What would you like to see in 2025?



  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 994
     1)  Rules to be enforced against unapproved clients / bots.

     as far as I'm concerned, changes to the game mechanics/content etc etc, really don't matter until the rules are enforced, cause there's not much a point to it if the players aren't the ones playing.   

    There's only two options.  It's either bot it like everyone else, or don't play.  There's no middle ground at this point.   I'll find out which comes first in about ~5 (+~3) more months.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!
    ICQ# 478 633 659
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 920
    Re: 2025, community manager can go thru some of my past posts and comments (link).

    Re: EC and comments around this:
    "EC bug fixes... especially the one with lag that you end up running following your cursor."

    EC has what is probably a feature.  Assume you're moving north, holding down your right mouse button.  If you single left click while right mouse button held, moving in this manner, the EC switches to "follow cursor" mode.  In that mode, with no mouse button held/pressed, your movement will follow the cursor. You need to single right click to get out of that mode.

    Certain pointing devices, like trackpads, may be more prone to getting into that mode when not expected.

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,393
    Fishing pole with 50sdi sc fc1 fcr 2 mana reg 6
    Slayer models with 30 sdi 
  • TheoTheo Posts: 208
    *When retrieving gold from a vendor I don’t want to type in the number to get it all. Make a menu item to claim all gold or let me type ‘all’. I don’t want to type 104,345,225.

    *Make imbuing ingredients (relic frags, magic essence etc) weight 1 stone per 10 not 1 stone each. 

    *display the coordinates on a decoded map. Dont make me put in a Davies locker then write down on a piece of paper. A mining map has the coordinates - why can’t a decoded tmap?

    *Make all items that work locked down in a house work in a bank box. Why do I need a house to use a shard shield? Why do I need a house to use an alacrity or powerscroll book?

    *When gathering your belongings handle containers first then cursed items. Cursed items are first making them appear in your pack instead of a container. Example : die with a locked paragon chest and rez and you will have cursed items out of the chest in your pack. 

    *when transferring a character between shards copy over the character files to the new shard with all the desktop and macros in the classic client.  I don’t want different setups on diff shards. It should bring its files it’s the same toon. Don’t make me copy them around and if I don’t then I risk having different macros and settings on each shard. When I copy them the login stuff is messed up with last shard and last slot and I have to fix by hand. I have multiple accounts with dozens of shard shields. This is annoying. 

    *Fix paragon ai. When I’m fighting a paragon it will target the next person running by and chase them. They will be a screen away and I start running after it. It won’t target switch back to me and keep chasing someone further away then me. Annoying. 

    *On a pet menu don’t put open backpack(most popular selection) next to release pet (least popular option). Prone to mistakes. 

    *Allow runic hammers to combine to more than 100 charges. Like 250 at least. 

    *Make all holiday tokens and anny tokens stackable. 

    *Make shard shield tokens stackable. Also Show number of tokens held in a shield by hovering over it (tool tip). Only way to know if full(10) is to take one out. Terrible coding. Better yet make them an item I can use anywhere on that account. I don’t know why it’s not just in a menu on your toon. Having to hand off and manage tokens across shards is ridiculous. 

    *Remove vendor limit of 20 items. Make everything that is currently 20 quantity set to 999 with instant refill. Buying up vendors to buy bones, regs, bottles, scrolls is a complete waste of time. It’s insane. 999 for all fixed price items that now sell in 20,40,80,120,240,480,960,999 qty. there is no reason for this. 

    *why are uo store items like a luck potion shard bound? Makes no sense. 

    *When transferring a toon any shard bound items become account bound until brought back to home shard.  Why can’t I travel around with my sampire armor? I don’t want to have copies of shard bound rewards on every shard I want to take my sampire to. I have dozens of shard shields. Leaving my Balron armor at home is not an option nor is getting one on 20 shards and somehow holding it with a diff toon so my sampire can travel. Acquire shard bound item on GL. Transfer to ATL and it becomes account bound. When I get back to GL it is shard bound again and tradable/sellable. 

    *Fix vendor search. Hire a dba consultant to help fix it. 

