Please add more content and endgame options for crafters

OrtOrt Posts: 12
I've finished the three crafting quest lines and the only thing left seems to be feeding BODs to a black hole for a snowball's chance in Fire Dungeon to pick a shard-wide power.

As a crafter, I want to craft but I want to make cool stuff that people actually want to wear and put in their houses.

I would love to see more content for crafters in NL. Broadsword, please listen to my desperate howls. Thank you.


  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Where is the Heartwood Tree for the Carpenter end quest, please. My skill says GM Carp but I still need to learn how to work the three high color woods. Thank you much!
  • PinochlePinochle Posts: 39
    Make sure the quest is highlighted in the quest log, and follow the hints that will displayed, except for the Frost wood tree, go to Dagger Isle THEN follow the hints.

  • A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

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