Is It Time to Rethink the EJ Banking System?
At the time when EJ was announced it made sense, at the time, to limit the EJ accounts banking options. However, it’s been several years and the system kind of feels outdated. Is it time to maybe rework how EJ banking works? My thoughts are listed below, let me know what you all think.
**Current System**
Under the current system, EJ accounts can access their bank boxes but face limitations:
- If the total number of items in the bank exceeds a certain threshold, EJ players cannot withdraw items.
- This restriction is intended to encourage upgrading to a subscription but can result in a frustrating experience for EJ players, especially those returning to the game after a hiatus.
**Proposed Improvements**
**Tiered Withdrawal System**
- Introduce a tiered withdrawal system where EJ accounts can withdraw a limited number of items per day or week. This allows players to manage their items without feeling completely blocked by the item limit.
- Example: EJ accounts can withdraw up to 10 items per day from their bank regardless of the total number of items stored. This daily cap can balance gameplay while providing flexibility.
**Subscription Incentives and Bonuses**
- Instead of hard restrictions, create attractive incentives for upgrading to a subscription. Provide exclusive bonuses and benefits for subscribers that enhance the overall experience without making EJ players feel penalized.
- Example: Subscribers could receive exclusive cosmetic items, increased storage capacity, or faster travel options, highlighting the value of upgrading without directly restricting EJ accounts.
**In-Game Notifications and Alerts**
- Implement an alert system that notifies EJ players when they are approaching the item limit, providing clear communication and suggestions for managing their inventory.
- Example: An in-game message or pop-up alert when the player’s bank item count is nearing the limit, with recommendations on how to consolidate or manage items.
Personally I would be fine if there were no restrictions on EJ accounts. I have never used one.
my opinion, EL should be stuck in Haven and NEVER be allowed to partake in any events or travel
too much abuse of the game due to EJ, scripting cheating etc
NO privileges at all
I don't care if EJ players are offended
Its should be for players how are curious and want to try the game out, before ether sub, it should not be a free ticket to play the game
Go to a free shard if you don't like it
At least, thats how I see it
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
That said, I also dislike the EJ bank system.
get banned for scripting splinter weapons etc? Using multiple free accounts at roof? (Endless journey should not get drops from this imo.) Who cares? Make another account without repercussions to their main account.
Why risk it at all when you can farm with 3 or 4 bots down in fan dancer dojo or wherever it is these days.
Some things they just have no option to use accounts but I guarantee it’s probably not their main account.
I agree with your last statement. We often shoot our selves in the foot because some players are so worried about scripting. Every single time it happens anyways but usually at some detriment to the regular players.
No idea if EM drops are given to EJ but things like roof could be changed.
Even if they’re scripting, let’s discuss what impact that has. And then discuss what the difference of having a paid account would be.
yeah, some (if not most) script, some probably for RMT but to Sibbles point there are those who do the same with paid accounts.
Firefox is a private company. but conspiracy anyway!
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I don’t think they need the same access as paid subs, but returning vets should be able to access all their items until they’re below cap, then have the same current caps apply.
Agreed. While the rest of the account lock access makes sense, such as housing not being available on EJ accounts, the banking restrictions don't. Especially for returning vets who get frustrated because they can't see or access their banked items. I've seen multiple instances where they end up leaving because of this.
I’ve emailed Bonnie about it, though I’m not expecting much to change. I just wanted to share my idea with the community and revisit the issue.
Returning vets can pay their subs cant they
EJ should have NO RIGHTS whatsoever
and 100% should NOT impact on MY PAID GAMEPLAY
So if anything they should have NO bank privileges, no travel, no life, NOTHING
You want it? you PAY for it like the rest of us
Anyone arguing otherwise wants to abuse the game and get away with it
Within a week you know whether you want to pursue a career in the game or what to re sub
Arrive at HAVEN, stay there.
You want to leave