Job board quests do not contribute to refreshing house status


Job board quests completed by my second character do not contribute to refreshing my house status.


My first character went the warrior quest line, so I originally built a house outside Trinsic. My second, now primary, character went the mage quest line obtaining settling rights in Moonglow.

I wish to delete my warrior character so that I can explore other quest lines (e.g., crafter). However, I am hesitant to do so until I'm more confident with what will become of the house placed with my warrior.

Before I had completed the 14 required quests to keep my house lease refreshed, I attempted to complete job board quests with my mage character both in Trinsic and Moonglow. No job completions using my mage counted against the required 14.

I tried purchasing settling rights in Trinsic for my mage character, and attempted quests again in both Trinsic and Moonglow. Same result: no credit for the required quests to refresh the house.

I have since kept my house refreshed by completing quests with my warrior. It was refreshed through 12/3 and now I need to complete another 14 quests by 12/31.

Potential workarounds

As a means of working around these issues, I have considered some potential options. Please let me know if there are other workarounds.
  1. Choosing Demolish House under Ownership from the house settings. I received the following popup. I'm not ready to follow through with this option. For this option to be viable, I need to discover the best way to pack up my house so I can move the belongings to another house. I'm exploring the mechanics of using pack animals as a potential path forward.
  2. Placing a new house displays the following popup. I'm also not ready to follow through with this option. I do not know if condemning the house will have the same effect as demolishing, so I need to ensure I have a way to safely pack up my house.

  3. Choosing Trade House under Ownership from the house settings.
    • Attempting to transfer it by selecting my second character I get the message: You cannot transfer a house to yourself, silly.
    • Another option is to trade it to a guild mate who currently does not have a home and have them trade it back to me.

Related bug

Another bug based on my experience was posted by @DM_Wyvern here.

Completing quests using my second character do not contribute to either refreshing my house or advancing my guild objectives. It would seem these two bugs are related.


  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    With Publish 1 you should be able to refresh your house with any character on your account, but you will need to Link the character to the house first. Have you tried doing this? It's on the house sign, in the Town Loyalty section:

    You should be able to delete your warrior and Link your new character to the house with this method as well. 

    I'd suggest you Link your mage to your house and verify the objectives refresh the house properly first, but if that's working you should be able to delete and remake your character and keep your house.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • Thanks you! I looked over this new option. It appears to be working for me. I have since deleted my warrior. This issue can be closed.
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