Broadsword should ask the parent company EA for help.

After the last update, as reported in bugs, has destroyed the EC version, this version not only keeps all its previous bugs but added as an extra feature the unexpected closing of the client while running around the map, doing trade or just open bodies to batch or backpacks inside your main backpack.

Worsened the organizing agent system, making it delete what you did leaving you with the previous configuration (not to mention the already known bugs).

Given the severity that Broadsword is going through with its unstable clients, you should consider contacting the parent company EA to request qualified staff or increased investment to hire new developers with elementary knowledge to be able to make a stable client.


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    Thing is, I use this client every day and I'm not experiencing the bugs you claim. Are you sure some of it isn't user error? 
  • mismis Posts: 251
    edited July 2024
    Thing is, I use this client every day and I'm not experiencing the bugs you claim. Are you sure some of it isn't user error? 

    This is not a user identification problem, this is something that happens after the update, do you have updated EC to the latest version? because the previous version did not have this problem.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    edited July 2024
    Yes, I always have the most recent version, because I always start from the icon the program puts on my desktop, which patches whenever there is one. Today I have, so far, stocked my vendors, collected Bods, filled one large bod, tamed pets to fill my pet stall, hunted volcano elementals to farm white pearls and dug up 4 maps. I haven't created a new organiser agent, but I have used the ones I already have. I will test that. 

    you will understand that I paused  the recording during the time I entered my log in details, hence the black screen for a short time.
  • mismis Posts: 251
    I'm glad, you're lucky, the same thing happens with all the characters I've tried.
    by the way, to see if it only happens to me, a bug that I reported

    in organizer agents, add a ruby and indicate a container, then disconnect and exit the game and load again, to me it erases all the configuration.

    can you test if it happens to you too, make a backup before.
  • mismis Posts: 251
    @Petra_Fydeis important for me that test because the game makes me translations of some texts, such as ruby and sometimes I suspected that being half translated, include in the configuration file accents or characters that may affect the configuration file.

    If you can confirm this, I appreciate it, since I reported it no developer could respond to test if it worked or not.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    edited July 2024
    @mis are you running as admin?  UO should ask BS first and I do not think EA will give any more money to BS to keep the online games it owns going.  I am not sure about the clients for the other games but also understand that UO is the black sheep of the family.
  • mismis Posts: 251
    @ mis are you running as admin
    I understood where you are going, but it is not a permissions problem, all the jewels work in the organizer except the ruby, can you try it too? make a backup before in case it happens the same to you.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    I edited my previous post to add in a video of creating and using organiser. 
  • mismis Posts: 251
    I edited my previous post to add in a video of creating and using organiser. 

    I know how to do it, I can add many objects, but some of them delete the configuration, what I need you to do is to test if the ruby is added by type, specify container, disconnect, exit and enter again to verify if everything is not deleted.

    because if you verify that it is not deleted, it means that possibly the bug comes from the language.

    can you prove it?

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    edited July 2024
    hmm, one of the items in my video is a fire ruby, that doesn't prove the point?

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095

    I just logged in, created an organizer with a Ruby, logged out, logged back in, and everything is fine.

    EC Install language is English.

    Is it Ruby or Fire Ruby you're suspecting is the problem?

    What EC install language are you having the problem with?
  • mismis Posts: 251
    hmm, one of the items in my video is a fire ruby, that doesn't prove the point?
    seen, but it's an ordinary ruby, not fire, can you make a video doing that with an ordinary ruby, disconnect, exit and open the client to see if all the settings are there?
  • mismis Posts: 251
    @ mis

    I just logged in, created an organizer with a Ruby, logged out, logged back in, and everything is fine.

    EC Install language is English.

    Is it Ruby or Fire Ruby you're suspecting is the problem?

    What EC install language are you having the problem with?

    thanks for the test

    if so the problem is mine, either by native language of the operating system or something of the operating system, if it works to you in base English language, it is an internal problem of mine that will happen to those who are in the same situation, therefore, can not be counted as a global problem.

  • mismis Posts: 251
    @Petra_Fyde thanks for the video above, another user has already tested it, it works correctly in English.

    I will investigate why it can be, I doubt that the developed ones can give me a solution, it only happens to me with that jewel and random objects, it is an isolated case.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited July 2024

    What is your EC install language?

    German, Japanese, Korean?
  • mismis Posts: 251
    Based on this point and taking into account that there are users like Petra who say that it usually works well for them.

    Something in the update affected my operating system and it does not work well, it is again an isolated case considering that there is a player who confirms that it works well and given the jewel, possibly these unexpected closures is an isolated case by the operating system.

    So, my initial posting cannot be considered a global problem, but isolated as is my case.

    My apologies, I thought it was a global problem, but before the update everything was fine and I had been dragging the ruby problem, I was annoyed.

    Thanks to both of you for trying to help me

    @Mariah you can close the discussion if you consider it appropriate, thank you.

  • mismis Posts: 251

    What is your EC install language?

    German, Japanese, Korean?
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Which regional variant of Spanish?  For example Spanish (Spain), Spanish (US), or Spanish (Mexico)?

    I tried setting my OS to Spanish (Spain) and had no issue.
  • mismis Posts: 251
    edited July 2024
    TimSt said:
    Which regional variant of Spanish?  For example Spanish (Spain), Spanish (US), or Spanish (Mexico)?

    I tried setting my OS to Spanish (Spain) and had no issue.
    Spanish (Spain)

    I solved the ruby problem

    The modifications were the following:

    1) I told it to emulate as Windows Vista and not as Windows XP (this solved some graphic problems of the patch screen).
    2) Inside EC, I changed the language in options/language setting to English (it doesn't make translations of any type and ruby comes out in English).
    3) Write and read permissions on all folders, subfolders and configuration file (there were limitations).

    This solved the ruby problem, now I am investigating other failures that happen to me, but since it works fine for others, it is a problem with my operating system.

    Thanks for trying to help

  • mismis Posts: 251
    Although I already apologized, I repeat it.

    My apologies to Broadsword and to those who have been made to feel bad, in this case it is my problem and not a global problem due to operating system/language configuration/user permissions problems.

    I will keep in mind that the problems that may happen to me in the future may be linked to a problem with the operating system/configurations and does not have to be globally, even so, if more incidents happen to me I will share with you to confirm if it is something isolated or global and see if it can be solved.

    Thanks to those who tried to help me
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Is your computer running Windows 7, Windows 10, or Windows 11?  I run the EC on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 and I do not have the compatibility / emulation mode set to anything.
  • mismis Posts: 251
    TimSt said:
    Is your computer running Windows 7, Windows 10, or Windows 11?  I run the EC on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 and I do not have the compatibility / emulation mode set to anything.
    Linux , distribution Debian

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