bug with today's patch

SmootSmoot Posts: 416
edited August 2024 in General Discussions
patched today and noticed my longsword of the shogun was missing.   searched my pack, wasnt there.   noticed it shows up on character, but not in paperdoll.  only way to un-equip it is a macro.

So while not being able to see the swords stats on your paperdoll is annoying, it can at least be removed via macro.  Vendors and Mannequins that have them equipped tho, theres no way at all to get them off currently after today's patch.

so if anyone is missing longswords, i think patch broke them.  hopefully its fixed soon.


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    I can confirm that iron and verite longswords are not showing up in the hands of the paper doll in the EC. They do show up in the equipment slot thou.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    Can we just massively speculate on something?

    I'm betting there is some bug related to broadsword and longsword graphics which dates all the way back to UO's launch in '97. 

    When the team working on KR in '06 ish developed the high-res broadsword and longsword graphics, they ran into this bug, put off fixing it until later, and just called the broadsword graphic when the longsword was equipped. Stuff happened, nothing got fixed, and eventually the bug and sub-optimal solution were imported to the EC. (Honestly, I don't remember if KR had separate paper doll graphics for the broadsword and longsword, but let's keep the totally unsupported speculation going for fun!) 

    Then...then they hired @Parallax and he, being the FNG, called the longsword graphic for New Legacy. Why wouldn't you want both broadswords and longswords for your shiny new game?

    And that's when everything broke...

    It's all the new guy's fault.

  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    also forgot to mention, this was in classic client.  but looks like its the same thing in EC.  although in classic, since theres no equipment slot for weapons, only way to un-equip is a macro.
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