new event/town invasions

I know someone already kinda started a post about this but that post has gone off of the rails so ill start a new one. First i want to thank you the dev team for the ToT event, im a huge fan of ToT events and i love doin them, the rewards are fun and awesome so thank you for those, the drop rate seem to be pretty good, im participated in the town invasion off and on over the last 3 days and ive gotten around 300 drops, my only issue is when the invasion is in trinsic the spawn gets stuck in walls and other unreachable locations, and huge issue with Undead gargoyles casting revenants, the revenants cannot be harmed or dispelled I've died a few times now because of this. The other big issue is the chests, guildmate of mine has open over 100 chests so far, 0 rares only a couple ToT drops, rest is just gold, gems, smoke bombs...etc same stuff you find in khaldun chests, the skills and resources required to find and open these chests in the middle of a very hostile environment makes it not worth it at all, so maybe if you guys could please look at that and reevaluate those that be really appreciated. 


  • FenriswolfFenriswolf Posts: 134
    edited November 2024
    this is worrying, the last event had so much promise and just ended up terribly disappointing. Im now not doing anymore treasure maps because im just bored of it, and i came to the realisation i was just lining everyone else's pockets by doing it, there is no benefit to me other than what i can get from the treasure maps themselves, which i can do at anytime anyhow...

    If the new event is just as bad, thats two in a row of ultra disappointment. Both events could be made much better by just listening to the comments of the player base.I just hope i can get a few of the new pet (Moldering Ursine) regardless of the problems?
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    I got a gravestone! After 70-90ish chests, there it was!
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    I ran around on Origin to check out town invasions (I wasn't actively playing for those, except the very old ones). It seems - and I understand it's reported to be dynamic - that it could do with a higher spawn rate.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited November 2024
    In terms of where the spawn is at, I do not see the problem.
    Spellweavers can take out the spawn.
    (Of course everyone is going to be on a sampire, so everyone is going to sit round looking dumb on Atlantic - like they always do, hence they are trying to easymode the content already).

    Honestly, why are we even bothering to develop content around Atlantic players? They have zero ability, they need to get some skill. And I know some of you may get offended, I am just saying what everyone else is thinking.

    The ToT events were absolutely fine, a lot of fun, some players will complain no matter what.

    Town Invasions, slightly different, will be absolutely fine. Same players complaining. The devs have tweaked the Town style a lot to make it work better.

    The only thing I do not want to see, is the death of every other template because of unrestricting sampires.

    Very much like Playerskill said.

    The fact that you couldn't Leech/Drain Life from Treasures Paragons, is what breathed life into templates that were previously extinct, like Warriors with Healing skill. With the revival of these Healing templates (especially Macers), they've been introducing Artifacts that benefit these templates, such as Gloves of the Holy Warrior (which are even anti-Sampire with -30 Necro), Divine Sanctifier, Bulwark of Light, Azarok's Legplates, etc.

    So bringing back Sampires to the "Treasures of " Events, when Sampires already dominate most every other PvM encounter, is puzzling. Especially considering this particular event doesn't even have really nasty Paragons. The Skeletal Drake Paragons are a definite step down from the Skeletal Dragon Paragons, Drakes don't have Necro so won't be insta killing people with Blood Oath.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited November 2024
    I play my Macer and Swordsman with healing in these events because Tamers move to slow.

    I went to Origin last night, it seems the best way to get drops is a Archer/Thrower.  The low HP mobs die in 1 hit and those templates can run from mob to mob way faster than others.  Can kill them before the sampire gets close enough. Kinda like I do with Thunderstorm in dungeons. B)
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Cookie said:
    (Of course everyone is going to be on a sampire, so everyone is going to sit round looking dumb on Atlantic - like they always do, hence they are trying to easymode the content already).

    Don't you play a flock of auto-targeting garg throwers or something? On some dead shard, no less? You're like half a step above a guy playing on a private shard run out of his basement, adding items to his inventory with admin powers.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    Cookie said:
    (Of course everyone is going to be on a sampire, so everyone is going to sit round looking dumb on Atlantic - like they always do, hence they are trying to easymode the content already).

    Don't you play a flock of auto-targeting garg throwers or something? On some dead shard, no less? You're like half a step above a guy playing on a private shard run out of his basement, adding items to his inventory with admin powers.
    lol, a sampire is trying to lecture me, it is cute. :)

    Sure, I have done that, I rarely do it tbh. They are my sons characters, who equally play them.
    My main is a pvm mage, We also play mages, tamers, I play old school warriors, and an insane rogue, and a T Hunter, and a Crafter, I play the lot.

