Ultima Online Art Files

NikonUSNikonUS Posts: 28
edited August 8 in General Discussions

I get it, you all started a war against this and that recently. But let me throw in a suggestion.

Some of us are old-timers, playing this ancient game. And with age comes eyesight issues. We've had to find solutions for these problems, like changing some art files on our own computers. These changes only affect us and don't mess with anyone else's gameplay.

edited by Mariah


  • usernameusername Posts: 938
    edited August 8
    @NikonUS ;seriously man...
    Why don't you quit for good??
    Tired of checking forum everyday and all I see is you talking bs, cursing at devs, complaining all the time about everything and everyone. Why don't you just leave? We really don't need people with this type of negativity around us.
    Someone  need to say something to you and make you realize that your type is the problem of UO.

    While you're at it, pretty sure it's TOS to post screenshots of 3rd party clients and edited files @Mariah
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,287Moderator
    @username please stop with the personal attacks.

    @NikonUS, the solution to your problem exists, although not in your chosen client.
    The EC client has an action 'scale mode', which allows you to enlarge certain gumps, including the paper doll and any containers.

  • usernameusername Posts: 938
    edited August 8
    Mariah said:
    @ username please stop with the personal attacks.

    @ NikonUS, the solution to your problem exists, although not in your chosen client.
    The EC client has an action 'scale mode', which allows you to enlarge certain gumps, including the paper doll and any containers.
    https://forum.uo.com/discussion/comment/106386/#Comment_106386 ???????????????????????????????????????????????
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • looploop Posts: 425
    Mariah said:
    @ username please stop with the personal attacks.

    @ NikonUS, the solution to your problem exists, although not in your chosen client.
    The EC client has an action 'scale mode', which allows you to enlarge certain gumps, including the paper doll and any containers.

    Mariah, the OP’s concern is not with the gumps but with the artwork of certain items which make them hard to see — rings, bracelets, gems, etc.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,287Moderator
    I understand that, but if you enlarge the gumps the items are in, you also enlarge the item. Is the ring in that paperdoll not larger than when in a default sized gump?
    @username is correct to point out that the editing of CC files is not approved, while EC does allow for user made UIs.
  • NikonUSNikonUS Posts: 28
    @username I stand to my point!
    you DM me saying that you were quitting and you closed all your accounts and you done with the game and all the (&*%^$$ names u call the Devs on Every post you made. You clearly will never follow thru, since you still posting here on the forum, which require a paid account. anyway as Mariah said, stop personal attacks and mind your own business!

    @Mariah ; I can make ANY photoshop picture and enlarge any ring or bracelet, just to show my point that it is probably an option for the devs to make some of the items a little bigger.  Yes, a lot of us would never play the EC and as you said, all those changes that we need IS available with Pincos and so on.  Same way the devs did with containers gump and make them bigger, they can probably do with jewels in general. The pictures i posted earlier doesnt show ANY name of any program or anything and as far as I know anyone can photoshop a picture to show an Idea?
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,428
    What would be great is if they would open up the art files for the EC and let players write files like they do for the UI.  @Kyronix is this something UO would consider doing to see if the EC could support CC Art
  • DragoDrago Posts: 312
    I really wish devs would just bump up the pixel dimensions of rings atleast. There isnt that many ring variations out there...can't imagine it being a huge timesink....
    In 97, it was OK because we were playing on 800x600 resolution. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,214
    @NikonUS and or @loop.

    I'm not sure what client this is about.  Would changing the art files make these items bigger for the OP?  Would changing the art files be noticed by UO?

    IMO who cares if someone makes things look different,  they mess up and have to fix it themselves and it would not affect others.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • looploop Posts: 425
    edited August 10
    Not really a client-related topic. The OP demonstrated local changes to the game’s art files which can be done using the official CC client. The OP was just asking whether certain artwork could be made easier to see, disregarding the client.

    Mariah mentioned you can scale gumps in EC, which is true, but it’s not equivalent to the OP’s concern. A ring, for example, would still be hard to see if placed on the ground. Additionally, the EC doesn’t scale legacy container gumps to a significant degree (if at all?). I’m going off memory since the screenshots were wiped from the OP.

    It’s interesting to me that modifying the CC’s art locally is off limits while the most popular EC mod makes edits to assets that are not natively accessible via the EC UI, like the login screen, requiring an exe to patch the edits in, and has extensions for swapping EC art with KR art.
  • VenomVenom Posts: 65
    I'd like to be able to use custom graphics in the CC if the dev team is unable to update the graphics. I had suggested awhile ago a process to allow players to submit graphics, which I wonder if that could be an option.
  • NikonUSNikonUS Posts: 28
    @Pawain you are 100% correct
    changing art file at my LOCAL computer will not affect anyone's game play and yes, if i ever screw up something, I can reinstall uo again.  like everyone said, look at the size of that ring with today's monitor resolution. I could photoshop an example again but some people here get mad if i do that, and come on, that is not making anyone else game unfair or making my game faster or anything, it is just cosmetic at MY end, since i cant see these damn jewels
  • NikonUSNikonUS Posts: 28
    just a side by side from Original Paper-doll and some Paint

    i mean, look the HUGE difference and it Can be done!!

  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 498
    Technically changing client side art files is illegal, isn't it? People would "stump hack" to make all the trees and such look like stumps so they'd know where to run in order to not get stuck during PVP. And like I guess getting stuck on trees was, sigh, an important part of PVP balance or something? Here at UO the user experience always comes dead last.
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