Blacksmith, Imbue, What is the point?

What is the point of having either of these skills? Nothing the player can make can compare remotely to the items that drop! An imbuer can not hope to make a luck suit remotely close to 2K. A blacksmith can not hope to make any armor close to drop items so again I ask WHAT IS THE POINT?


  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2018
    Well on Siege there is a point, we go through lots of imbued weapons and armor. The beauty of siege is that without insurance crafters have a very good market for all crafted goods.  Good consistent throw away weapons that can be replaced at the drop of a hat are always sellable, and for new people to siege it gives them an affordable way to reequip after tangling with the residents.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    toss in the fact that we can not even craft exact items and it's absurdness once again i say if i want to craft a sword of leet noob slaying i should be able. tell me i need the black heart from 10 greater dragons and an once of virgin blood but i should be able to do it again i ask if every time a mage cast a spell something random happened how great would the outcry be... as crafters we can invest 500 or 600 skill points just to be able to RANDOMLY maybe reforge something that might be ok...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    You find Jewelry with the skills and stats you want?  I don't.

    I doubt I use one ring or bracelet that is not imbued.  I use a few reforged armor pieces.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KronalKronal Posts: 84
    cagle said:
    What is the point of having either of these skills? Nothing the player can make can compare remotely to the items that drop! An imbuer can not hope to make a luck suit remotely close to 2K. A blacksmith can not hope to make any armor close to drop items so again I ask WHAT IS THE POINT?

    Keep hearing this.  Simply not true.  Contrary to popular belief you can have a suit with no legendaries and still have it effective.  Highest level of luck can only be obtained by reforging/enhancing.  Oh and please show me a weapon that you recieved as a drop better than a weapon I can imbue.  Yes the crafting skills could use a buff.  To call them worthless shows your lack of knowledge when it comes to crafting.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Except spellbooks, all my weapons are imbued. 

    The OP must find some nice weapons and jewelry.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    edited August 2018
    I would say using a suit with all imbued pieces is outdated. 

    But they can be good for the last 1 or 2 pieces of armor for your suit. By using only legendaries, you could be missing out on some vital stats.  By using the imbued pieces to complete your suit, you can make sure you have all the stats you need for your template to function properly. 

    As for luck suits, the majority that I have seen are still reforged/imbued.  a good functional 190 luck legendary item can be very expensive. 

    most pvm weapons are still imbued.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    Crafting still has an important role in game.

    Luck suit 6piecesx190luck =1140luck, + 190shield + 190weapon = 1520luck
    All crafted stuff, but you have to craft it the right way, and use a enchanting tool which is 5m each charge. add the artifacts like hooded shroud, sandals, talisman, jewlery = 2k+ luck

    With imbuing I see a problem, theres cap each item on 550max weigth, it worked some years ago, but I am surprised this has not been increased to say 700weight pr item to match the loot drops that is out there. That is the easiest solution to bring imbuing back in the game.

    The more tecnical solution to imbuing in addition would be to allow more than 5mods pr item, and instead of cap of 15dci/hci and 12sdi increase to 20dci/hci 20sdi. Legendary drops from monsters with the right mods totally pwns the imbuing crafted stuff in comparison.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018
     cagle said:
    What is the point of having either of these skills? Nothing the player can make can compare remotely to the items that drop! An imbuer can not hope to make a luck suit remotely close to 2K. A blacksmith can not hope to make any armor close to drop items so again I ask WHAT IS THE POINT?

    On production, not much in the game makes any sense to me anymore, you are correct, for me, there is no point, there is no meaning to it. I used to complain about exactly this. Done with it now.

    MissE said:
    Well on Siege there is a point, we go through lots of imbued weapons and armor. The beauty of siege is that without insurance crafters have a very good market for all crafted goods.  Good consistent throw away weapons that can be replaced at the drop of a hat are always sellable, and for new people to siege it gives them an affordable way to reequip after tangling with the residents.

    And this is completely true. I am enjoying the game having a point again, not being broken, and having some meaning.

