. Thank you for all you have done, but considering a change would be much appreciated.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,299
    edited December 2024
    Dragor said:
    The new increased amount of BOD's required to level up, is way too much. I know you don't want items to progress to quickly, but the way you have implemented has backfired. Crafters are giving up and in some cases not playing any more. I for one will not craft anymore, I put about 450 colored Carp bods in and am not doing it again, (10's, 15's and 20's) I also did about 450 the first round. I am officially on Strike. Collectively we have put thousands of BOD's in it this round and its only 1/4 full? I don't mind doing my part, but my crafting was taking up 50% of my game play, which is not the reason I play and way to much of my time IMHO. So now people are not playing as much. And it doesn't help that there are events on the main shards keeping some from play NL. Also, there is almost Zero benefit to the Crafter for all the hard work aside from a possible title and selecting the buffs like area effects. I cant speak for other, but I don't care at all about the title or selecting.  So why should I craft to help level it up for everyone else's benefit who doesn't craft? I know it may sound selfish, but it is the reality of the situation. Now if you implemented it to where only the Crafters accounts who contributed to the Congiarium would have the ability to get or even craft the next level items like Power or Fortification as loot, then it may be worth our effort. We could even sell them on our vendors for others to be able to have. You could also make it to where Bosses would drop those items for all to get, but not regular monsters. Either way, it makes me very sad that such a great idea was implemented in this manner. And yes I know it has only been a couple of months since the shard went live, but to expect people to put that much time into crafting is a mistake. Thank you for all you have done, but considering a change would be much appreciated.
    I have crafted for days to drop bods in (along with several other players) and it's still at 1/4. I have dropped multiple Larges, and 100's of colored Carpentry colored smalls. I will not give up putting them in, but i'm significantly dropping the amount of bods I'll put in it along with how often i do it. I love crafting, but this is more of a career than a hobby to advance the Congiarium. I play to have fun, and this aint fun. Maybe change it to the equivalant of two Trees 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    I stopped playing on NL to play regular shards during the events.  NL was already up to all 70s but energy.

    This season has many more months to go.  It gets boring when you don't die and can kill everything. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Many of we crafters raised the issue during Alpha / Beta that mining felt like a job, rather than a game - and the response was amazing. Miners have never had it this good! And now, we have the same problem with the congiarium. I already HAVE a job. I come to UO to relax and enjoy myself. NOT to play a job-emulator. The big problem is effort vs reward.
    You've already told us that only the top 3 contributors will get a title. That instantly kills the incentive for casual crafters to drop off a few BoDs a day. You've shot yourself in the foot there. I'm probably one of the moderate-to-high contributors, but I know I can't keep up with people who are retired or not working. So, where's my incentive to keep doing a couple of hundred orders a day?

    If an aspect of the game is going to take this long to contribute, you need to keep people engaged. Give them rewards - or something else to do - along the journey.

    Some examples that SHOULD be fairly easy to implement are:

    1. Have an attack on the Congi which CLAIMS to be slowing progress down, or stealing completed orders. It doesn't have to really reduce our progress - that would be pointless. Just SAY that it is for roleplay's sake. Of course, we poor crafters can't defend ourselves very well, so we need the fighters, mages, and tamers, who can then earn (for example) a title of "defender of the congi" . Use those shadow reavers as attackers - they certainly pop up everywhere else. Or make it part of the orc invasion. We're not short on enemies, but the grind shouldn't be one of them.

    2. Link it to housing points. Donate a bulk order, keep your house standing. No brainer.

    3. This one is so obvious, it should have been there from day one: Drop an order into the congi, get congi points to assist with enhancing items. Just a small number - 1 point per order would do. Just give us something to keep us engaged.

    If you have dev time and resources, the sky's the limit, but I'm guessing you don't. But there are simple things that can be done to make this less like working in the supermarket checkout line.

  • Many of we crafters raised the issue during Alpha / Beta that mining felt like a job, rather than a game - and the response was amazing. Miners have never had it this good! And now, we have the same problem with the congiarium. I already HAVE a job. I come to UO to relax and enjoy myself. NOT to play a job-emulator. The big problem is effort vs reward.
    You've already told us that only the top 3 contributors will get a title. That instantly kills the incentive for casual crafters to drop off a few BoDs a day. You've shot yourself in the foot there. I'm probably one of the moderate-to-high contributors, but I know I can't keep up with people who are retired or not working. So, where's my incentive to keep doing a couple of hundred orders a day?

    If an aspect of the game is going to take this long to contribute, you need to keep people engaged. Give them rewards - or something else to do - along the journey.

    Some examples that SHOULD be fairly easy to implement are:

    1. Have an attack on the Congi which CLAIMS to be slowing progress down, or stealing completed orders. It doesn't have to really reduce our progress - that would be pointless. Just SAY that it is for roleplay's sake. Of course, we poor crafters can't defend ourselves very well, so we need the fighters, mages, and tamers, who can then earn (for example) a title of "defender of the congi" . Use those shadow reavers as attackers - they certainly pop up everywhere else. Or make it part of the orc invasion. We're not short on enemies, but the grind shouldn't be one of them.

    2. Link it to housing points. Donate a bulk order, keep your house standing. No brainer.

    3. This one is so obvious, it should have been there from day one: Drop an order into the congi, get congi points to assist with enhancing items. Just a small number - 1 point per order would do. Just give us something to keep us engaged.

    If you have dev time and resources, the sky's the limit, but I'm guessing you don't. But there are simple things that can be done to make this less like working in the supermarket checkout line.

    I'd be fine with the points system. either some new reward system, or give us the same amount of points on the regular bod system that we would get for saving the points when we turn in a bod to a guildmaster.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

    edited December 2024
    In order to get more participants, there would have to be some enforcement.
    For example, in order to expand an item, you would have to put some bulk into the congi to get the right to use it.
    If this were done, most mages would probably participate.

    Also, since we are talking about a destroyed world where the concept of “virtue” no longer exists, I believe NPC guildmasters should accept unlimited bribes.(A limit on the amount of money in a single bribe is necessary. though.)
  • 3 character slots would be nice so all can have a crafter. The endless boss rotation vs reward has become a job as awell so it makes sense if the same dev, with that same mindset, is making changes to the congi, that it would be the same result. I too have added BoD's but time is of the essence. Do i fill bods or do the endless boss rotation in the hopes for a good drop? Maybe keep literally working to keep my boss points at max so i can trade them for what im looking for. I love paying to go to work. Thanks Devs! There is no reason to make things unnecessarily tough unless your looking to tank the server and kill the already dwindling population. Obviously we all enjoy beating our heads against the wall repeatedly....Do the Devs even read these comments? thats the real question i have. Seems they are quite elusive and unresponsive more often than not.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    A suggestion @Kyronix
    on production, for banking. Large bods bank 20% of their value, small bods a mere 2%. Large bods are really hard to fill on NL, There isn't the storage, nor the number of bribable NPCs to enable it. So for NL make small bods also bank at 20% like the larges?
  • DragorDragor Posts: 15

    We’ve all shared some great ideas about potential changes to how the Congiarium and crafting influence the game.

    That said, we need to acknowledge that implementing such changes this year is likely unrealistic for the developers.

    If there’s even a possibility for adjustments, we’d need to address these key questions:

    1. Current Progression:

      • Do you prefer the current system, where leveling up the Congiarium takes a significant amount of time, potentially preventing us from ever reaching the final level (Vanquishing and Invulnerable), given the sheer number of BODs required?
    2. Accelerated Progression:

      • Would you prefer reducing the number of BODs needed to level up, making it easier to progress? This would mean reaching the highest level within a few months, but it could also lead to about six months of gameplay with access to the best items.

    For now, I believe the simplest solution would be reducing the required number of BODs to level up the Congiarium.

    Alternatively, another approach could be leaving the system as it is but allowing bosses (and only bosses) to drop Vanquishing and Invulnerable items, regardless of the Congiarium’s current level. Once the Congiarium levels up, these items could then drop from all enemies.

    These solutions could offer some balance while addressing player concerns about progression and rewards.


  • As others have said, BoD is hard and boring, so crafters should receive more benefits and fun.
    I think the problem is that it's more fun to do the boss loop than to do monotonous tasks alone, and that there are few opportunities for Crafter to shine and earn rewards in NL.

    These are just ideas:

    1. Receive the same rewards as normal BoD
    When I put BoD in Congiarium, I don't receive the rewards I would normally receive, such as contributing to the city's loyalty and rewards gained from BoD points, but for Cogiarium, I only receive the title if I can contribute to the top 3.
    I want the narrative to be changed so that I can also receive the normal rewards.

    2. Increase the benefits of being a crafter
    Currently, all the powerful equipment is obtained through boss drops. The properties that can be enchanted to items in Congiarium are also limited, and items dropped from monsters are more powerful. For this reason, the main areas of activity for crafters are limited to repair and decoration.

    Therefore, by contributing to Congiarium, I want to make it possible for crafters to make those items and mobs, except bosses, stop dropping powerful magic items.
    Inbueing was introduced for this purpose, but the fun was omitted in NL.

    3. Increase the interaction between crafters and other players
    Completing BoD is a very lonely task. I have to do everything myself: collecting resources, collecting BoDs, and creating.

    On the other hand, looping bosses is more enjoyable because I can take action and interact with other players.
    I want the dev team to add a narrative where I can progress through Congiarium while interacting with other players, such as the delivery quest in prod shard, the defend wagon quest like a daily job with actual crafters, or collecting materials while being escorted by players like the alchemist quest.

    P.S. Please introduce Fishing and Cooking soon.
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