
NorryNorry Posts: 537
Kill quests to get quest items should auto vomplete on the kill, and not force us to toggle as an objective item. It is not intuitive. The quest i am on for mages breaking the runestones. I figured it out after killing all 3 and only getting 1 item from the first.


  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Agree with Norry, drops, gains and rewards .from completing quests should be automatic.  Don’t see the purpose served by having to click-on the quest icon and the completed button after completing every quest. 

    Personally find the white font on the black background that introduces every conversation from the quest giver almost impossible to read, and no longer am trying to read it.  Just click-on the quest icon now.  That font on the brownish background is easy for me read.  Also, think there is just to much mostly meaningless text to read before the quest giver finally gets around to giving me the quest.  To be honest I don’t read most of it and find it irritating as well. Think this may turn off new players not interested in reading a novel a couple paragraphs at a time as they play the game.

    I use EC and to be honest think the graphics and images overall are not as good as the normal EC graphics although some are of the same quality.  The visual imagery of a game is important to me and I just don’t see it here.

    Sorry UO.  Know you worked hard on this, but think you just missed the boat.  Maybe, it will grow on me.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    Norry said:
    Kill quests to get quest items should auto vomplete on the kill, and not force us to toggle as an objective item. It is not intuitive. The quest i am on for mages breaking the runestones. I figured it out after killing all 3 and only getting 1 item from the first.

    I've done this quest too. The main difference is, I read the system message when I completed each step that told me to mark the prize as an objective item.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 537
    I didnt see that message, but there were many mobs comming at me, so i could have missed it. Either way, i believe there could be improvement without the need to mark the item.
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