    [And evening Psycho, B) ]

  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    I put this post in the wrong thread

    For dexxers having some crafted pieces is almost impossible to avoid, near impossible to have a perfect complimenting legendary set.  I think the crafted suits could use one more property to really make legendarys even.  Jewelery is a whole different game though.  I really think runics for and enhancing for jewelery would be a huge bonus to crafted suits.

    And as others have said nothing can touch a crafted luck suit. 

    I also think carpentry armor should get the lmc, coupled with enhance bonuses some really great crafted melee pieces come from the elf gear. 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    psycho said:

    The more tecnical solution to imbuing in addition would be to allow more than 5mods pr item, and instead of cap of 15dci/hci and 12sdi increase to 20dci/hci 20sdi. Legendary drops from monsters with the right mods totally pwns the imbuing crafted stuff in comparison.
    The key words, for me, in this paragraph is 'with the right mods'. That seldom happens in my experience.  Yes, some of my suits have the odd legendary, or greater, artifact piece, but the rest is crafted and imbued, to be able to actually get the mods I want and not a random mix of a couple I want, and 3 or more that I don't.

    My characters weapons, both melee and archer, are all crafted imbued. I've never yet found a weapon that had the properties I actually wanted.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    They should make it like the pet training menu, let us pick what we want and at what lvls we want and then tell us what and how much resources we need.  With the high end loot giving us the ability to custom make things will not hurt anything and might even bring some crafters some need cash flow.  How many mods might need a slight bump but total point could be doubled and still not touch the upper end loot, IMHO.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018
    psycho said:

    The more tecnical solution to imbuing in addition would be to allow more than 5mods pr item, and instead of cap of 15dci/hci and 12sdi increase to 20dci/hci 20sdi. Legendary drops from monsters with the right mods totally pwns the imbuing crafted stuff in comparison.
    The key words, for me, in this paragraph is 'with the right mods'. That seldom happens in my experience.  Yes, some of my suits have the odd legendary, or greater, artifact piece, but the rest is crafted and imbued, to be able to actually get the mods I want and not a random mix of a couple I want, and 3 or more that I don't.

    My characters weapons, both melee and archer, are all crafted imbued. I've never yet found a weapon that had the properties I actually wanted.

    I completely get your point here and agree, but for me, this is every bit as frustrating.

    In PvM you have to physically loot and check your way through a million items, with billions of mods, before you find anything useful. It is the most physically useless ever system in my opinion.

    So quite frankly, however you look at it, from both sides of the system, I can't stand it. PvMing for loot is a horrendous experience, and Crafting doesn't match up and is pointless.

    Gearing characters, is meant to be a huge fun part of a game like this, and as far as I'm concerned, it comes nowhere near what it should be. These two points in themselves, make me hate the current game system.

    Ultimately, I hate randomly generated systems, and would like far more control over Items. There you go @kyronix, please give me some loot in a different style. Please redo Greater Reforged, for better mods, more style of mods, and even greater customisation. Thank you.

    [And good evening Petra, I hope you are well. :)  ]

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018

    Ok, had a quick further thought about this - well, this has been my concept forever to be honest.

    I would stop all Item loot from dropping off most mobs (they can keep gold drops), except in certain places (T-Maps for one, you get more time to review the Items from a T-Chest, it is logical they could remain as is) - to not completely kill off that playstyle.

    The bosses, would keep special artefacts, like cameos, tangles, cc's, all that sort of thing, create a unique Arty per region to make sure everything has something.

    The main thing I would have as drops from PvM, would be crafting ingredients, and resources, like Stygian Abyss. PvM mobs would be hunted for the resources to make Crafted armour and gear. The resources could be spread out all over the game. Dungeons need to be brought back into game also.

    Crafters then make ALL gear and weapons (except for a few special Boss Artefacts, and maybe a few lucky drops from the few special place still doing Itemisation style). Crafted armour and gear, could then be boosted a little re mods, and to give more customisation. Everyone wins.

