Naughty Girls Night Out - September 7, 2024 7:00PM PST

AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 685
Moonglow Presents A Naughty Girls Night Out!

An evening of fun with no expections of anything other than drunken fun. You may die, you may laugh, you might even get the chance to kill something that walks on 2 feet. Those that are afraid of glorious, or more likely inglorious death(s) need not attend. The fine details of this event will be shared when needed. Why? Because I'm evil. *snorts* Be advised I am going to try to record this event so if you're running from the law you might want to cast incognito prior to attending.


  • poppop Posts: 223
    Thank ye me lady fer the invitation t' the party! 'tis a great way t' end the night o' givin' away FREE GOLD durin' Find the DJ 'n the Deal or No Deal show! I be sharin' the invite t' the Mates at UO Radio ( 
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 685
    Thank you for doing that! If you would like to join in for the evening we'd love to have you! I just suggest that you not be carrying any of those shinnies as you might end up with holes in your pockets.
    Again, thank you.
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 685
    This is part of the Naughty Girls Night Out evening.

  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 685
    Thank you all for coming and enjoy the spirit of the evening. Having some crazy fun and simply enjoying one another is what it's all about. 

    For all those that heard the call for (says bad word) dates I thank you. The response was overwhelming wonderfully Bajaian! I thank HonestAly for jumping in and distilling Arak. If you were still drunk while we were munching on Scalis later in the evening, thank HonestAly. Strong stuff! Thank you Dagny, once again, for keeping things running smoothly. And Mary Jane, thank you for being there to cover my ineptness to fish up Charybdis. That was a blast! Congrats to who ever was the recipient of the Virtuous Regeneration Armor and rare fish steaks. Someone got the small soulforge from Scalis! 

    Thank you EM Echo for having the Fireside Chat onboard. I don't think the meeting was as it should be though... And to DJ Mistymoon of UO Radio, thank you for putting up with us and we loved your nakedness. 

    The winners of the Costume Contest are: 1st Place - Dagny Taggart, 2nd Place - Runt and 3rd Place - Del(I forget how to spell your name correctly. 1,000 pardons please!) Thanks goes to WildStar who agreed to be the judge. 

    Thank you all. It was a good night thanks to all!
  • HendlefeHendlefe Posts: 2
    Nice to see the Baja community alive!
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