I now remember why town invasions suck... 118.2 feedback
Checked out the invasion briefly on Baja. Was in Trinsic and then Vesper. Spawn very sparse (most cities are very large), spawn in walls, on roofs, 2nd floor of buildings behind 3 doors, outside of walls, tons in unreachable/stuck areas.... yuck. This sucks.
I thought we all agreed after Shogun that open areas for ToTs were awesome? What happened?
Give us Winter Spur back @Kyronix and give us more spawn than we can handle. What are these wimpy town invasions where you have 1 skeleton per screen? Not very "invasion" like. Let players pick between doing a city invasion with a boss VS Winter Spur. Why not both?
Check the feed back on the unofficial forum who shall not be named. They're more vocal about these things and they are echoing exactly what I'm saying.
I thought we all agreed after Shogun that open areas for ToTs were awesome? What happened?
Give us Winter Spur back @Kyronix and give us more spawn than we can handle. What are these wimpy town invasions where you have 1 skeleton per screen? Not very "invasion" like. Let players pick between doing a city invasion with a boss VS Winter Spur. Why not both?
Check the feed back on the unofficial forum who shall not be named. They're more vocal about these things and they are echoing exactly what I'm saying.
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I really don't play casters so as a sampire or archer I don't know what to do with the unreachable spawn. I tried to page a GM but got canned response and no monsters were moved out of the walls. And they tend to pile up the longer the invasion goes. No weavers around we were stuck and eventually abandoned the town.
Pretty much every town I've tried an invasion in has had several issues with stuck/unreachable monsters and low spawn rate @Kyronix please give us an open area alternative. Let me choose: do cities OR do an open area that's more difficult and high spawn rate. Go back and check the feedback from Shogun, you'll see that open areas were incredibly well received.
And before anyone says anything about random towns hurting the bots, please understand the tmap locations are infinitely more random along several facets and yet they manage to show up to every manifestation spawn 24/7 on Atlantic. Plus we've already seen the bots outsmart multi level dungeons in the past, like Deceit, check my post history. Stop punishing legit players.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Include luna,umbra etc
Beef up "boss"
You may be about to make the best reward arc ever, a Sampire fest.
On top of that, if there is not enough spawn, it will be worse, nothing else will stand a chance.
Even with enough spawn, it may not help.
1 solo Sampire can solo Deceit, or Abyssal Inferno, you need to understand their mass spawn destruction ability.
This could actually turn out to be the worst fail ever.
Which would be hard to take.
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Go do an invasion on one of the live servers you'll see what I'm talking about.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
- Invasion paragons will no longer be immune to life leech, but instead have the amount of life than can be leeched capped
That is what is changed.Sampires were pegged back the last few events.
"Everyone has the ability to make a sampire... It's an easy-to-play PVE template for all to use."
Yes, thank you, don't we know it.
And before anyone says anything about random towns hurting the bots, please understand the tmap locations are infinitely more random along several facets and yet they manage to show up to every manifestation spawn 24/7 on Atlantic (and every other shard almost). Plus we've already seen the bots outsmart multi level dungeons in the past, like Deceit, check my post history. Stop punishing legit players.
Unfortunately this doesn't really address the fact that these towns are miserable to fight in. If you haven't tried yet, go try it out, you'll see what I'm saying. Once again: monsters stuck in walls, on roofs, behind 3 doors on the 2nd floor of a building, outside of town walls, under the ground. In an open area we don't see these problems.
Go do an invasion on one of the live servers you'll see what I'm talking about.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
IMO ToT style town invasions don't work very well from the testing and feedback I've done and seen.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Stuck Monsters? There are several mechanics to deal with them, there is the stuck mob teleport script that can get them out a lot of them, if they cannot reach you they will often try to teleport to you. And then there is the enabled aoe in town. There is also archers for things on the roof. We don't play this game in a vacuum.
I have done Shattered Sanctum invasions on Baja in Trinsic and Vesper, I was finding plenty of density and have the screenshots to prove it. Yes, when you kill everything on the screen you might have to move to another screen. It's called playing the game. Winter Spur was just a bunch of boat camping bots and botted sampires, why do you want them to encourage botting?
We have also done the towns of Minoc, Britain, Yew and Nujelm and we averaged 15-30 drops (without a potion) an hour, which is in line with previous tot drop rates. And that is using a single played character. The only town that was actually bad was Nujelm. I came late but still walked away with 10 drops without using any slayer weapons.
Let's talk about feedback developers have acted on recently, off the top of my head:
1. hotfixes to totems
2. hotfixes to thunters getting a Manifestation of Evil drop
3. hotfix to shadow hound spawns
4. hotfix to give more nightmare spawns
5. hotfix to the Manifestation having more survivability
6. removing tainted life leech from paragons
7. removing the anti-tamer AI that was on paragons. @Pawain
8. return of town invasions
9. return of a lot of wanted items
10. giving thieves content with town chests
11. invasion towns not spawning in artisan cities
12. town invasions in felucca, not just trammel
We are not getting winter spur bot grinders with this event. People need to play the event.
Also, the spawn is dynamic, more people playing the more spawn.
I am averaging about that, about 15 an hour. However, last time even in the wastes which had a low spawn rate I was getting over 20 an hour. Over 30 in Winter Spur on the low side.
Spreading out spawn and making it low relative drop rate to last time and very annoying to kill monsters is going to ENCOURAGE BOTTING MORE. You realize these players are running 24/7? LOL. In what world does making the spawn more sparse and annoying for regular players to handle work better for regular players? Normal players get demoralized and bored, since time not unlimited. I work over 40 hours a week and I can't sit there spending 3 days of my extra time to get 1 reward. Bots press play and cash out 4 days from now, why doesn't anyone get this simple logic?
Since they're clearly not going to ever do anything about the bots might as well make this shit as easy to get as possible to put everyone on a level playing field. The UO community remains to be the most toxic and self loathing community ever. Why would we REGRESS to these city invasions alone when we had better last time? Why are you against the idea of having BOTH options available to players, especially when there are clear issues and inherent flaws with the town invasions? Seriously?
How incredibly naive are you thinking that rotating towns are going to stop the botting? Have you not seen large groups of players 24/7 botting the Manifestation? The more mindless and low drop rate for a reward = the higher chance of it being infinitely botted. What don't you get about simple logic?
I'll once again repeat myself:
And before anyone says anything about random towns hurting the bots, please understand the tmap locations are infinitely more random along several facets and yet they [the bots] manage to show up to every manifestation spawn 24/7 on Atlantic [and every other shard]. Plus we've already seen the bots outsmart multi level dungeons in the past, like Deceit, check my post history.
Stop punishing legit players.
Here's something that will stop bots farming for profit 100%: account bound items. Yet it's funny the people that say they want to "stop botting" are silent once this is suggested.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
To the extent that bots contribute financially to the game, botting is desired by design. If it wasn’t, they would ban the bots. They don’t need to do anything annoying like making items account bound, which is a bad idea because many legit players enjoy selling things.
The details don’t change the underlying feedback loop, but variation is the spice of life. Last event we got whatever. Now we are getting town invasions. In the end, there’s more than enough time to get the stuff you want. Personally, I find town invasions fun.
If the spawn in town wasn't sparse, spawned in walls, on roofs, 2nd floor of buildings behind 3 doors, outside of walls, tons in unreachable/stuck areas then it wouldn't be an issue. Putting them in a wide open area, like we've seen in Shogun and hat event, just plain works and makes it easier on the gameplay to feel like less of a grind. Do I really want to run around buildings just to kill 1 monsters? Swap to a different template just to kill a few stuck monsters? Sure, but it's a waste of time to legitimate players that have limited time. Do you know who doesn't care where monsters are or how efficient/inefficient the event is? Bots. Realize: it's going to be a botfest not matter what, so why not just make it less of a grind for normal players? People continuously try to straw man this, where the main point is that towns are factually just bad for these ToT style events. I don't really care your drop rate, or if I have to swap 3 different templates to kill different types of stuck monsters, the fact remains ToTs in towns is annoying and not ideal for legitimate players.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Now I know you're being facetious and years ago I'd disagree with this. BUT seeing how they're not doing anything against blatant bots, the same ones that have been running these ToTs for the last 4 years, the same ones that are AFK 24/7 the Manifestation, and you know the same ones that will 24/7 this ToT, they might as well just make everything easier for the legitimate players. Again, it seemed like they're going this direction anyways.
Case and point: the last ToT, the Shrouded Sails (aka the hats), made everything worthless and easy to get, but at the same time everything was so worthless and easy to get, almost everyone had no problem gathering it on their own and not having to buy it from bots. I'd rather that then making stuff harder. Well, I'd rather account bound items, but it seems that's not going to happen anytime soon at least.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.