Improved Chat Filter
Would it be possible to add in a filter for system messages? Filling out BoDs and other things causes a whole lot of spam. There isn't a filter for that, but for other things. Unless I'm missing what option those system messages are considered as?
Thanks thanks.
Thanks thanks.
Open picture in another tab and zoom in or click on miniature below.
Not that I'm aware. Where is that? or do you mean EC with Pinco's?
I get nervous at the thought of messing with files but I’ll poke around and take a look. Thanks very much @ForeverFun for taking the time to put the info together.
Doesn't seem to work... heh...
Notice the usage of L" " here:
Best to assume strings are handled as UNICODE / WIDE / WSTRING. See:
Many of the strings are unicode, hence the wstring (instead of string), and L prefix.
Not sure hmm...
New Legacy UI\UO_ChatWindow\Source\ChatSettings.lua
for k, v in pairs(ChatWindow.Windows) do
local WindowName
if(k == 1) then -- leave the default systemtab alone.
if(ChatWindow.Windows[k] == nil or ChatWindow.Windows[k].wndName == nil) then
-- WindowName = "ChatWindow"..tostring(k).."ChatLogDisplay"
WindowName = ChatWindow.Windows[k].wndName .. "ChatLogDisplay"
LogDisplaySetFilterState(WindowName, "Chat", 1, false) -- disable channel 1 (system)
-- Debug.PrintToChat(L"Filter system, disabled: ".. towstring(WindowName))