Lack Of Housing Space

Mages of Moonglow seem to lack space to place a house.  Is this being looked into? With this only being beta and hopefully a lot more people in the live game we need way more housing space.


  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    I tried last weekend to place on Ice Island as well as this morning. No go :(
  • VioletViolet Posts: 426
    Mages of Moonglow seem to lack space to place a house.  Is this being looked into? With this only being beta and hopefully a lot more people in the live game we need way more housing space.

    In the Dev Diary for this week they mentioned that they will address it in a future patch, not this week unfortunately.

    However, you don't have to place on Dagger Isle,  you can place in Trinsic or Skara Brae for an additional 10k paid.
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