Town Invasion Spawn Chests

Has anyone gotten an item in a detected chest that requires stealing? I'd say I've put about 25 hours in on popping these chests and haven't found a single item that needs to be stolen out of the container.

I feel the spawn in general is abysmal in most of the towns. It could be that I've not found the sweet spots, but I feel like I'm pretty good at canvasing the grid thoroughly.

Not 100% sure if luck plays a part or not. I've not got the best luck suit ever built, but I've over 1600 without hitting the statue. That's not too bad is it?


  • MeatMeat Posts: 5
    On Siege - I've not noticed any improvement with Luck on or off. Although most of the time I'm only running with 1100luck. Tried with 2600 today and it seemed the same. 

    One marker for me is if the peerless ingredients in the jewelry bag loot would appear more often but no. As far as the drop rate for shadow items, seem to be once every 10 chests for some kind of loot?  And for shadow treasure trade in items maybe 1 in 50 chests?

    At this rate I am not sure I'll ever collect enough points for any of the higher end items.

    GM remove trap is useless. 2/3rds of the time the trap goes off anyways. Or fail like 8x in a row.
    With the delay between tries, it takes to long. 

    Might as well not bother and just run with hp regen suit.

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Thanks for the reply, Meaty Man. Failing only 2/3 of the time is a generous estimation I think. I'd say my failure rate is in the 90s percentile. I gave up and use telekinesis now. I've no idea if you loose any loot this way. But RT is a fail anyway so.. *shrug*
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    I did get one of the statues and it required thieving to get it out.
    Really nice piece.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Awesome! Well, here's hoping.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    edited November 2024
    Oh and by the way I never used disarm trap on this event.
    I don't know if it has any effect on loot 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    There are at least 3 different statues. They are shard bound.  So they probably have the same rarity as the khaldun titan statues. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Really, have to a thief now too.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Arnold7 said:
    Really, have to a thief now too.
    They can be fun. I love picking locks. Always have. I made a good amount of gold early on stealing from chests. Enough to place a number of houses. 

    For me, going after the contents of locked, trapped static and spawn containers is way more fun than camping stealables. I’d love to see new life breathed into the mechanics for the town and guard tower chests. Let rogues find new and worthwhile items in those chests again. 

    Why not throw rogues a bone and keep these new chests that are spawning in towns for the ToT? I’m not sure how exactly you’d add risk. It used to be that quite a number of npcs roamed around the shops and streets in town and you’d have to time your stealing so they didn’t catch you and call the guards. 

    I suppose they’ll never add them back like it used to be. It might make Atlantic lag. :-/ Too bad, the towns were so much more dynamic then. 

    Bring pickpocketing npcs back too. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    So do the new statues have to be stolen or just picked up after opening chest 
    I’ve done well over hundred and got ingots I just picked up they were not in a bag. I just open the chest with out disarming them does that destroy them ? 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    I’ve gotten mostly ingots. Then a few runes. A few vases that look like the Minotaur vase. I did get a brownish looking thing that’s a reskinned version of the ornamental opal artwork. I don’t know as it’s a statue. It didn’t take stealing to pick it up. 

    I don’t know if failing to disarm destroys an item or not. 
  • I just had 1 hour of town run, shooting arrows and looking for chests. Found only 1  :(
    I think it'd be nice if the number of these chests increases just abit more relative to spawn rate (at Atlantic I think if there are enough of us looking for these, none of us finding enough)
    Oh and please bump contents a bit! Please? 
    Thanks for nice event!
  • FenriswolfFenriswolf Posts: 134
    edited November 2024
    i got the Totem, does a cool animation when locked down and clicked on, ghosts spin around the screen , needs stealing (which i didnt have on my char at the time and someone kindly got it for me - thanks Psycho) . Ive got 2 of these now. Could have had 3 but again didnt have stealing on at the time as way too tight trying to run around spawn and not die with all required skills and chest despawned before i got back with transferred stealing skill. It also seems that content is HIGHLY dependent on luck,i dropped my luck to around 1.5k and starting just getting crap, bumped back up to 2.5k and started getting more rares etc
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    Ugh! I've got 1600+ and that's not enough? I looked for chests for over 7 hours today and got nothing special throughout most of that time. For the whole day I got a few maps, a few runes, 5 turn in drops, and a couple ingots.
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