    The shard is Europa, which is doing fine thank you.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    Cookie said:
    The devs have tweaked the Town style a lot to make it work better.
    What exactly have they tweaked? Nothing?

    Cookie said:
    Honestly, why are we even bothering to develop content around Atlantic players? 
    That's how almost every game, whether it be moba/mmo/shooter, has always worked. They balance the game around where most of the players are, skill and/ or population wise. No one is balancing a game for one person on a dead shard  :D
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
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  • Cookie said:
    lol, a sampire is trying to lecture me, it is cute. :)

    The guy who's going to be running a flock of script-targeting throwers at the event has absolutely no credibility to talk about anything. You're basically a cheater. If this game had any self-respect and wasn't semi-abandoned they'd ban people like you.
  • username said:
    That's how almost every game, whether it be moba/mmo/shooter, has always worked. They balance the game around where most of the players are, skill and/ or population wise. No one is balancing a game for one person on a dead shard  :D

    Cookie uses a set of thrower bots to farm events on a dead shard but wants you to think he's hot shit. It's like a guy declaring himself heavyweight champion of his back yard and expecting other people to care.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    Did a search and couldn't find anything....I am doing the hidden chests and I unlocked my 48631634863th one lol and FINALLY got another shattered gravestone and some random guy just came up and took it out of the chest.

    MAYBE since it's so hard to find the rare stuff can you make it so no one else can get into the chests you find??

    I am alittle annoyed.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2024
    Larisa said:
    Did a search and couldn't find anything....I am doing the hidden chests and I unlocked my 48631634863th one lol and FINALLY got another shattered gravestone and some random guy just came up and took it out of the chest.

    MAYBE since it's so hard to find the rare stuff can you make it so no one else can get into the chests you find??

    I am alittle annoyed.
    Suggestion: Enact trammel treasure chest protocols, that only the person who unlocked it can empty it unless they're partied?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    username said:
    Cookie said:
    The devs have tweaked the Town style a lot to make it work better.
    What exactly have they tweaked? Nothing?

    They have changed the entire Town Invasion loot drop and reward style for starters, as it was seriously unfair once the playerbase found out how it worked and exploited it.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited November 2024
    Larisa said:
    Did a search and couldn't find anything....I am doing the hidden chests and I unlocked my 48631634863th one lol and FINALLY got another shattered gravestone and some random guy just came up and took it out of the chest.

    MAYBE since it's so hard to find the rare stuff can you make it so no one else can get into the chests you find??

    I am alittle annoyed.
    @ Kyronix
    Ouch that is painful.

    Don't you need stealing for it, like the Khaldun chests?

    Unless actually - those gravestones are only semi rares?
    (Like say the Khaldun painting set).
    My question is - is there an ultra rare stealable from these chests, like the Khaldun Relics ? :)

    I was never aware of this issue, never seen it, I did not think it was possible, I thought most chests were limited to the opener once you got started.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234
    I wish that were the case...but the second I had untrapped it, I saw this person pop out of hiding and take the gravestone out of the chest.

    :(  I think the gravestones and corrupted ingots are just rare but not stealable. So far those are the only 2 items I have found in chests. After that incident, I went to Fel (Skara was the town being invaded at the time) and no one was there. I found and picked around 30 chests? And I got 6 shattered sanctum drops, 3 antiquities and 6 taint lol. The rest was normal chests.  I was hoping the Fel luck bonus MIGHT help? Apparently not.

  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    Yeah, seems like apply the t-map rules regarding chests to these chests would offer a fix. Still, I hope they also increase the spawn. 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Now we want protection for the things we are stealing so others don't steal them?? Why isn't Pawain shouting about easy button 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    Grimbeard said:
    Now we want protection for the things we are stealing so others don't steal them?? Why isn't Pawain shouting about easy button 
    If you kill a mob you expect to be the only one who can loot the corpse for the first few minutes, so why wouldn't you, if you found a chest, expect to be the only one who can empty it for the same, or similar, period of time?
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Corpses and chest have always worked this way why would we suddenly need change? 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Grimbeard said:
    Now we want protection for the things we are stealing so others don't steal them?? Why isn't Pawain shouting about easy button 
     :D  I wouldn't like to be the victim in that situation.  But, doesn't detect hidden also work on players?  Use the skill near the chest in the direction you were were coming from to eliminate this.

    I guess they want them to be like a treasure chest.  Only the player who dug it up can get inside or do anything with it.  

    Speaking of which, I noticed that I can close a T chest I did not dig up.  Do players do that to others?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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