Calling All Artists

TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178
edited July 2024 in General Discussions

I'm putting a Request for Art out across the shards!

Do you remember when it used to be a huge flex to get a handmade portrait of your character done for the forums or just wall art? And the gift with purchase when ebay gold was THE thing!? Good times!

Anyhow ... to prepare for an upcoming event, I am sending out a raven to ALL the realms with the following message tied to their leg:

Hear Ye Hear Ye!

The Curator of Current and Future Antiquities of the City of Moonglow (Chesapeake) announces an art show to be held in conjunction with a future event. The deadline for submission is July 31st. The physical event will be held on Chesapeake.

What is art? Our learned colleagues at Oxford say it's "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." Some people say it's the arrangement of items within a confined space to create something new that is pleasing to the eye. Some say art is crap! For me, I look at it as an internal or external moment caught in time.

For our purposes, we are looking for photos, drawings, paintings, etc. Due to the limitations of the Current and Future Antiquities space, this show will be include a magical trip to a place that exists only in space and time (it's virtual y'all). If you feel you can showcase your work in that manner, then we want to see it!

Does it have to include the King (i.e., does it need to be UO related)? No. While we would LOVE to see artwork related to UO, many of us have moved on from our vanity portraits of yore to more mature pursuits. Maybe you're a Zentangler? Do you dabble in watercolors? Are you a digital artist? Are city sketches your thing? Even though our pandemic masks are tucked safely away in a chest ... the skills honed during that time remain! Photographers, I'm talking to you! Are you a cosplayer? Perhaps you play other games and create fan art within them? Quilters? Jewelry designers? Cake makers? We want to see!

There will be three categories just for giggles: Traditional art (painting, photography, sculpture, digital, everything not the other categories, etc.), AI (this will include art that starts with an AI-generated image and is enhanced. Doesn't include say, taking a photo in Second Life or another game like that and enhancing it) and The Written Word (SHORT stories, poems, etc.)

Please send me examples of your work and let me know if you currently run your own gallery or if you would need to be hosted (let me know if you have them uploaded or would need to have them uploaded). We will be taking applications and, hopefully, will be able to showcase everyone's creations!

Yes, if you sell your art, you will be able to advertise that fact alongside your submission.
Yes, if your sister/brother/wife/husband/mom doesn't play the game but is a great artist wants to submit their work ... they sure can! Maybe they will join us at the event!

We hope that all of you creative people honor us with a glimpse into your worlds!

Here is an inspiration pic to show that I'm a crap artist but I love the quiet it gives me in the head! Don't be scared to share!

Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
Governor of Moonglow

Discord: txeggplant
rv.jpg 54.6K


  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178

    Just to be clear, you won't be posting it here. We will have an area set up as an art gallery and that is where people will be directed to see your art :) if you want to participate, just shoot me a dm or I'm on discord as txeggplant :)

    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178
    July 31st end this request for at submissions.

    Please don't be shy!

    I'm currently learning one-point perspective so I can draw the rooms my Dream Manager shows me. I'm also considering a series of greeting cards based on
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178
    Haha now you'll never know because I can't stay log in long enough!

    Art! DM me!
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    I’d by no means call your artwork crappy. I think it’s a very sweet little water color. I’m not an artist so I’ve nothing to submit. But I did take a picture of a dragon living in my nasturtiums I’ll share just for fun.  :D

  • JepethJepeth Posts: 548
    edited August 2024
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    I wouldn't call myself an artist but it was my first thought when I saw it.

  • BAwfulBAwful Posts: 22
    Memória de meu bem cortado em flores
    Engraving eau forte and sergraphie
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178

    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
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