When did you start playing UO? How long have you been playing?

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Main #2 10/6/01 270 months
44 years old, son got me hooked
A few years after I retired, I finally took the plunge and got an EJ account. I was pleasantly amazed to find other players my age playing the game. Never thought I would be playing with other adults, much less players near my age. It also surprised me how little in game help the game provided.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
was working on the first Harry Potter film, I am a fire fighter and was working on my days off and was chatting to a off duty ambulance tech, he described the game in such detail I started playing almost immediately
sadly, I never saw him again
I played solo on Blackthorns Revenge, upgraded to AoS to get an house until SE came out, became an idocer after meeting the guild leader of ACG guild. Sold goods to Europa shop owners then was introduced to WoY guild when I bought a house in Homare Jima and have played with them ever since
Quit twice, and when I came back they had moved shard, now I have 3 accts with fully trained chars on 3 shards with 3 properties
as stated in another thread. Stygian Abyss and High Seas I am loving right now
10 months away from them damn shard shields