    That way, all game-styles are involved properly, in the game progression.

  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    I think it would be good to raise the imbuing cap of armor to about 650 with 6 properties. 

    I think the crafted weapons should be left alone though. They are already very good and could become OP with a buff.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    6-7 mods yes but I would like to see 900-1000 total points and have everything selectable.  Do away with all this random garbage.
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    Don't forget you have to have Imbuing to REFORGE. And, unlike imbued items, reforged items can be overcapped, and be powdered. You can also reforge items for 1-2 properties, then powder, imbue and enhance them.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    Building on what Basara said, it is also much simpler to acquire the runic tools needed to reforge now that you can bribe, bank points, and select a reward. I have seen some very interesting high runic crafted gear.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    I have avoided doing any reforging because I'm under the impression that you almost always have to enhance the item to make them worthwhile.  Is this incorrect?  Can you make a full suit of LRC armor with good resists and useful properties using just reforging and imbuing?  Is it possible to take up reforging to make your armor and weapons if you don't want to have to purchase a Forged Metal of Artifacts to use on every item you create?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2018
    Basara said:
    Don't forget you have to have Imbuing to REFORGE. And, unlike imbued items, reforged items can be overcapped, and be powdered. You can also reforge items for 1-2 properties, then powder, imbue and enhance them.

    I used to love my greater reforged suit.

    Even then, the randomness involved in making it, meant I couldn't be the one to make it, my friends made it all for me, they had the patience to deal with putting that many unmatching things together.

    The last time I ever wore anything greater reforged, is at least 3 years ago. It does not begin to compare with legendary and is far too much hassle to create for something so worthless these days.

  • PinkertonPinkerton Posts: 105
    cagle said:
    What is the point of having either of these skills? Nothing the player can make can compare remotely to the items that drop! An imbuer can not hope to make a luck suit remotely close to 2K. A blacksmith can not hope to make any armor close to drop items so again I ask WHAT IS THE POINT?
    Well you are completely wrong.  100% wrong in fact.

    Because crafting is used to make the highest luck pieces in the game.  You will never find a non-artifact piece drop with 190 luck, but I make them all day long.  So I suggest you do some research before posting.
  • QuintusQuintus Posts: 16
    Pinkerton is correct. They wouldnt completely dissolve the useage of these crafts. They have only made them stronger over the years with adding imbuing.

    That said, I miss how back in the day player blacksmiths would just hangout outside the blacksmith shops in Brit and sell their GM wears. Back than the GM gear was the best you could get. Then came different color ore. OMG, now you can get black (shadow) iron GM suit. Then came magic items. "blah blah Broadsword of Vanquishing". That what you wanted. Vanquishing was the best. Player made stuff was useless compared to that. Then that went away. Imbuing became a thing and magic item drops were different. Now its more balanced and player made things are still preferred items.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited August 2018
    Margrette said:
    I have avoided doing any reforging because I'm under the impression that you almost always have to enhance the item to make them worthwhile.  Is this incorrect?  Can you make a full suit of LRC armor with good resists and useful properties using just reforging and imbuing?  Is it possible to take up reforging to make your armor and weapons if you don't want to have to purchase a Forged Metal of Artifacts to use on every item you create?

    The short answer is yes, but it will be much more useful if you enhance (at least in my experience).

    It really depends on your personal needs for armor.

    Honestly, if you read up on reforging on the UO wiki, at UOGuide, and at Stratics, you might be surprised at the quality of gear you can make.

    One thing neither Basara nor I mentioned is that you can Refine your armor as well, producing even nicer pieces.

    Just keep in mind that crafting is basically it's own fully fleshed out game. You can spend as much time doing it as doing PvM (and it can be as complex as figuring out different PvM encounters).

  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    What reforged Items I have, only one or two have been enhanced, and that was because I was trying to fit them into a suit were one resist was 3 or 4 off.

    The old "Has to be enhanced" BS is pretty much part and parcel of the "reforging for 150 luck" (then enhancing the result for luck, using a forged metal tool, as anything over 130 luck is 100% failure chance without it).

