New Legacy: Ranger, Subcalss and Advanced training
Hello dear developers, i had a bad expirience with interracting with core skills of ranger class and farther interraction trough the subclass and advanced training system.
After completing main story as a core class you have no choice on the road to what skill you train becouse main story is require you to learn certain skills, for ranger class set is:
- Archery
- Anatomy
- Healing
- Tactics
- Focus
- Tracking
(skill cap 720, but ranger use only 600 points so we have 120 free points also)
Archery and Tracking is fundamental skills for ranger class that mean u can't remove them by using advanced training system, other skills is removable and you can pick different set of skills but Archery and Tracking for ranger class will stay.
Then i learn what subclasses i can pick:
- Assasin
- Animal Taming
- Bard
Then i tryed to learn first subclass - bard, this choice will remove skills:
and gives three bard skills:
Bard skills from subclass is not fundamental and can be removed by advanced training - that part is important!

So first i tought i can remove tracking and just pick tactics or focus instead, but then i realise that Tracking is fundamental for Ranger and can not be removed.
I was a bit sad about tacking in this list becouse i found 0 usability from this skill, i tested it many ways and found no dmg or hit or any other purposes besides RP, some sort of just blank class balans or some usless pvp usability becouse range of tracking is very small.
Then i tryed to add second subclass just for testing, and system gives me this option.

So i become Ranger without fundamental Archery skill but with Tracking...
As i said before ther was a third choice of subclass as Assasin but for some reason after i pick Bard this choice is desapear and i have no clue how to test it (this choice were in lecaeum in Monglow but npc wouldn't talk to me anymore).
SOOOOOO what a main question about this system?
If I had chosen the assassin subclass and replaced some other skills, wouldn’t it turn out that after choosing a bard and a tamer, my ranger would end up without any fundamental skills at all and I would then be able to return the combination I needed becouse all subclass skills is removably by advanced training, do we realy need to go this long road to remove fundamental skills and just not by dvanced traing?? remove this fundamental class skills system that for my opinion is not working...
P.S. Sorry for my english im not native.
After completing main story as a core class you have no choice on the road to what skill you train becouse main story is require you to learn certain skills, for ranger class set is:
- Archery
- Anatomy
- Healing
- Tactics
- Focus
- Tracking
(skill cap 720, but ranger use only 600 points so we have 120 free points also)
Archery and Tracking is fundamental skills for ranger class that mean u can't remove them by using advanced training system, other skills is removable and you can pick different set of skills but Archery and Tracking for ranger class will stay.
Then i learn what subclasses i can pick:
- Assasin
- Animal Taming
- Bard
Then i tryed to learn first subclass - bard, this choice will remove skills:
and gives three bard skills:
Bard skills from subclass is not fundamental and can be removed by advanced training - that part is important!

So first i tought i can remove tracking and just pick tactics or focus instead, but then i realise that Tracking is fundamental for Ranger and can not be removed.
I was a bit sad about tacking in this list becouse i found 0 usability from this skill, i tested it many ways and found no dmg or hit or any other purposes besides RP, some sort of just blank class balans or some usless pvp usability becouse range of tracking is very small.
Then i tryed to add second subclass just for testing, and system gives me this option.

So i become Ranger without fundamental Archery skill but with Tracking...
As i said before ther was a third choice of subclass as Assasin but for some reason after i pick Bard this choice is desapear and i have no clue how to test it (this choice were in lecaeum in Monglow but npc wouldn't talk to me anymore).
SOOOOOO what a main question about this system?
If I had chosen the assassin subclass and replaced some other skills, wouldn’t it turn out that after choosing a bard and a tamer, my ranger would end up without any fundamental skills at all and I would then be able to return the combination I needed becouse all subclass skills is removably by advanced training, do we realy need to go this long road to remove fundamental skills and just not by dvanced traing?? remove this fundamental class skills system that for my opinion is not working...
P.S. Sorry for my english im not native.
Could you please react somehow
Why we could have ranger-tamer-bard without Archery but with Tracking ?
Why we need tracking at all, skill cap is only 720, and we have to fill it with useless skills like tracking...
Also there is question about advanced skill training for crafters, i was hoping to make a crafter with Lumber+Carpentry + BS + Mining + Tailoring and Inscript + Magery,
and what was my disappointment when I realized that the Inscript and Magery were not available to me.
Could you add Inscription also to a Crafters Coalition, not only to Magery path
Also Lumber could be available to Fighter subclass, its nice to have it with swords and fight with axes
P.S. Traking could be like this:
1. Passive bonus 5% hit chance, 1% for 10% of skill above 50% (or even more just for example).
2. Active bonus: activate tracking for 30 sec in cost of 15% of ur current mana (no upkeep) (or no mana just a guess about downsides for balance wise), each success hit put tracking mark on taget for 5sec (or 10s) and give 5% or 10% dmg modifier.
@Kyronix @Bleak
For example: I started a warrior because I thought it would be easier and cheaper since I wouldn't have to buy reagents. The thought was that I would make some money and then switch to mage tamer when I was more established. Now I am being told that if I switch I can't change my stats so that wouldn't work. Someone new or returning may quit out of frustration. This is especially important since you only get 2 character slots.
Also, the snide remarks about changing Tracking to a functional skill adjusted by a dreaded free shard (first I have heard of it, really) just reminds me of the BLACK CLOTHING DYE (same influence adopted by the real game) OR the SUNGLASSES (also same influence adopted by the real game) There may be more, I sleep a lot, but changing the production shards with improvements demonstrated from outside sources is not an original thought, they have done it before, perhaps it IS time to do it again, at least consider it.
Oh, and please fix my Ranger standing at the rear of the boat paralized and unable to get to the captain and tell him how we killed the Orc Champion, With only two charaacters, and one stuck in limbo waiting for a fix (ok that is a lie, I have two paid accounts so really have four slots, but this problem is not for me alone, there are others stuck on the ship unable to move) Maybe use a tracking RPG workaround?
Using my tracking ability I deftly dodge the obsticles in my path and find my way through to the captain to anounce our success and finally get off this ship and go home !!!