What is your favorite artisan festival item?

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here is a link, for those who don't know what the rewards look like
Artisan Festival – Ultima Online (uo.com)
Stain glass windows
Treasure Hunters
Do I keep all my large filled bods for Artisan Festival?
You mean the artisan festival new rewards going to be those shard bound heresy; best in slot?
Imagine if the CRAFTERS and GATHERERS would have an option like that once a year.. it would almost feel like a real sandbox; the real UO!
PS: i don't mind the non sandboxy/theme parky grind of 1-2 BIS piece per character; like the old DOOM/samurai empire/mondain.. but those event items need a fix.. and what better fix than a freaking ARTISAN festival.
PS2: those very few old BIS had a major advantage over that shard bound heresy.. like a theme park u could go in and farm those items doing PvE on a non PvP zone.. or pay in gold to buy them from the legit PvE grinder... here the only option we have is playing the waiting room game.. once i'm done getting rdy crafting and collecting basic stuff.. one thing left to do.. install another game and wait on those event to start playing the game top tier (worse way to time gate content.. SPECIALLY on a sandbox SUB model)
Fix your shit, thx!
Can I have my character weight on the CC UI, like you do? Without installing an illegal third party client playing the game for me? i'd kill for that.. I hate having my health bar open to see my weight.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
UO Assist is not illegal.
I never bought it for the alt account, wich i'm playing 98% of the time since i reinstall (still working on the basis)
I hvn't been through the reinstall process for the main account; the one time i've looked.. was before joining the forum and was under the assumption UOA was outdated and not maintain; with everyone telling me to install other clients, so i did not bothered.
I have no memories of weight showing up on the UI with UOA, my bad.
Still maintaining the rest tho, beside this educated lantern comment for the artisan festival!
Fix your shit BS!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Remove 1 gold from the bank, train a craft skill to .1 to get easy BODs. I find Alchemy is cheapest and easiest. Can get them from upstairs Luna can buy the potions and they don't run out.
When you have someone transfer stuff for you, you can use the Gift boxes so you know its your stuff.
Another for us by us event with plenty of room for exploit.. thrilling.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
@Drakelord's post shows he is playing with UOA, totally legal. I play in EC, also totally legal.
People enjoy the artisan festival, they wouldn't do it if they didn't.
as a real artisan
I was getting rdy to rock this shit and boom that tree in 10 min chrono.. the good news is I can give my large bods now and totally ignore that, even if some reward looked cool.. the way we obtain them.. they lose all their beauty.. another exploiter stuff.. hard pass.
@Petra_Fyde it's called sarcasm, u elf imbuer!
Yes Paiwan, the good game mechanics.
Why name it the artisan festival tho? use the real thing; call it for what it is.. no way on earth im'a grind my ass to lost regular reward; to reward 0.1 factory exploiters.. the tree on legends ain't reaching max level, i can tell u that; don't go exploit the poor game mechanic on legends.. it won't reach max level.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio