in New Legacy
I took the arcanist path, 4xGM magery, eval, meditation, wrestling & 60 inscribe. I then bought animal lore and animal taming from the advanced skill trainer and worked those to GM. So I was 100 magery, meditation, eval, wrestling, taming, lore, 60 inscribe.
I was unable to tame a drake, and discovered I must have knowledge of drakes which I get from the tamer-mage quest at the moonglow library. I selected this quest, there was a warning message but it did not occur to me that the skills I had already worked in this category would be set to 0, it would make sense to me that they would remain. However, they were set to 0 and I was left with 100 magery, eval and meditation.
I was unable to tame a drake, and discovered I must have knowledge of drakes which I get from the tamer-mage quest at the moonglow library. I selected this quest, there was a warning message but it did not occur to me that the skills I had already worked in this category would be set to 0, it would make sense to me that they would remain. However, they were set to 0 and I was left with 100 magery, eval and meditation.

Begrudgingly, I completed the quest enough to bring my skills all back to GM (except 83 vet), but I cannot complete any more quests because my skills are at cap, so I still cannot tame a drake or advance further to train any creatures listed in the taming knowledge menu. 

I also have a friend who is stuck. Here is a description of his problem:

I also have a friend who is stuck. Here is a description of his problem:
"I can testify that Chris' quest to move past the retrieval of deserters in dungeon Shame is bugged. No matter how many times we tried to get one of the NPCs to open a dialogue to accept following Chris we just could not do it."
Thank you, you have given me hope! I'm still waiting for a response