Will you move well liked systems from new legacy to main game?
This is my first time seeing seasonal MMORPG so I don't know what to expect. Most of the seasonal ARPGs transfer well-liked seasonal traits to main game after each season. If a new functionality is well liked in the new legacy season, should we expect it to be part of the main game after some time?
Also, will there be any more developments to the main shards from now? Or, should we expect the current treasures events -> winter events -> spring events cycle that has been repeating for the last 5 years to be final form of the production shards until the doors are closed?
Thanks for the info! I am looking forward to the QoL improvements.
I'd like a bit of clarification. I've been informed that "I would prep an account with an open slot for Siege in preparation so you can transfer character and some items you might like but can only be found on New Legacy," and, "after a season, you have the option of moving the char to another shard. And if they are items can't get anywhere else." My response was that nothing can ever be transferred to or from Siege. No exceptions. Is this still the case or will this be a mind blowing change of the rules that have always been in place?
Also remember these transfered will only have 100 skills, so mine would go to shards where I have no skilled toons.
I do apologize for any trouble, but the person providing what I believe to be misinformation regarding the possible transfer of characters from New Legacy to Siege Perilous is continuing to refute both my statements and Pawain's, stating that he isn't a reliable source of information. (Sorry, Pawain. I know the answer and I had hoped that your response would aid in squelching misinformation. Sadly, the source of the fake news thought it was laughable that you were my confirmation.) If anyone with actual authority on the matter could resolve this, I would be greatly appreciative. Again, sorry for any trouble and thanks for any correct information I get regarding the character/items transfer to Siege Perilous.
Personally I would not take a toon there. I would not want to make a toon on NL that has the skills you need on Siege.
Nothing but deco or titles would go to production shards. And those should be account bound IMO.