    Most stuff that was reforged with no care for luck has no need for an enhancement. These are typically done with an emphasis on resists (to try to get to all 70s with the fewest items - with maybe 1 item enhanced to close a weak spot), or with emphasis on getting umpteen properties (with resists being an afterthought).
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    just to point out i was not saying that you can not craft wonderful powerful things it's the complete randomness involved that saddens me.this has been the case since we first got runics and you could burn through a barbed kit and maybe just maybe get one piece with the mods you wanted.again lets apply this to magery Johnny PKer chuckles to himself got my macros all set up gonna own these noobs , hehe FS here we go hits FS macro but randomly cast create food just wouldn't be tolerated make it hard make us need ingredients but let us craft exactly what we want.....
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Crafting system is fine, (excluding a few reforging randoms that should be in a selectable).  I find it lots of fun, and the dedication required to make great suits is very satisfying.  I think your complaint is the handout system.  They keep raising the level and quality on their 'handouts' I guess to keep the money flowing.  Look at all the events, aka "Come and get your free boosted stuffs".  Dont even need to go to fel to get amazing legendaries.  A crafted suit by a great crafter is still awesome.  The loot system is just getting out of hand.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I"ve always found it funny that a 120 mage still, can't make an apple with Create Food when they need it, but they can create the Elemental of their choice.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • KronalKronal Posts: 84
    I"ve always found it funny that a 120 mage still, can't make an apple with Create Food when they need it, but they can create the Elemental of their choice.
    So freaking true
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2018
    I think back in the day it was to stop someone from farming an incredible amount of gold back then, with little effort because....well...back then it would have been a lot of gold, that's also why they totally ruined NPC escorting, because we wouldn't want anyone to make too much gold, 350 at a today you can only escort 1 every what? 5 minutes before we must rest...oh but the Gold Suit is for sale on the trade boards for 5 platinum LOL...gtfooh
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    edited August 2018
    Id like to point out a few more issues with crafting, I think these need to be resolved for crafting to be work more smoothly. Im not "crying for make it easy", just more smoothly, esp for new players who tries crafting and not aware of these non-obious things.

    You alter an item from Human to gargoyle, can you alter it back to Human? nope you cant.
    Also what about Elf, elf only items to human, or to gargoyle, or gargoyle to elf? what a mess.

    Enchanting, its so low chance of enchanting you lose the item in most cases, meaning you have to buy a tool from UO store or for UO gold from another player for like 40m, this makes crafting very expensive ontop of the runic kit and imbuing reagents.

    Also enchanting, you craft an item, reforge, enchant it, whoops, you cant add powder to increase durability.  stupid you, you should have known to add durability before enchanting, duh.

    Reforging, you craft an item with spinned/horned/runic leather, cant be reforged. If it were made by normal leather then it can be reforged.

    Powder of fort(keg), you craft an item with 36durability, you want 255 durability obviously, you need to click to add 10 charges twenty times to achieve 255. thats alot of clicking.

    Recepies (reference to the stratics thread), Hard to know which recepies a char has eaten and not. add recepie books please.

  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    edited August 2018
    Another one:
    Having crafted a full leather armor 100%lrc, I was gonna alter it to use on gargoyle.
    gorget: You may not alter this item. Rest of the leather pieces went fine.
    Wizzards hat, this one crafted with cloths, could not be altered.

    So I guess back to the drawing board having 75lrc.
    altering gloves turns out they use the same slot as the kilt, even though the name is still "gargish mighty leather gloves of wizzardry"
    Also in the gargish leather menu all the "gargish leather blabla" is listed twice except "gargish leather wing armor". Also this peice has 0 propeties, cant be reforged, cant be imbued.

    I also got the error: "Error (MegaClioc: StringID not found: 1) when altering item, turns out it was because backback was 125items.

    I regret staring this gargoyle crafting process, my crafter ran 10years without armor and I guess ill do another 10 without, what a mess., devs really?
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