    That should keep you busy with things we’ve needed for years. 
  • looploop Posts: 425
    ^ all good ideas

    - More custom house tiles/art

    - Ability to search your entire house for items

    - Long requested updates to the jewelry box to make it more searchable

    - Durability tracker gump/ui for both clients

    - Weather system for prodo shards

    - Alternate art for hard-to-see items like rings and gems

    - Update to vendor search to include all missing properties. Option to exclude splintering

    - Refactor of gargoyle gear design. Permit the altering of just about everything. Simplify things so the loot table is less cluttered and races are more compatible in terms of what gear they can wear. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,574
    A new cc client 
  • usernameusername Posts: 938
    Skett said:
    A new cc client 
    Same Skett? I think you want new servers too  :D 

    also: HA-HA
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,574
    edited December 11
    yup same skett i to lurk there im all over disco like many others
    its not against tos
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,449
    Would just like the game to work properly.  Never played a game with as many quirks as this one has.  It’s obvious that the server can’t keep up with the action.  In Moonglow last night with just a couple players there the game generated so much spawn the server could not keep up just with the spawn.  Movement quickly went from smooth to jerky making play next to impossible.  Actions where delayed and the game got so slowed down the spells cast by enemies tracked over more than a screen.  Could not get into British Invasion event when I logged on tonight because the game kept pausing like it always does if I try to join a battle that’s already started.  Except tonight it never normalized after a short wait.  Really all the quirks that should not be there make this game really frustrating to play.  Never know what will go wrong from one night, or even one minute, to the next.  If the game just worked that would be more than enough for me.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,574
    New skins for the Ursine bear like the Cu dogs have
  • Auto-organizer for the CUO Web Client. We've got an auto-looter, so I don't think an auto-organizer is too OP. Repeatedly moving items that are 2-3 pixels big is pretty straining on my hands, and I'm on the younger end of players. I can't imagine its much fun for older players either.
    My pronouns are: Cry/Me/A/River
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,574
    It’s in the ec I believe but I’m to old to figure that blurry client out 
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 664
    edited December 15
    Pretty sure i've seen someone sharing link to their guide on how to set-up an organiser macro on EC.

    @Cinderella was it you?
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 991
    Ability to craft snow / grass and sand tiles.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,317
    keven2002 said:

    Mares will stop spawning when again?? We've only been asking for weeks now...

    Again, I would say to keep an eye on uo.com for all updates. :)

    It's been a week since my last post on this... and that was like 2 weeks since the previous one and still nothing on UO.com. 

    Again I don't think I'm asking for some top secret type info; just a simple "Mares will likely end around X date"... not sure why that is so hard to communicate.

    So I will say again for 2025 I'd love to see better/more consistent communication. "Keeping an eye on UO.com for all updates" is what we've always done and that wasn't working which is likely part of the reason why a Community Manager was hired. Ironic that the person they hired to interact with the community is tell the community the same thing; keep an eye on UO.com.
  • FenriswolfFenriswolf Posts: 113
    edited December 16
    not sure why you made a web version of the CC, why didnt you put the improvements of the web CC into the original CC?

    Only real fix i want is to fix the map so you can rotate it like the EC and it has co-ordinates in it. Other than that nothing else really bothers me :-)

    I will never ever use the EC, i think its horrible

    Or maybe put more items in the UO Store? If you are potentially going to be losing some subs as they were botters and they have now thrown all their toys out of the pram, you can easily recoup any money by putting more items in the UO Store for players to buy. There are a lot of items that wouldnt affect gameplay/balance etc etc that you could put in the store that im sure players would buy. 

    I could easily make a list of vanity stuff that would sell like hotcakes im sure

    You could definitely do something around housing, allow larger houses, or make areas specifically for housing so players have more space. I'm having to use a second account just to store all the items from the recent events otherwise my house would be full up

    Take back housing plots that arent being used
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,286Moderator
    I think you  have a misunderstanding @Fenriswolf the UO devs didn't make the web client.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,449
    Just would like the game to work like anyother normal well made game.  Get so tired of this or that not working correctly every time I play.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 664
    edited December 18
    Legit PvP and PvE.. Mesanna to address the failures against third party?!

    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
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