Major guildhalls/guildhouses exploit

quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
edited August 2024 in New Legacy
I have found some bugs which one that allow you to place as many guildhouses as you have players in your guild,

Step 1 : Guild leader place a guildhall or guildhouse (btw at guild level 2 we were able to place more than the allowed small stone tower house that the menu was suggesting it unlocked)

Step 2 : Guild leader pass leadership of the guild to another member that can place a house.

Step 3 : New guild leader can place a second guildhouse.

Step 4 : Repeat the process with other members

When you placed all the guildhouses you want, you can then transfer leadership back to whoever you want, without affecting any of the guildhouses placed, and the guildleader can now fully access all the guildhouses like he was the owner of all of them.

And each guildhouse also have a second owner on top of the guildleader (the one who placed it with his name on the sign). What I mean by owner is they can see the full menu and probably unlock everything locked down in the house (still need to test more), because in Legacy you cant add co-owner or friends to a guildhouse, everyone in the guild seems to have access to it and can say 'I wish to secure or lock this down'


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    I'm guessing that you have never placed a house on test center before. It doesn't work the same way as production shards. And NL is on test center 2, so test center housing rules apply. (people have complained about placing multiple plots during the castle and keep competitions. so that has been like that for awhile)

    report it as a bug, when NL goes live. 
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    I'm guessing that you have never placed a house on test center before. It doesn't work the same way as production shards. And NL is on test center 2, so test center housing rules apply. (people have complained about placing multiple plots during the castle and keep competitions. so that has been like that for awhile)

    report it as a bug, when NL goes live. 
    What do you mean? when you place a house on NL you are subject to the 7 days rule, the same rule as on prodo, you can't place another house.
  • I'm guessing that you have never placed a house on test center before. It doesn't work the same way as production shards. And NL is on test center 2, so test center housing rules apply. (people have complained about placing multiple plots during the castle and keep competitions. so that has been like that for awhile)

    report it as a bug, when NL goes live. 

    lol what?
    Why would you went until NL goes live to report as a bug?

    Definitely sounds like a bug that needs to be fixed before launch considering housing space is limited.
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