What Vet Reward would you like to see in 2025?

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a 1st anniversary reward rioter gear and include a torch with a war fork.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Treasure Hunters
A Healing Staff that can be placed by the Veteran into the ground, that heals a party within radius.
This was inspired by our Scalis hunt tonight. {Credit to Frankie}
It could tick every 3 seconds for 10-20 healing, and heal party members who come within range (10 tiles).
Could be used in pvm and pvp.
Originally thought of for Scalis, but could be used in Harrower defence, VvV altar defence, Champion spawn defences, Blackthorn Captains etc - all group pvp and pvm events.
It could use Arcane Gems to recharge it - 1000 gems for 1000 ticks.
A SEARCH tool that can find any item wanted throughout one's own account in all characters bank boxes, backpack, containers in the House and would tell where that item is.
Vendor costume item I can put on the vendor's paperdoll that transforms them into monsters... I've always been disappointed that it doesn't work with the existing costumes (at least not in EC). Would be fun to set up some Dragons or Ogres to sell things. Might not even need to be a "new" item if you can make the existing statues from vet rewards function this way somehow.
Could always have more teleporter items. Someone proposed a graveyard teleporter to all the graveyards once. I thought that was a good idea. You could also do ones to all the NPC shopkeepers that you can bribe. I used to spend a lot of time bribing up BODs and even sell bribe books on my vendors.
A wearable weapon slot instrument that you can activate to play different tunes besides the ones the instruments have played sinced the beginning of the game. Just for fun, even.
How about a summoning portal which just pulls a completely random mob up in your house when locked down?.... could be a frog, could be a dark father, doesn't need to have drops.. I just had a house on Legends once where I built a stadium on the roof with three tiered arena seating and thought it would be fun to host gladiator type events there just for the spectacle.
Some examples of purely cosmetic things:
Non-local paperdoll skins that can be seen by all players
more custom house tile art, house signs, and foundations
unique ghost models for your character when you die
Yet no one's asking for the elephant in the room for any legit CC user; alphabetical order..
If something is needed here.. is a legit way to clean those bods faster over stacking more..
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
To have vendors, you need to make the house public, yes you can lock doors etc, but I don't want the house public.
As Psycho says, the solution you mention is a heretic bug anyway, so we don't want to be using it.
I have no room for deco in my castle because of BODS, I understand the requests.
I'm sure your highly disapointed there is no cheat engine out there to fix your problem..
And btw no one around here believe u doing BODS.. u said it urself ~3 months ago you do not craft anymore (u were saying something along the line: crafters are useless now).. in fact all u doing crafting wise (artisan) is enhance/imbue weapons for new players.. hypocritical.. get out of here!
Edit: who ever is saying it's a bug.. is lying, i'm calling this intended optimisation of your vendor space/slots.. u can even stored ITEMS in bags not for sale...
Lock your doors and set up a teleporter.. any old school player would do that on felluca.
I'm maintaining what I said.. if BODS have a problem.. it's stuff like alphabetical order (sorting option) we (not you, I mean legit players) need help to clear them faster over stacking more for absolutly nothing else than hoarding disorder and/or lazyness... with this sexy bribery system, we gucci.. no need to stock hundred of thousand anymore.
for context.. on the mule account i got multiple smith/tail/carp/bow, etc.. most people will have ONE worker.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
You guys want to play a theme park heresy full of bots and cheaters.. this is supposed to be a legit sandbox.. what a shame.
The theme park police telling me i'm doing illegal stuff in the box full of sand.. cuz the other kido can't put effort nor time in what u accomplish.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Let it be a container that can hold 25 books.
Each book can hold 500 bods.
I would like it to be one lockdown
but would settle for 125
If it could hold that many full books
This "vessel" could be a stack of books
and you could use a bod book cover on it
(one of the books in the middle would be dyed this color)
so at one glance you could tell what's inside.
It takes lot of bods to do the trees for the Artisan Festival
so it would be nice to have something to store them in
and have them all in one space
instead of having to store them on vendors
or holding them in alts backpacks
I would really love this....
all dedicated crafters would too
Love the idea on paper but in practice this is insanity without a good legit sorting option on CC, like alphabetical order.
Personally i could collect 76 bods a day it would take me 6 months to fill a single vessel (considering the rejects and the imperfect collect, i'd say 10 months wich a great; one vessel would be more than enough for me, but without addressing the legit CC sorting problem.. that vessel would just encourage me to not clear those bods and just get a second vessel ^^ (since we could virtually store unlimited number of bods)
Wich is bad design imo, considering some of those aspect. (without addressing the legit CC sorting.. this is one of those thing a good designer should say no, imo)
EDIT: just to be clear here, sometimes people... the legit sorting option was made BEFORE bribery.. it was working ok to sort em by reward; 20 val exc; click click click, drop drop drop.. next.. but now.. it's insanity
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
1) Remove shard bound
2) Convert antique or curse to brittle
3) Reset durability back to 255/255 for jewels
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs